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What kind of zombies should be in DayZ

DayZ Zombie Type/Origin  

78 members have voted

  1. 1. What kind of zombies do you think are best for DayZ?

    • Undead zombies - They were infected and when they finally died and or succumbed to the virus, they were reanimated with no cognitive function besides a need to feed on flesh.
    • The Infected also known as "The Crazies", they're simpily sick people who are driven to aggresive behavior by fever and the virus)

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I voted for Undead.. but there should be a vareity of zombie types.. Ones that are fast, slow, crawlers, hoppers and ones with legs, arms missing and look more thrashed up.

To add to the variety their body type and clothes should also vary. Depending on their body type, their speed and strength would vary. It only makes sense that even though they are infected and enraged/aggressive that their body type would have some type of bearing on how hard they can attack you and how long/fast they can run. Even if you decided against differentiation in their strength and running capabilities, the variety on zombies would make the game more immersive.

Above all I think there should be an X% chance of being infected with all that goes along with that as I mentioned in the OP. Whether the undead or the infected route is chosen, this feature can be implemented to either type.

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While I agree with varying speeds, I don't agree that any should run. Some should shamble while others can walk at a fast pace, but with decomposition setting in and rigormortis... no running, and their balance and coordination would be thrown off as well, not to mention all Dead bodies are very stiff. I think there should be multiple different speeds and walking animations, but none of them should be any faster than a weak injured man trying to walk fast.

I love the idea of having injured zombies though. Some zombies should be missing chunks of skin in random places to represent where they were bit, and randomly zombies should also be found with bullet holes and large portions of their bodies eaten and even missing limbs. Maybe their chest cavity is wide open and their innards are dragging behind them.

Along with that, zombies with broken or missing parts would be animated differently. If they have a broken foot, they slowly walk on their ankle as the foot drags, if the whole leg is broke or missing or have a broken back, they crawl, if they are missing an arm, their body will turn as they come at you so they can outstretch their single arm. Decomposition and missing flesh can have an effect too. Maybe the more rotten corpses sit still until someone approaches them (this could very scary at night, if your walking down a dark alley and you walk by a very dark corner, a horribly decomposed and near skeletal zombie could randomly lurk of if the darkness and try to grab you before falling over into a slow crawl.)

There are tons of opportunities for variety without using sprinters or super zombies. Of you want something to move as fast as us or faster, why not throw in zombified animals and living predators? Zombified animals could likely move a lot faster than zombified humans, because their bodies are designed to move fast, even when injured. And with zombies living in both the forest and the cities, predators may be coaxed into moving into the cities to look for food, and with their food supply diminishing as a result of zombies, they may be forced to hunt us, even stray dogs and cats might see us as a possible meal if they could take us down in numbers.

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Choose undead :) but maybe because I read the article where Dean tells us that he will get help from his brother who is a virologist.

But would be cool to have both in a sense. Or atleast have different game mech. on them. Some stronger and faster able to do more dmg. I replyed in the Zed Mechanics post about this.

Having stronger zombies would open up the idea of having dangerous zones you have to avoid if you alone or have bad "gear" (axe). Zones where the loot is higher but so is the risk.

People new to the game would not be able to reconize who are the strong zombies, but you can learn that without dying. I belive Dean said he wanted to implement a way to "study" the infected\undead in some way and learn about them.


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I prefer undead zombies. I mean, is the game not called DayZ, the reference being that the Z stands for zombies? If they are just infected humans, then DayZ isn't a really appropriate title lol.

But yeah, I want a variety in zombies. Like shamblers, faster limping ones, crawling ones, etc. And I want them to actually bite and cause infection!! I agree, one bite should be enough, but you should only risk getting bitten under a certain amount of health or something. Then obviously ways to prevent infection from taking over (such as making a vaccine out of another healthy survivors blood, promoting team work), and if it eventually does, you turn into a zombie.

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I prefer infected tbh.

Quick bastards that are hard to shoot but easy to take down if you hit them. I wouldn't mind virus mutations that slow some down and make them harder to kill or things like that though.

The reason I think the infected are best for the mod, is that it stresses the servers as it is with infected and fast zombies in lower numbers. For undead zombies that are slow to be dangerous you would need ALOT of them, HORDES OF THEM infact. I'm just throwing numbers out there but 200 or more undead in a single area would likely be needed as opposed to 50 or more infected in a single area. This would be hard on servers currently.

Now for the stand alone that may or may not be an issue. I have no idea. In that game Id be happy with either result.

What I would like to see in the mod right now though is small groups of 20-30 zombie packs that will spawn at random, shamble across the map to different areas, then despawn if they find no players, Only to respawn in a separate area to do so again.

Edited by Sparks

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I voted for the Infected, or the 'crazies' as you named them. To me, it makes more sense. I say this because when you're being eaten while knocked out, your body afterwards doesn't turn into a corpse. That could be something later, though. Very nice topic.

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While I appreciate everyone's opinions, but if rocket does go for the infected route rather then zombie, shouldn't the title of the game change? It's fairly misleading

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While I appreciate everyone's opinions, but if rocket does go for the infected route rather then zombie, shouldn't the title of the game change? It's fairly misleading

He already went the 'infected' route.

What's wrong with Day Zero?

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It sounds cool to have either one, maybe even both. The undead zombies make it seem like a original zombie survival, and the Crazies or sick people seem like would be something cool to have in the game. I really can't make up my mind which I would want more, they both seem good!

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Agreed, both are great for their own reasons. But I think we should have the option to choose either. I personally prefer undead, but for people with lower end computers or different tastes, Infected would be a better route.

Like I said before, give us the option wouldn't be that hard. They'd need to Mocap new animations and add a torn flesh effect to randomise damage on the zombie models and tweak the damage so only headshots kill. And then some minor tweaking and balancing.

I don't see why anyone wouldn't want the option to choose. Many of us would prefer the classic zombie experience, and this way you keep the infected.

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I want zombies like in The Walking Dead, headshot only!(ofc only if zombies are fixxed)

There should be a REAL zombie survival sandbox game, you know, like people think twice about every bullet they shoot because you wont find as much as in dayz, same goes for all other supplies they should be very rare

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I prefer the undead tbh, but I would like to see the infected too, think it would be cool to see a couple hundred zombies in a city and mixed in with them is x amount of infected, you alert some zeds and they move towards you, you start to back off thinking you can run/dodge them.....when suddenly out of the masses of walking dead, x amount of infected run at you, you start to run and find yourself alerting more undead, who in turn alert more infected........you are shafted lol!

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i prefer the crazed zombies they are scarier and more realistic then the living dead

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To add to the variety their body type and clothes should also vary. Depending on their body type, their speed and strength would vary. It only makes sense that even though they are infected and enraged/aggressive that their body type would have some type of bearing on how hard they can attack you and how long/fast they can run. Even if you decided against differentiation in their strength and running capabilities, the variety on zombies would make the game more immersive.

Above all I think there should be an X% chance of being infected with all that goes along with that as I mentioned in the OP. Whether the undead or the infected route is chosen, this feature can be implemented to either type.

I commented in another topic where they wanted to give us a possibility of becoming ill.. I was thinking to get rid of that and implement a 5% to 10% chance of being infected after like multiple hits ar being recieved from a zombie. And that you must seek the "Cure" or you'll die and reanimate.. and whoever kills your Undead character, also can get your loot.

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