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DayZ f2p??

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DayZ should definitely be a f2p game its gotten so many players in a short amount of time, i bet like 80% of the people only bought the arma 2 bundle just for the mod and just to experience this awesome game i myself would love to buy the bundle but am low on money atm but im sure if the makers decided to make it f2p the game would boom with players this is what i thought of share your feedback here.

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So who is going to pay the developers or do you suggest they charge for in-game items? The pricing model has already been decided regardless.

Edited by smasht_AU
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FTP wouldn't work for the Dayz model. Just because it has lots of players doesn't mean you should go FTP. The reason you go FTP is to get the high playership in the first place

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Of course DayZ would boom with players. It would also make no money for all the effort put into it.

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Maybe not F2P, but I wouldn't mind the old arcade system. Pay $1, get one Day Z Life. Pay $1 for each live. You still respawn at the coast, but that $1 gets you as much game time as you can manage to stay alive for.

Perhaps there'd be rules where you can respawn at an established base you made in a previous life. Dunno how they'd work out the kinks. I'd just like to see a game try it again.

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Just buy into the alpha early. If it isn't to your liking whenever you get around to playing it, you only lost a couple bucks.

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Maybe not F2P, but I wouldn't mind the old arcade system. Pay $1, get one Day Z Life. Pay $1 for each live. You still respawn at the coast, but that $1 gets you as much game time as you can manage to stay alive for.

Perhaps there'd be rules where you can respawn at an established base you made in a previous life. Dunno how they'd work out the kinks. I'd just like to see a game try it again.

That wouldn't work for anything, but an arcade game. Also those games are designed to be money sinks, they are purposefully trying to get as much money as they can out of you. You'd really want to pay for every life? You apparently don't like money lol

Edited by Maxgor
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F2P is a horrible idea for any game, it usually just ends up being pay to win.

^^^Always end up being pay to win. I downloaded war inc recently, to see what the engine is like for the dreaded war z. First ten minutes i thought, "yeah, this isnt bad" Then i went to upgrade my sniper and realized i could buy any gun/attachment/perk/armour/gadget for an absolutely rediculous price. Safe to say i wont be playing that again :)

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^^^Always end up being pay to win. I downloaded war inc recently, to see what the engine is like for the dreaded war z. First ten minutes i thought, "yeah, this isnt bad" Then i went to upgrade my sniper and realized i could buy any gun/attachment/perk/armour/gadget for an absolutely rediculous price. Safe to say i wont be playing that again :)

Well you can also buy stuff with points you earn in game, at no real money expense to you. The quicker route is to buy shit with real money, but its not the only way.

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F2P = Hacks as they never have to "repurchase" the game... Just look at APB....

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New deals now on the store!

Pay 10 cents for a magazine of [insert gun here]

Pay $2 to get a CCO on your [insert gun here]

Pay $3 to get an SD version of [insert gun here]

Pay $5 for a thermal scope on your [insert gun here]

Pay $7 for DMR, m24, M4 203, M16 203, CCO variants...

Pay $8 for ghillie suit or camo!

Pay $10 for NVG, rangefinders, gps, AS50, mk48, M4A1 CCO SD, m107, 249 saw, SVD camo, m4 holo!

Yeah, in short, bad idea.

By the way, this made me laugh: "but I am low on money ATM" so, because you are low on money the whole game should go f2p?

Edited by MeDuzZ-

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Holy run-on. I know English isn't everyone's primary language but yowza.

Anyway, no.

Well you can also buy stuff with points you earn in game, at no real money expense to you. The quicker route is to buy shit with real money, but its not the only way.

I can't believe people fall for that shit and then defend it. Systems like that should be put up against the wall and shot.

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F2P means even more idiots in the game because they have nothing invested in it, they screw around ruining the game for everyone else because it's free and if they get banned

they don't have to spend more money for another key.

Thats exactly what happened with Bohemia released "Arma 2 Free". We got a flood of morons who only downloaded it because it was free and just spend all their time blowing up assets and TK'ing.

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^^^Always end up being pay to win. I downloaded war inc recently, to see what the engine is like for the dreaded war z. First ten minutes i thought, "yeah, this isnt bad" Then i went to upgrade my sniper and realized i could buy any gun/attachment/perk/armour/gadget for an absolutely rediculous price. Safe to say i wont be playing that again :)

You can also earn any of those guns.attachments.perks/armour/gadgets by playing for free... it just takes time.

Paying gets rid of the time sink only.

It's not exactly pay to win... it's pay to not have to do the hard bit.


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