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Your stupidest death

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First I went prone on top of the stairs in the church on outskirts of cherno, which for some reason broke my legs. After using up morphine, a bandage, and losing more blood (I was already down to 8000 before this idiot glitch) I went into an adjacent apartment for loot, and began to fight off zombies. A couple were basically invicinble, and one out of fucking no where one came out of no where and started nothing short of sodomy, and soon I ended up dying. While it was a little frustrating to experience two very shitty glitches one after the other, I'm not that angry because this is an alpha.

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Went into an outhouse and tried to close the door (dont know why), ended up on the ground bleeding and without any medical stuff on me. So yeah, I got killed by an outhouse door.

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How did you get silenced m16 pretty sure they don't spawn in game?

Might have been an M4 or something similar (not a gun nut like alot of people on the forums) but it looked like that style of American assault rifle.

It only took mags with SD at the end and all shot were silences, pretty much the greatest gun ever :(

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whilst having a shoot-out with a man called RAINBOWCAT over a bike - I knew where he was and I had the drop on him, I went prone and wanted to lean out to shoot him in the face... pressed Q and rolled out in front of him and his little .45 ... ... ...

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Getting scared shitless of the high volume in the game, managed to hit respawn instead of options... that must have been my must Stupidest death.

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Climbed a crane ladder. Climbed some more ladders to see what was up top. Nothing was up top. Spent a lot of time trying to position my cursor so it would find "climb down" and not "climb up".

Climbed down, got a broken leg, bleed out, massive damage as if I had fallen.

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ejected from a moving vehicle twice. Once I was driving and was trying to turn on my headlights. Ejected.

second time trying to access my gear menu from the passenger seat. Ejected.

There is no gear option in the passenger seat unless you access it through the map menu btw.

Those two happened during the same session too btw.

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Fully decked out, I just had got done pillaging a barn when I logged out the night before. Logged in to be face to face with a bleeding surviour... !BANG! I was shoot in the head. (I hope he bleed to death) :(

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I think it was about my third life, still getting the hang of things, but I found a compass, map, matches, hatchet, and a Winchester, stock on food and drink, and decide to head for the northwest airfield.

After some trouble with navigation I get the hang of things and find the place. Climb the ATC tower and find an automatic rifle with a flashlight and scope attached. I'm thinking 'Damn, I can't get much luckier can I?' Head over to the barracks at the south end of the runway, and inside, to my amazement: Night vision goggles. Grab them up, check around for any zombies but it looks clear, so I leave the building and turn the corner. Zombie out of nowhere does the lag turn warp thing they do now and then, broken leg and I get eaten alive.

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Was walking and died.

Blood was full, food and water were full, I just died. Instantly. Not even unconscious. Lost alot of great gear.

Pretty much stopped playing the game after that. I mean I can't get into a server anyway because the game is broken to hell but hopefully it will be patched up and I can try and like this game again.

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Climbed on the wall at Devil's Castle in order to ambush some guy camping the middle tower, as I've heard him drinking some soda when I tried to enter that tower.

When I was walking on the side of the exterior walls, I wanted to face the tower, I slipped then and broke my leg... I had whole 12k, bled to death due to looooooooooooong as ass timer, then someone with Czech bag looted my body full of sweet stuff, (the worse one than Coyote Bag which you start with). The bag was the only thing left on my body when I returned there, had Alice before ... .

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i logged out on top of a building in elektro near the firestation and i relogged spawning falling down next to the building :/

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I was riding backseat of an ATV with my buddy, and I asked him 'why am I holding my butt?'. He laughed so hard we crashed into a tree.

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killing a guy and lotting uber gear off him then logging off server after loot to wait for my friends to arive (don't think its exploit as i finishd the engagement before logging off) then when friends were close logged on to go to top of firehouse in NW to guide allies in. (there is a lip on top so in 3rd person NO ONE can shoot you but you can see all.) On the way up the ladder i get sniped..... seems that guy had an ally who stayed quite until he could find me.

Lost Ghilli, DMR, M4 SD, NVG, CYOTE 24 sloter.....

I now check everywhere, after each kill. And before going in open, AND everytime someone logs on just incase its near me.

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One time I tried vaulting over rubble blocking the door to a building, broke my bones and started bleeding.

Another time, I found a fully operational helicopter at the Cherno hospital. Decided to scope things out so I climbed the ladder to the hospital to check things out. I managed to fall off the ladder and die. :(

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A clan mate walked into the front of a parked car, broke his legs and bled to death before we could save him. His body also disappeared. I guess the car ate him or something. Zombie cars?

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Was the only player on the server, so I felt confident lighting up the NEAF with a bunch of flares. Was looting away, aggroed some zeds. Started killing them in the entrance to the tower, when suddenly I get shot. Put my M4 on full auto and started spraying in the direction of his muzzle flashes while simultaneously trying to avoid bleeding out, and killing the zombies in my face. Was too close to the outside wall, so they were hitting me through it. I tried to crawl up the stairs, but the guy got me.

Lost an M4A1 CCO and a bunch of clips, and my entrenchment tool. Managed to get back to my body and recover everything else. He was kind enough to leave me his old AKM with about 7 clips though ;)

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My buddy and I had been playin and trying to meet up, so we picked a spot and made towards it. He had been alive for the 2 weeks prior, and was well kitted out. We had raided Stary and the NW field quite a few times... So as we are making to our rendezvous point I all of the sudden see "Maxime was killed". He was not in a friendly area, and who killed him, cause I was gonna be a mushroom cloud layin mothafucka, MUTHAFUCKA (on his face with my DMR).

He humbly and sadly muttered..."I...hit...Respawn..." NOOOO!!

If there were a way to make a confirmation box for respawn that would be great, no, amazing for cases like these. (I know its alpha, and I accept the alpha challenge:))

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Stupidest death was the other day for me.

My guy was 7 days old and had some fairly good kit. I'd spent the past few days running between the NW & NE airbases looking for loot.

I got a little cocky near a small building and attracted the attention of one of those monkey crawling zeds. Not a problem, I'll just keep running. Suddenly a runner zed spawned behind me and began chasing. Also not a problem, I'll just do my usual tactic of running then turning to face them, backpedaling and shooting.

Except this time it failed - somehow.

As I turned, the zed shoved me, and I fell over backwards, to instantly fall unconscious.

He began to feast on me, and my guy lay there moaning. Then the monkey crawling zed caught up and started munching too.

My guy died after being pushed over by a zombie. I wasn't very happy.

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Was climbing up a crane at electro, only to discover there was another survivor at the top. Utterly startled, i scream "FRIENDLY DON'T SHOOT!!!" over the direct communication, and in mid panic, i reel backwards off the crane... 150 feet to my untimely death...:P

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