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Private Hive: Billy Mays Remembrance Foundation |Advanced Whitelist|Custom Loot/Buildings|24/7 Admins|IRC Support|

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Just added the all new Dayz Sahrani to our arsenal of servers. It is quite the map in my opinion. Cool features and a different atmosphere. Give it a shot! Updates will come regularly and new things will be added to enhance the player experience.

You can find it at:

Corsair - BMRF Admin

Edited by NotCorsair
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BMRF is probably one of if not THE best private hive I've ever played, the admin and moderator team is amazing, hackers don't last for more then 20 minutes at most, and even then everyone gets restored. They have always kept up the original DayZ feel, with balanced donation perks, less then 160 vehicles at all times, no AKM Ghille suit and Coyote to spawn with, and they always listen to the community.

Speaking of the community it always has a great player base, the annoying "420YOLOSWAG" side chat spammers that seem to fill most other private hives always end up getting banned for breaking the rules of side chat, same with mic spammers on side chat. Custom Helicopter loot tables and handy tools like !uptime and !admins, always help enhance the playing experience on BMRF.

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As a long time DayZ player I've hopped a multitude of servers trying to find the right fit for it's community. I stopped my search when a close friend I have referred me to bmrf.me. I for one wasn't a fan of private hive's at the time and was a bit reluctant to try it out, and let me tell you, I was surprised. Some people see white listing as an annoying step to do in order to play on a server but this process helps weed out unwanted people (hackers) and also helps maintain a healthy population of quality players.

Their administrators are people you can respect and expect it in return. They handle accusations in a timely and unbiased manner, which unfortunately not a lot of private hives do and this sole fact adds a lot of quality to BMRF. You can't run and lead a community without a solid foundation. They can check logs against player reports and ban combat loggers and suspected hackers, they don't do "he said, she said" which you don't find very often.

  • BMRF doesn't just host vanilla dayZ servers but a multitude of mods for dayZ as well. Just to name a few; Epoch, Origins, Redux, Namalsk, Taviana and not to mention the new Sahrani map that came up yesterday.
  • BMRF hosts some insanely spec'd machines for their servers, almost zero lag, awesome frames, and quick load ins. Doesn't get better than this.
  • Most hives I've seen didn't have very active forums, let alone an active IRC channel, BMRF has both. Not to mention a hosted team speak server for you and your buddies.

You have nothing to lose by giving us a shot, you'll experience an open and responsive community with great gameplay experiences.

BMRF players are the best in the world, if you think otherwise, come show me :)

Website: http://bmrf.me

Edited by =ATS= abeL
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I have read a number of the positive testimonials above and all I can add is that they are all genuine.

The admin team is in fact amazing:

- They implement new stuff quickly and well

- They monitor for hackers and deal with them very promptly – spectating suspected players and so on

- Open to discussion, active on both forums, irc and in game.

The gameplay on this server is also great – very little hacking, combat logging is very rare and strictly punished/monitored/enforced. The custom guns/skins/etc – all very fun/good balance etc. The server infrastructure is decent also – not as good as it used to be (I think wasteland/other mods are taking the resources) but it’s still very good – better than an empty/non laggy breakingpoint server that’s for sure.

If you are looking for a private dayz server to make home, this is a really good choice.

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Just added the all new Dayz Sahrani to our arsenal of servers. It is quite the map in my opinion. Cool features and a different atmosphere. Give it a shot! Updates will come regularly and new things will be added to enhance the player experience.

You can find it at:

Corsair - BMRF Admin

We are honored! Always meant to give your servers a try but have been pretty busy lately ;-)

I've heard so many good things about your servers I can't wait to make the whitelist!

We are developing the map and mod VERY actively. So please don't hate us if any changes you make get affected in coming updates. A lot of the feature people are adding will eventually be part of the mod.

Feel free to PM or email if you have any questions or if there are any specific features you really would like to see in the mod...

I will put it out there that the mod is 100pct aimed at making PVE a VERY real aspect of the mod again. Teaming up is a very good decision... shooting at players in a city is a very BAD decision...

We like adding mechanics and content ensuring that they are all thoughtfully built out. Our crafting system is just a proof of concept as is, it will be fully built out in due course.


Couldn't resist, approval came in right as I was going to go to sleep, played for over an hour...

Pretty sure this is a match made in heaven! We are building this mod to be more PVE and Survival/team up encouraging! LOVED no waypoints (we've blocked ALL peripheral dots in the mod), it ran great on your server, and I was REALLY happy to see the map in something besides 24hr high noon.

Stars over Arcadia had my heart fluttering!

Edited by NonovUrbizniz
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One of the absolute best server farm out there. I was guided here because of the first person only servers, which are surprisingly active., Give it a shot, and stay :)

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We are honored! Always meant to give your servers a try but have been pretty busy lately ;-)

I've heard so many good things about your servers I can't wait to make the whitelist!

We are developing the map and mod VERY actively. So please don't hate us if any changes you make get affected in coming updates. A lot of the feature people are adding will eventually be part of the mod.

Feel free to PM or email if you have any questions or if there are any specific features you really would like to see in the mod...

I will put it out there that the mod is 100pct aimed at making PVE a VERY real aspect of the mod again. Teaming up is a very good decision... shooting at players in a city is a very BAD decision...

We like adding mechanics and content ensuring that they are all thoughtfully built out. Our crafting system is just a proof of concept as is, it will be fully built out in due course.


Couldn't resist, approval came in right as I was going to go to sleep, played for over an hour...

Pretty sure this is a match made in heaven! We are building this mod to be more PVE and Survival/team up encouraging! LOVED no waypoints (we've blocked ALL peripheral dots in the mod), it ran great on your server, and I was REALLY happy to see the map in something besides 24hr high noon.

Stars over Arcadia had my heart fluttering!

Glad you enjoyed playing on our servers and the map/mod you created. It is an honor to have the creator playing on our servers as well.

I'm glad that you will be continuing to update on a regular basis. It won't bother me to remove stuff in order to run whatever updates you create because if you are just adding them in then that makes life easier. I'll be continuing to try and get Sahrani as popular as possible within our player base and people who aren't in it just yet. I look forward to it being popular because it seems like it could be a real blast once the server is actually full.

If you have any suggestions, comments, or ideas for me just shoot them my way. I'd be glad to work with you on things.

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I began playing in early November and after a couple hack attacks on the public hives I began searching for a private hive to call home.

I tried several others and never found a fit until I joind BMRF #2. It's first person, no waypoint, no peripheral dot setup had me hooked.

If that wasn't enough I had an intense experience on my second or third night of play.

I was running lone wolf up north searching for vehicles and was on my way back into Berezino for parts.

It was pitch black and I had no NVGs so I'm running through the woods by compass alone when I hear a chopper.

Being not only alone but a purely non hostile player I promptly hit the dirt and watch the silhouette of a Huey fly directly overhead.

Just as I'm getting up I hear an Mi-17 come in following the Huey. It however does not fly by.

I'm laying prone looking back toward the sound and can just make out the edge of te dust cloud it is creating when I hear a loud whine followed by an explosion.

Suddenly my little patch of forest is lit up like day.

I'm loaded out with med gear and figure they must have hit a tree so I go in shouting this over direct.

I circle the wreckage and don't see any bodies so I'm about to bug out when I see a chute above the tree line.

I ask if he needs assistance once more. Getting no response I figure its time to go.

I couldn't have been more right.

Fire erupts from the south in steady bursts followed by a second set of shots from the north.

Both sets are too close for comfort so I head east.

As I do I here fire from the direction of the paratrooper and the fire from the south ceases.

Then the paratrooper fires another burst and the fire from the north ceases.

I am still bugging out saying "I'm not looking for any trouble man, I'll be on my way" when a third burst from our flying madman takes me down.

All I hear as I die is "I don't want to hear it."

I was hooked.

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I've been playing on BMRF going on about a year now. They have incredibly reliable servers and an incredibly helpful administrative staff. Since my time playing I've probably encountered four hackers and each one of them were banned immediately. The community itself is also extremely mature, and almost no one complains or brags about kills. Highly recommend this community to anyone.

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I love BMRF. Great admins/mods, hacker-free. I've had my best moments here at BMRF, and I haven't played any other servers for months. If only anybody there was interested in a WoT platoon <_<

BUT, doesn't matter. Best Wasteland/DayZ servers out there.

~The one, the only, Masterfocker

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I personally know kyle, and he is not a hacker/abuser! He is a great player, and friendly with all new players that join our server! I think you really need to recheck your logs, not that he would ever go back to a server with unfriendly/abusive admins. TBH i have had several peeps come to my server from your guys, with the same issue. ADMINS ABUSING POWER! I even joined your all server one day, and right away i was greeted by someone who said they were an admin, who then shit out a atv and tried to give me gear and stuff. Not sure if it was a hacker or a admin.....tbh!

I think Kyle might be confused with another gaming community. BMRF does not / never had a "Chicago #2" DayZ server. I'm glad to see some friendly competition between gaming communities, but it is pretty harsh to say that we abuse our admin rights. We at BMRF maintain a high standard for recruiting Moderators / Admins and if any of them break the rules or are even thought to be abusing powers, they are councilled and if it continues removed from the position. We are always welcoming to new players / current players / future players and are always available in IRC to chat or respond to incidents in a friendly manner.



BMRF Admin

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Edited by Guest

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I've been on BMRF for 4 or 5 months now-- I mainly play on BMRF #3, mess about on Taviana or Namalsk when there's a server going for them, and recently I've been having some fun on the public server as a means of helping to populate it. I go by the name McJunk in-game.

In short, BMRF is a godsend to the Day Z community. It has been such a presence, that I have often said (as have my friends that I have recruited to play with me here) I would simply stop playing Day Z entirely if for some reason BMRF stopped existing. I wouldn't even miss it. Because nothing else out there-- not a single server or group-- comes close to the BMRF experience.

In five months I have been a victim of hacking a whopping ZERO times. When I've messed around on random public servers to see if I can try out some choppers or planes as a means of practice, it usually takes me less than five minutes to get hacked. If I find an empty server, as soon as it gets to "two" people, I get hacked. That's just how this game works-- hackers are everywhere. But they aren't on BMRF.

BMRF is not for the casual player. Well actually, you CAN be a casual player and LOVE BMRF. It is not, however, for people that just want to hop on with some OP weapons at the start and start spray and praying around Cherno, Elektro, or Berezino. When clans come together and start hoarding things ( a rarity), the community tends to step up and band together to remove the threat-- legally, of course. Chernarus is customized with some subtle, yet important map changes that enable different parts of the map to attract people to them. This takes away the clutter, somewhat, that is usually found in the southernmost cities. It gives you a chance to tactically and strategically play the game-- the way it was meant to be played. You feel like you have something to protect, and you will adjust your gameplay style accordingly. It's just how it is.

Variety on BMRF is second to none. If you DO want to just hop on and start shooting things, there are multiple options for wasteland games. If you aren't much of a fan of nightime, or you lack NV goggles, there is usually a 24/7 day server that isn't populated to the brim, or there's always the public server which has a crazy amount of vehicles and choppers to enable some fun in a low pop, 24/7 daytime environment. If you want to try the "hardcore" experience of first-person only, you have that option as well.

Mods run a tight ship in side, but so long as you don't abuse the rules, you're golden. And the rules aren't even difficult to follow. They enable your experience to be as peaceful as possible when you aren't talking to someone in direct chat, and they allow you to immerse yourself or get lost in the game if that's how you like to play. Personally, I am a woods-crawler, so the fact that I don't have to listen to moronic chatter all day is a blessing.

To wrap this up, once you play at BMRF, you'll never even consider something else. This might sound harsh, but if BMRF is not for you, then you aren't the type of player the servers need anyway (I'm not talking about your ability to kill people). If you're looking to find unlimited amounts of the best stuff in the game within minute, crosshairs and nametags, and chopper everywhere for you to use-- this isn't the place. And it shouldn't be how this game gets played.

If you come to BMRF, prepare to be a part of the best community there is-- from the hardcore to the casual, you'll love every minute. Even if you're dead.

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I have been playing on BMRF.ME since about October and I have nothing negative to say about the community at all!

24/7 admin support

Always looking to try and add new things

Open to suggestions

Friendly Community

No immaturity what so ever

Great Staff

Great fast servers

Also has Wasteland servers

Low pinged

And also the forums are a great atmostphere.

I started out looking to play with a group of people and I made a thread and provided my information for anyone to contact me to play together and this was about when I signed up in October. Not even 5-10 minutes later I was messaged by 2 different people who had the same style of gameplay as me that wanted to group up. I gave it a go with the guys and I haven't turned back since. We now have a large clan =SP= =Somali Pirates= that was formed just from BMRF. Since I have been there no complaints what so ever. IRC Chat and Admins are always on top of bugs and issues as well there is no hacking on the server what so ever. All/Any hacker who has tried has been banned.

Give it a try!!

Edited by deadm3at

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Nice place with a lot of active players. Eventhough their servers have whitelist on, most of them are almost full 24/7.

Admins are very active, just go on to IRC if you encounter a cheater, which is unlikely to happen. I have encountered like only 1 cheater(who got taken care of within minutes) in my 6 months of playtime in there(compared to official ones in which you see them daily bases).

Nothing much is changed from original DayZ Chernaus, except for some custom buildings which fit in perfectly, for example firestation in Kamenka. It is good to have a high building there where you can climb on to jump off :D

Edited by Dafix

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I have been playing on BMRF.ME since about October and I have nothing negative to say about the community at all!

24/7 admin support

Always looking to try and add new things

Open to suggestions

Friendly Community

No immaturity what so ever

Great Staff

Great fast servers

Also has Wasteland servers

Low pinged

And also the forums are a great atmostphere.

I started out looking to play with a group of people and I made a thread and provided my information for anyone to contact me to play together and this was about when I signed up in October. Not even 5-10 minutes later I was messaged by 2 different people who had the same style of gameplay as me that wanted to group up. I gave it a go with the guys and I haven't turned back since. We now have a large clan =SP= =Somali Pirates= that was formed just from BMRF. Since I have been there no complaints what so ever. IRC Chat and Admins are always on top of bugs and issues as well there is no hacking on the server what so ever. All/Any hacker who has tried has been banned.

Give it a try!!

Everything he just said is absolutely true. If you like squad based gameplay or if you just like to solo everything in DayZ you need to give BMRF a try. In my opinion BMRF has the maturest DayZ/Wasteland community out there.

=SP= 4 lyfe.

Edited by paradox

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Everything he just said is absolutely true. If you like squad based gameplay or if you just like to solo everything in DayZ you need to give BMRF a try. In my opinion BMRF has the maturest DayZ/Wasteland community out there.

=SP= 4 lyfe.

Yup, BMRF is great for squads and clans. It's just too bad I'm forever alone :(

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I've been playing DayZ for almost a year now. I've logged well over 1,000 hours in-game. I've also been recognized as one of Game Informers Top 10 Villains of 2012. It's safe to say I play a ton of DayZ.

When I first came to BMRF, I was looking for a server I can settle down into. When I first came to the server I gave them the same song & dance I always do. I've had a ton of fun playing on this server specifically. I've always hopped around preying on the innocent, but there is a certain challenge to the BMRF servers you will NEVER get on public servers.

Because of the white-list, hackers who hoard all the vehicles or ruin the game are swiftly dealt with. I was on the edge of quitting DayZ not too long ago because of all the hackers. Got fed up with it & came to BMRF. I was skeptical about playing on a white-list server as every single WL I've played on, without fail, has had incredibly corrupt staff who abuse their power. From what I've seen so far, this definitely isn't the case here. I hopped into the irc for a few days to see how fast they respond to reports/etc & tried to push them to see if they actually take their rules serious and they do(Sadly a lot of admins don't enforce rules), and for that I've gained a good deal of respect for this server.

I'm not sure what to think about donor perks. It seems more like a comfort & a LOT less pay-to-win, as you start out with a G17, water bottle, and a can of beans. A good way to skip the Cherno BS you have to go through every time you die, but I enjoy that, so why donate for it? I'd like to see more donor options. The ability to donate to use a custom skin maybe? I know there are a lot of skins out there and it's proven to be a successful model in League of Legends & other micro-transaction based games.

Over the past year I've come to realize no matter what server you play on you're always going to have that one OP group of players. There's nothing server admins can ever do about that. It's the name of the game. You play in a 'territory'(Chernarus/Lingor/etc) and eventually one group is going to come out supreme. Once you realize this fact about DayZ you start to see the game for what it really is and can look for servers that try to keep things as pure as possible. After playing on almost 10 WL Servers now, I can safely say without a shadow of a doubt(after only a week no less) that BMRF.me is the definitive best WL server in every category

  • Safest / Hacker Free
  • Community
  • Activity
  • Attitude

BMRF.me has all these qualities and should be recognized as the best WL server out there.

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I've been playing on the BMRF servers for a few months and have had some of the most memorable DayZ experiences on their servers. Not only are they incredibly active both on the servers and on their forums and IRC, but the moderators and admins are all top notch chaps who care an incredible amount about providing the best possible experience for their users.

The player's skill levels is definitely above the standard DayZ Vanilla rabble too, and the host of large squads that roam the countryside make for extremely exciting fire fights and engagements. I've had 8 man vs 8 man squad huey helicopter battles over Komarovo on Chernaurus, car chases through the North, been trapped inside a building by 4 players on Namalsk, assaulted an enemy base at the NWAF on Wasteland, and had a full on clusterfuck of a battle (with four different squads!) at Salvation Island on DayZ Origins, all on the BMRF servers.

The moderator support is amazing as well; with swift and prompt action taken against cheaters - glitchers, dupers, and exploiters I am speaking of, as hackers are so rare and banned so quickly they don't even warrant talking about!

Servers are almost always full during peak hours, and I can guarantee you won't find a better DayZ experience anywhere else, so come join us all on BMRF, and fear the Dread Captain Vystas and his Bawdy Buccaneers :P

Edited by VystasV

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We're now updated to 1.7.7 on all servers. Enjoy!

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Really great server, my favorite things about it are constantly active admins who are willing to troubleshoot and answer questions. And the total lack of hackers, I have yet to see a single one.

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Origins has now updated to 1.7.5.

Join us at #BMRF on irc.rizon.net for more information and assistance.

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I was playing on BMRF for a long time, only stopped for awhile; will definately be joining them again in the holidays and when standalone comes out in a month

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