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Does sniping need a nerf?

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If you have played DayZ for even a few days, I am sure you've been the victim of a sniper at least once. But, how powerful is sniping compared to normal assault weapons such as the M4A1? I am going to keep my criticism out of this discussion, but what do you guys think. Should sniping be nerfed in stand alone or perhaps even buffed?

Please don't flame or leave one word answers.

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If you have played DayZ for even a few days, I am sure you've been the victim of a sniper at least once. But, how powerful is sniping compared to normal assault weapons such as the M4A1? I am going to keep my criticism out of this discussion, but what do you guys think. Should sniping be nerfed in stand alone or perhaps even buffed?

Please don't flame or leave one word answers.

Kept as same, its real enough as is.

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It's fine. Sniping takes a degree of skill not found in another games, and the only exception to this rule is the AS50. However, it's rare enough so that most people won't have ready access to it.

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You really can't change them much, without just making them unrealistic. Their use comes down to situations. If your at 600 meters and more away, of course the sniper rifle has the advantage. If your at 300 and less, a regular rifle like the FAL, which has the same damage as regular sniper rifles, will have the advantage. They certainly couldn't be buffed anymore as they pretty much one hit kill most everyone, which doesn't account for the BIG sniper rifles like AS50 and M107, which are many times stronger than regular rifles. Those could probably have the nerf to put them in line with the other rifles, but then that wouldn't be as realistic then.

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hmmmmm maybe?!!! :rolleyes:, I dont know bro I would feel like "if" I got shot in real life by and AS50 I would be dead..The other rilfes maybe if they didnt hit you in the head/troso. I want this game to try and get everything right in the standalone or close to it. Sooo if anything for me I want them to be buffed or just the same.

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the only exception to this rule is the AS50. However, it's rare enough so that most people won't have ready access to it.

LOL 99.99999% of players have an AS50.

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Sniping is extremely effective against inexperienced players and once rifles as well ammunition become limited, the effectiveness will be drastically reduced to where it should be.

Think about it, the number of snipers will be reduced by a huge amount, .50 cals will be exceptionally rare and the average guy won't have more than civilian clothing and a CZ or DMR.

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As mentioned above using the sniper rifles takes skill and practice. You need an understanding of the mil dot system and to apply it on the fly takes a well earned experience.

As for AS 50 and M107, true their damage means you will kill on one shot but a SVD or m24 will also almost always kill on one shot. The difference is that the AS50 and M107 uses ammo that is extremely rare and once the duping problems are dealt with they will certainly have their place, both for taking down the occasional player but also for anti-vehicle duties (which is what anti-materiel rifles are really for).

I think we could do with holding back on eventual weapon balance issues until we see the weapon duping come down a notch so we can really make a correct judgement, but at it's current state I can understand your frustration. All in all I can only stress how important it is to be very aware when moving around, learn where snipers can hide and think about how to move around buildings and cities while covered.

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A sniper rifle (especially the as50/m107) can be as much a handicap as it is a powerful ally. Its a double edged sword really. If someone gets in close to you, your fucked. If you have a 400 meter distance advantage, they're fucked. I think they are fine just the way they are.

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LOL 99.99999% of players have an AS50.

guess im the 00.00001% becasue I dont have one :(
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Sniping is the most difficult kind of shooting you can do in DayZ. Using an Assault Rifle or anything related is just point and click. Using a sniper you suddenly have to account for distance, time of bullet travel, even elevation. You have to use a very loud gun that draws a lot of attention to yourself, from both zombies and other players.

Sniping doesn't need nerfed. The problem isn't sniping itself, it's all the duping and hacking that's made AS50's just as common as Lee Enfields, if not more so. As long as these issues are fixed in standalone, which I have every bit of confidence that they will be, you'll see a lot less would be snipers out there. I imagine you'll never see another 50 cal in Cherno or Elektro ever again, maybe with a few super rare exceptions.

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Take them out completely. If not, take out the super-zoom-in, add realistic recoil and DO NOT help the gun return back to its original position. Then make the hit-boxes smaller, if they are not life-size now.

The gun's in Arma 2 are designed for players to shoot hordes of A.I.

The is a reason they have no made a game yet where the sole content of the game is dodging snipers, CAUSE IT AINT FUN! Its not fun to be blinked out of existence the moment you stop by a non-moving player, playing a turret with a laser stick. Could I run everywhere i go? Sure.... Could I stop and watch out for a pixel to move in a way it shouldn't? Sure....... It also prohibits people from taking up high positions in Cherno, and going there in general, one of the coolest places on the map. And for all the negatives sniping causes, what do snipers get out of each kill? I saw a sniper kill 12 people as i was trying to get around behind him, it took a half hour. What is the value [fun] of each kill for the sniper? Vs. the annoyance of dying by a laser stick?

Edited by Thane
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It's fine. Sniping takes a degree of skill not found in another games, and the only exception to this rule is the AS50. However, it's rare enough so that most people won't have ready access to it.

I dunno. I can blow the hat off of a housecat with my CZ550.

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If you have played DayZ for even a few days, I am sure you've been the victim of a sniper at least once. But, how powerful is sniping compared to normal assault weapons such as the M4A1? I am going to keep my criticism out of this discussion, but what do you guys think. Should sniping be nerfed in stand alone or perhaps even buffed?

Please don't flame or leave one word answers.

It should depend on the bullet size. If the sniper has the same caliber as an assault rifle, it should do the same damage.

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Take them out completely. If not, take out the super-zoom-in, add realistic recoil and DO NOT help the gun return back to its original position. Then make the hit-boxes smaller, if they are not life-size now.

The gun's in Arma 2 are designed for players to shoot hordes of A.I.

The is a reason they have no made a game yet where the sole content of the game is dodging snipers, CAUSE IT AINT FUN! Its not fun to be blinked out of existence the moment you stop by a non-moving player, playing a turret with a laser stick. Could I run everywhere i go? Sure.... Could I stop and watch out for a pixel to move in a way it shouldn't? Sure....... It also prohibits people from taking up high positions in Cherno, and going there in general, one of the coolest places on the map. And for all the negatives sniping causes, what do snipers get out of each kill? I saw a sniper kill 12 people as i was trying to get around behind him, it took a half hour. What is the value [fun] of each kill for the sniper? Vs. the annoyance of dying by a laser stick?

On top of all that, snipers use Zombie's spawning to locate players. That.............is...............fucked................up. They can actually use triangulation of spawning zombies, to pinpoint player location!!!! Slow people........time to look up the word triangulation.

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hmmmmm maybe?!!! :rolleyes:, I dont know bro I would feel like "if" I got shot in real life by and AS50 I would be dead..The other rilfes maybe if they didnt hit you in the head/troso. I want this game to try and get everything right in the standalone or close to it. Sooo if anything for me I want them to be buffed or just the same.

Sadly, if u got shoot in the leg by either a 5.56, 7.62 or .50 it would most likely sever the main artery and you will bleed out in a couple of seconds due to the fact that most smal cal munitions are full metal jackets. This mean that they are instable and will spin and bounce around in you body. A bullet that hitts you in the gut might come out from your shoulder. And getting shoot in the arm with those calibers will also likely ripp your arm off. All hits can cause massive internal bleeding and death. Furthermore upon inpact due to the speed of the bullet it will sort of explode and kill the tissue around the wound and cause even more damage.

This is a militar combat simulator. Its made too be realistic. The fact is that if you get shot at and get hit, You will die. No just blury screen ala bf3 or cod.

Guns are made to kill. They are often made as easy as possible to use. You just point and press play.

Edited by Sontana
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No, most of the ass-hats who get their hands on any type of sniper shoot like they're in COD, so snipers aren't scary, I just laugh at them.

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Sniping should be made harder, I'd like to see wind implemented. Sniping at range is not something that anybody can just decide to pickup and do.

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Hmm, I don't think the sniper rifles or their damage need adjusting. Other guns need a big buff, though. And what I would like to see is accurate (realistic) hitboxes, ie if you get shot in the frickin toe with a m107, you dont just insta-die. Maybe bleed quicker or something, but not like it is now.

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A sniper rifle (especially the as50/m107) can be as much a handicap as it is a powerful ally. Its a double edged sword really. If someone gets in close to you, your fucked. If you have a 400 meter distance advantage, they're fucked. I think they are fine just the way they are.

Most snipers carry an assualt rifle or SMG in their pack. Wheres the handicap then?

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Not sure if this is possible but adding the affect of wind would sort the men from the boys on this one. Judging and allowing for how the wind will affect the path a round is the hardest thing when shooting rifles at long ranges, then to top it off wind can drop off or gust during flight so a perfectly aimed shoot with the correct allowances made for wind may still miss anyway.

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antimaterial rifles MUST be removed from this game, the only sniper should stay is DMR cos it needs experiense to use it well.

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Sniping has it pros and cons like always , if you are camping Yes it will give you hudge advantage killing faar targets , but now lets say you have to run away form your camping spot , you will be very weak without any rifle holding a snipe if you encounter somone in 200/300m range.

it's dosent need a nerf , its balanced . you are powerfull at distance but totally sucks in mid close encounters.

are you a troll ?

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Most snipers are shit anyway.... it does take quite a bit of skill to take out someone good... you better have a ghillies too, or you are going to be spotted from miles away. I haven't been killed by a sniper in quite some time. I also prefer the m24 over as50.

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