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About Sontana

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    Woodland Warrior

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    Hello ppl, swedish guy here, looking for other ppl to play with^^
  1. I personally think they should pick a few (alot!!!) things from ACE mod if not the whole thing.
  2. The option to carry your buddy if he is hurt. Maybe on a strecher or you own back.
  3. Sontana

    Does sniping need a nerf?

    Thank you. Good post :) Well i suck at grammar most the time and im at work writeing this on my iphone. 1: yes u may get a lucky hit that dont hit vital organs and dont kill you in an instant. 2: not realy. If you ever been hunting and then dug out the bullet you will see that it has expanded, it will lock like a mushroom. This will cause it to stop in your target and cause massive bleeding. The 5.56 will stay mostly intact and keep its speed but start wobling and twist on inpact. It might bounce off a bone in Your body and change direction. 3: i think that is the word for it. Once again i refer to hunting. When you have skined and starting to cut up your deer or what ever you will see that the meat has blackend and some times thorn to shreads. The target will get hit by a high speed projectile will casue a big transfer of kinetic energy that will "explode" and killing tissue around the bullet hole.
  4. Sontana

    Does sniping need a nerf?

    Well thats what i was thougt in the airbourne. Do you got any other more accuret experiences?
  5. Learn to use . And ,
  6. Sontana

    More aircraft!

    Yea its like you'd have your own group or clan or even society on your own island and som times get invaded by a rivaling group :P i dream about a map thats maybe 500x500 km2
  7. Sontana

    More aircraft!

    Would like to see a bigger map in the standalone and more islands. Therefor the need of more boats and a pontoone planes ^^
  8. Sontana

    Does sniping need a nerf?

    Sadly, if u got shoot in the leg by either a 5.56, 7.62 or .50 it would most likely sever the main artery and you will bleed out in a couple of seconds due to the fact that most smal cal munitions are full metal jackets. This mean that they are instable and will spin and bounce around in you body. A bullet that hitts you in the gut might come out from your shoulder. And getting shoot in the arm with those calibers will also likely ripp your arm off. All hits can cause massive internal bleeding and death. Furthermore upon inpact due to the speed of the bullet it will sort of explode and kill the tissue around the wound and cause even more damage. This is a militar combat simulator. Its made too be realistic. The fact is that if you get shot at and get hit, You will die. No just blury screen ala bf3 or cod. Guns are made to kill. They are often made as easy as possible to use. You just point and press play.
  9. Sontana

    How to Stop Pointless Killing

    A part of it is. The shit has hit the fan. all goverments, all infrastructures, all rules, all laws is gone. You start only by yourself, everyone that you knew is most likely dead (or walking dead) you are lonly and hungry. Everything that you took for granted is gone; microwaves, cornershops, supermarkets, electricety.. Guess what son, it gone, its burnt down and burried. The only one u can trust in the begining is yourself. You go around and scavange. And u see some other guy...hmm maybe he got food and im starving. Guess i can ask him. WAIT!! He might kill me for that food...well i got my rifle here.. Sorry to say it but the world has ended,its time to man up or shut up. You can only try to survive and do it your own way be it friendly or the bandit way.. I play my c.s.a.r ( combat search and rescue) way..thats the only thing i can do and if i die, well hey i cant change that everyone else that survived is a murderous psychopath.
  10. Sontana

    How to Stop Pointless Killing

    This is just plain stupid...
  11. Sontana

    Police helicopter?

    agreed.. they only thing thats missing is that they could play ride of the valkyries :)
  12. Sontana

    AS50 or DMR for single weapon loadout?

    got nvgs=DMR no nvgs=as50 (point the end that goes booom towards anything and then press play and it dies)
  13. Sontana

    Alpha testing is over for mod

    agree..felt like you actully did connect with ppl that way
  14. Sontana

    Alpha testing is over for mod

    want to start my own CSAR team that go on recue missions and help others..build our own society and elite team that do what we actully would do if a zombie apocalyps did occur
  15. yeah...airbourne...61kg - weapon,ammo and water