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Add a sexual anxiety meter

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Sexual anxiety.. Seriously how long has it been since you've had sex? Not a personal attack' date=' btw

The average lifespan in this game is insanely low.

I can easy go more than half a day without thinking "I NEED SEX!!!"

Why would our characters be sexual wrecks, craving sex?


because they are about to die and want some Human contact before dieing horribly. Plus what's so bad about this idea we have females in game.

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gaidoon , your the only one here pushing for this, its not going to happen.

as many have said, go and get laid. Then just after your finished, think about how retarded it is to try and emulate that in a video game.




im sorry to be negative to someones idea, but your not supposed to keep bumping threads.

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gaidoon ' date=' your the only one here pushing for this, its not going to happen.

as many have said, go and get laid. Then just after your finished, think about how retarded it is to try and emulate that in a video game.




im sorry to be negative to someones idea, but your not supposed to keep bumping threads.



gaidoon, make ur own mod and leave dayz alone with this bs. (sry but it's rly annoying now)

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Sexual is a bit strong no ?

But, would it be stupid if we had a sense of contact, of hope?

Our character need to feel he isn't alone in the world.

I mean, if he meets someone, or just sees another survivor running across a street he would be less anxious.

But, if he doesn't see anyone for a long long time but only infected.. he would be anxious.

Just suggesting in answer to the first post :)).

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because they are about to die and want some Human contact before dieing horribly. Plus what's so bad about this idea we have females in game.

Actually, the ratio of males to females ingame seems extremely low at the moment, both because there are a higher percentage of males playing this mod, and because switching to the female skin is bugged, or at least it was until recently. I haven't heard anything about it being fixed fully...

Anyway, my point is that if this was implemented, it seems like it wouldn't so much support homosexuality in-game as much as enforce it, at least with the current ratio of males to females playing. Forced Homosexuality isn't really better than nothing at all, so for now... I say leave this suggestion out...

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i lold so hard xD people isn't going roleplay really... it will just be over 9000 12 year old kids who runs around humping eachother and going " HURFDURF THIS IS LOLZ I HUMP MY FRIEND IN ASS HURRHURRHURR XD" its going to be a big prison !

Funny idea thou xD

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When did we pass the point of ridiculousness?

Oh wait...

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I'm unsure if this is a serious suggestion, but if it is then I would disagree with it being implemented, as it's not a realistic outcome in a survival situation. Why? Well, libido and reproductive capabilities would decrease substantially when the caloric intake is reduced. In addition to this, testosterone levels would also decrease (and cortisol levels increase) when there is a reduction in dietary fat consumption and an increase in cardiovascular activity (i.e. running).

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gaidoon ' date=' your the only one here pushing for this, its not going to happen.

as many have said, go and get laid. Then just after your finished, think about how retarded it is to try and emulate that in a video game.




im sorry to be negative to someones idea, but your not supposed to keep bumping threads.


I don't support this at all i changed my mind you must have missed that post.

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I haven't had sex for months and i'm fine...

Why can't you just masturbate instead? Maybe porn mags could be added as an item, and help you lower anxiety quicker than just masturbating alone

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Similar to temperature' date=' hunger, and thirst, the player should be given a sexual anxiety meter. Basically, the longer you go without any sort of contact, the more anxiety that builds up, until the tension is too great and the player's performance is severely impaired. This could be relieved in many ways, and rocket is in a position to educate the masses about homosexuality and fight the rampant homophobia, especially that among the US players, taking the game from social experiment to social movement.


i lol'ed. wanna add some options to rape other players?

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Oh great. People are going to be coming into the game and blowing dudes for can's of beans.

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O.o The most obvious thing that would come to mind would be rape, and I'm pretty sure we wouldn't want to be promoting that

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I for one don't see a need to turn DayZ into a masturbation simulator.

Then we are presented with the highest level of meta gameplay:

"Hey Dawg, I heard you were sexually anxious and like jacking off, so we added jacking off to DayZ, so you can jack off while you jack off to yourself jacking off to stave off sexual anxiety."

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Similar to temperature' date=' hunger, and thirst, the player should be given a sexual anxiety meter. Basically, the longer you go without any sort of contact, the more anxiety that builds up, until the tension is too great and the player's performance is severely impaired. This could be relieved in many ways, and rocket is in a position to educate the masses about homosexuality and fight the rampant homophobia, especially that among the US players, taking the game from social experiment to social movement.


Oh good god. What's next a poo meter. That way I know when my character has a turtle head poking the cotton. Which I can then stop and take a dump lest I crap my pants and am now forced to walk around with crap I'm my pants and other players complaining of my smell

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Man o man there always seems to be people bringing sex into games.Take Skyrim and the huge amount of sexual mods.Last night I laughed so hard when a guy suggested a mechanism to have players mate and have babies.Some one posted "Oh great....a game with a mostly male playerbase and you want them to have sex for babies" That just made me literally LOL.

Now u ask for blowing other dudes for beans to ladyboys(the males who ALWAYS play as female type) having best gear from services rendered.It will be a freak show so please do not do that to this mod. :(

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