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I'm tired of this!

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I'm tired of this, let the server free so we can lock it for clans etc!! Today we

have cheaters everywhere, server, jumpers, weapons that not are suppose

to be in Dayz etc etc.

The airfields are Dominated by friends teaming up, if you snipe Into the area

and kill someone, one or two logging off, logging Into an Other server. Runs

behind you, logging off again and relogging on the first server and simply kill

you with a headshot from behind.

That's dayz todayz.

Im out for now, bye bye.

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The game is still amazing it's just that 80% who play it are complete and utter knob heads.

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The game is still amazing it's just that 80% who play it are complete and utter knob heads.

This. ^

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this is interesting tho

By tieing the server owners hands DayZ staff have essentially created a problem for themselves

If they would let the server owners control theyre server

there will be the occasional person abusing being the admin but the hacking wil lalso be greatly reduced as they can rule theyre server with a iron fist against hacking

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If you make a kill with a sniper' date=' you shouldn't be sitting in the same place for long.



honnestly, the excuse about people login off and back in behind you is only viable for the players bases (example you block the base door with sandbags and wire and the guy come inside the base from another server)

you should be constantly moving in other case.

Get good

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If you make a kill with a sniper' date=' you shouldn't be sitting in the same place for long.


So this kind of game play in dayz are ok for you?

LOL it does not matter if you shoot one shot, they fucking hunt you down even if you are running 5 km !!

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I almost want to make a sticky about these kinds of threads that complain, whine and bitch about how people end up killing them because of X Reason or X Exploit.

You died, you lost your shit. Time for a new experience and adventure. Be glad you aren't doing the same thing you were doing before and get to start on a brand new adventure.

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I almost want to make a sticky about these kinds of threads that complain' date=' whine and bitch[/b'] about how people end up killing them because of X Reason or X Exploit.

You died, you lost your shit. Time for a new experience and adventure. Be glad you aren't doing the same thing you were doing before and get to start on a brand new adventure.

No i did't lost MY SHIT, you did because I'm OUT LOL

I think in my 15 years of forums reply s you lead the league

of the most brilliant answers over all time ""Hall of SHAME""

no comments I'm stunned!!!



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Avoiding the issue of hacking won't solve it. The authors of the bypasses would probably be the first to state that game developers need to start taking hacking seriously, I agree. Piracy is important but can be solved by changing the way you market, design, and price your product.

But this means hacking is now critically important. There is only so much I can do in the mod, but what I really want to do - is highlight this problem. You are all helping me with this, and in fact, the hackers are really highlighting it. Smart hackers would keep this under the radar. The smart hackers made the bypass, the stupid hackers are using it to do stupid things. Because of this, we know exactly what is occurring and exactly what to do about it. This has been passed on to the required programmers.

These things take time. Alpha is not about running from the problems, we confront them head on and fix them.

Also, I've dealt with explanations of why private servers cant be used at this point in the project, search my previous posts if you'd like a detailed explanation.

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I don't think you understand what I meant. What I meant by 'shit' is I meant by gear. You lost your items. Not lost your temper.

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Avoiding the issue of hacking won't solve it. The authors of the bypasses would probably be the first to state that game developers need to start taking hacking seriously' date=' I agree. Piracy is important but can be solved by changing the way you market, design, and price your product.

But this means hacking is now critically important. There is only so much I can do in the mod, but what I really want to do - is highlight this problem. You are all helping me with this, and in fact, the hackers are really highlighting it. Smart hackers would keep this under the radar. The smart hackers made the bypass, the stupid hackers are using it to do stupid things. Because of this, we know exactly what is occurring and exactly what to do about it. This has been passed on to the required programmers.

These things take time. Alpha is not about running from the problems, we confront them head on and fix them.

Also, I've dealt with explanations of why private servers cant be used at this point in the project, search my previous posts if you'd like a detailed explanation.


thx for your answer Rocket!!

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The game is still amazing it's just that 80% who play it are complete and utter knob heads.

I agree.. too whoever killed me in Devils Castle - left my character sitting down! as I had to go and deal with realiity, come back 5 minutes later and i'm dead, whoever killed me, you're a total fucking wanker tbf...

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I don't mind the constructive criticism but these complainers should constantly remind themselves that they are a playing an ALPHA and then maybe they wouldn't bitch so much. I have problems with the game too but then I remind myself that this is an alpha and I just deal with the problems.

It's very rare that a game is released as an alpha as they are usually unplayable. Everyone needs to keep that in mind.

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You guys are hilarious. Clans are the main ones I see disconnecting when they get shot. So let them ban normal players while the clans can exploit... No thanks. The only stand up clan I've seen not DC on hostile contact are there Rangers. They are a stand up group, kudos to them.

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I almost want to make a sticky about these kinds of threads that complain' date=' whine and bitch[/b'] about how people end up killing them because of X Reason or X Exploit.

You died, you lost your shit. Time for a new experience and adventure. Be glad you aren't doing the same thing you were doing before and get to start on a brand new adventure.

I don't mind the constructive criticism but these complainers should constantly remind themselves that they are a playing an ALPHA and then maybe they wouldn't bitch so much. I have problems with the game too but then I remind myself that this is an alpha and I just deal with the problems.

It's very rare that a game is released as an alpha as they are usually unplayable. Everyone needs to keep that in mind.

Yes it is in Alpha. Which means this a perfect good time to judge and discuss features. Sure the OP was a little pissed, but at his core he just wanted to pound the point of the exploits and features he dislikes. This is something that happens at Alpha/Beta/Pre-Alpha Mainly Mod guy you have to understand this.

I been apart of the Planetside community for 9 years. We did have not a game to play for 6 years. We know game feature discussion and how to handle it if you want to learn.

And I see you whining in every thread that discusses something. Maybe you're the bitch?

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The game is still amazing it's just that 80% who post here are complete and utter knob heads.


I come on the forums to read about how awful the game is, with all of the rampant shooting, player killing and such, then I log onto a US## Server that has 45/50 players on it and ... NOTHING. It makes me wonder what game some of these morons are playing! Is it one Server where everybody joins and shoots everybody else, and then logs off to post on the forums?!

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if you snipe Into the area and kill someone, one or two logging off, logging Into an Other server. Runs behind you, logging off again and relogging on the first server and simply kill you with a headshot from behind.

You must be a pretty terrible sniper if your position is compromised after a single kill

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Yes it is in Alpha. Which means this a perfect good time to judge and discuss features. Sure the OP was a little pissed' date=' but at his core he just wanted to pound the point of the exploits and features he dislikes. This is something that happens at Alpha/Beta/Pre-Alpha Mainly Mod guy you have to understand this.[/quote']

No, he is not pointing out mistakes and errors, or in any other way giving feedback that will help the dev make the game better in the future. He just wants the game to be playable now, as he has problems at this point with people exploiting mechanics. Also, he passes the whole discussion at what impact separate servers can have and what admin abuse can lead to in such a game.

Also, it is not the task of the DayZ staff to get bitched and whined at, and than they may look for the small bit of constructive feedback they can use.

And I don't know who you are calling "bitch", but if it is against Legacy you are overstepping a line in my opinion.

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The game is still amazing it's just that 80% who play it are complete and utter knob heads.

aye, thats modern day gaming for you.

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If you make a kill with a sniper' date=' you shouldn't be sitting in the same place for long.


I was going to make this point and in fact, i can add to it. Back off 50 M so when they spawn in, they're in front of you! BOOM headshot!


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The game is still amazing it's just that 80% who post here are complete and utter knob heads.


I come on the forums to read about how awful the game is' date=' with all of the rampant shooting, player killing and such, then I log onto a US## Server that has 45/50 players on it and ... NOTHING. It makes me wonder what game some of these morons are playing! Is it one Server where everybody joins and shoots everybody else, and then logs off to post on the forums?!


This. This indeed. I've only been dc'ed on once, only been killed by a player once (unsuccessful attempts don't count), and I have never seen anyone spawn crazy shit or kill the whole server. Not saying it never happens, but reading the forums you would think it's the rule, not the exception.

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Actually it would be poor moderating practice to complain and lock threads that are complaining. no better than the people complaining if you do that.

I say let them cry but create an epic image and just stick it in the first response such as a GIIANT QQ image :D

But yeah. If you stop people complaining you cannot really judge the communities feelings on an issue. granted people complain ALOT. but thats because they really do not get what alpha is despite being told repeatedly.

Hell im working on my own mod in alpha at the moment and would be completely unsurprised if the game becomes completely unplayable at some-point soon in a recent update. or something silly happens like ladders stop working or whatever.

been there done that on the source engine :D

Im actually amazed rocket has managed to keep the character database largely intact through all this. so should everyone else be.

Bloody good work imo.

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Hell im working on my own mod in alpha at the moment and would be completely unsurprised if the game becomes completely unplayable at some-point soon in a recent update.

Your mod is awful!!! I haven't seen it, but I know it's awful. /irony

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