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Lord ferret

Crossbow tweak?

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I personally love using the crossbow, the only problem that I have with it is the ammo system, it's just not worth carrying around the bolts for it, I would like a quiver system introduced, where one inventory slot can hold multiple bolts, thanks for reading, tell me what you think <3

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i think that would be a good idea to incorporate a quiver system. I also feel that it would be cool if you could have a scope on the crossbow or something.

Ill be playing dayz tonight my skype is lucasmcallister

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More on this topic, I feel that DayZ should have some kind of hunting attire, meaning like a bow and arrow (which I personally would love to have) including this quiver system have it like on your back or side or thighs. Bow and arrow has always been the silent but deadly kind of thing, and i love being sneaky and killing people without them knowing where i am or that i was watching them for several minutes

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This is a very good idea, or multiple bolts to an ammo slot.

It's just silly that you could carry a 30 round clip OR 1 crossbow bolt in the same space.

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I currently have the crossbow as my main right now and it's the perfect weapon for zombie hunting in the city. I agree that those bolts take up a ton of space but the fact they are all reclaimable helps a little :)

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I think a second backpack slot would be very interesting for this kind of thing. You could have a quiver in a vest/thigh pouch, or you could carry czech vest pouch in the second, actually giving it a reason to be in the game.

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I really like the sights of the crossbow, love killing a moving zombie at a good distance. I also enjoy recovering my bolts from the corpses, even if it's sometimes impossible. With all the top tier weapons lying around in camps all over the place, it feel good sometimes downgrading to a crossbow and gimping yourself.

I'm looking forward to quivers, but I really like the challenge, the limitations of the crossbow adds to the game.

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A quiver for the crossbow was mentioned by Rocket on his recent "ask me anything" session.


Not sure about it making it to the mod but standalone for sure.

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I've used the crossbow many times and implementing a large quiver would make the weapon way to overpowered.

What I believe would be perfect is if each bolt counted as a magazine containing 2 bolts, maybe 3 per slot. Keeping 6 slots open for bolts is very easy if you ask me and running out of bolts only happens if you aren't stealthy enough or don't recover the bolts.

If those same 6 slots could carry a total of 12 or 18 bolts that would probably work best.

If a quiver is added the crossbow must be balanced, I think they could keep the same power and simply have each bolt count as two.

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I think it is balanced through the fact it needs to be reloaded between shots. In any confrontation with someone armed with a firearm you chances of survival will go down.

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even with a quiver it wouldn't be worth using because

A) the sights suck and it is inaccurate

B) it has no range

C) it has jack all damage

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I think it is a good Zombie killing tool. If you are scavenging and need to take a few out in your path it does that well. If they aggro not so much.

A scope on it would be awesome.

Also a good hunting weapon.

Edited by katniss

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even with a quiver it wouldn't be worth using because

A) the sights suck and it is inaccurate

it has no range

C) it has jack all damage

A: if you sight it with a piece of tape on your screen you know where it will hit every time. I can hit accurately at 90 meters.

B: I kill people with it

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