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Whats your autowalk contraption ?

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With my finger. No scripts, no tools. I take it like a man and run. That what friends are for :)

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What's that rolled up but of cardboard on the post it note for hmmmm???

eheh busted!

i can totally relate.. i mean what else you gonna do on those long walks... it's the zombi apocalypse after all

Edited by raoul05

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Ten danish 50øre coins, I don't have any tape on stock, but I thought about buying some, taping the coins together, because it's a pain in the ass, when I accidentally nudge them and they slide down all over the keyboard and if I don't react quickly disperse all over my floor.


Edited by Dallas

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I use a macro with my G15 :)

I have wanted to run from Kamenka to NWA so I left it going and took the dog for a walk for 15 minutes

had like 3k to go :(

Luckily I wasn't stuck on anything or dead :D

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I feel like I'm missing something of the DayZ experience here by just using my finger :(

This is considered end game content.

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This is absolutely hillarious! Used a usb flash drive with a quarter on top of it and always wondered if anyone else out there has done the same. This thread confirms it lol.

Saves so much time!

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I use a screw. Press w down, then put the screw between w, e, s, d, and turn screw slightly.

2x speed-hack.

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Headset resting on keyboard with mic pressing the W key :P

Edited by Zarniwoop

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and this thread shows how retarded it is not to have a bind in game for auto run .

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