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Would you Abort if in Danger of death?

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Hey guys! I just wanted to ru n this past soem people.In the last few days me and some other guy were playing dayz.We had survived for a good 12 hours i had an AKM with 300 rounds and a pdw and an M16 in my backpack.My friend had a Barrett and an m16.First off let me say my friend is one who likes joining lower pop. servers because he likes to just survive.Dont get me wrong thats the point of the game but i think other players are also a huge part of the game! But anyways we were on top of the Hospital in Berezino,and we took fire i got shot and was bleeding and he was like "Should we abort?!" and i said no because whats the fun in that thats not how this game is intended to be played right? But anyways he died,I died, and he was all butt-hurt saying He shouldnt have listened too me and all do you agree with him? Would you have aborted in this situation? Thanks!

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At that point you should have killed your friend...

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At that point you should have killed your friend...

No. Aborting is for pussies. Also starting from nothing is fun.


Thats what i was saying who the fuck just aborts to avoid Danger?

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I only abort in 2 situations:

1. Hackers. If I'm under seige from a hacker, I have no problems aborting. They're fucking hackers, I can do whatever the fuck I want to avoid them killing me. Fuck them.

2. Pre-loading. If I"m on the loading screen, and I hear world war 3 before I've even spawned, I will abort. Reason being here is that you spawn in before you're fully loaded, meaning that if you're in a bloody war zone, you're gonna get butchered before you can even see anything, let alone fight back. I try to avoid that situation whenever possible.

Edited by Ipurgepeople
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No. People aborting at the prospect of death is one of the biggest problems with the game. Tell your friend that if you're going to die, you're going to die. Accept it, learn to live with it, and learn from it.

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NEVER. If you start with this shit you will ruin your own gameplay experience! You are absolutly right, it is not intended to work this way! You died, next time you will be smarter. If he can´t life with your attitude, screw him! He got no balls!

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I almost always combat log like a bitch when I'm risking death. It's pointless not to, because everyone with good gear will do it when they are put at a disadvantage.

I hope that combat logging will get fixed as soon as possible, but until then, I'm going to continue doing as everyone else and use every cheap trick in the book to dodge death.

NEVER. If you start with this shit you will ruin your own gameplay experience! You are absolutly right, it is not intended to work this way! You died, next time you will be smarter. If he can´t life with your attitude, screw him! He got no balls!

The immersion is already getting ruined because you more or less have to use a .50 cal to kill someone for sure, so I don't see how that matters. There is for instance no point to use suppressive fire at a well-geared player or try to sneak up on him from behind with a weak weapon, since he will just combat log 99% of the time.

Edited by Herr Robert
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I almost always combat log like a bitch when I'm risking death. It's pointless not to, because everyone with good gear will do it when they are put at a disadvantage.

I hope that combat logging will get fixed as soon as possible, but until then, I'm going to continue doing as everyone else and use every cheap trick in the book to dodge death.

Why do so many people quote 'everyone' ..not everyone aborts because they are worried about losing their shit. Speak for yourself man :) Your game style is not everyones game style.

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The only times i have aborted was when there were obvious hacks going on. Zombies parachuting from the sky or when the "One of these Days Alice..." came up on the screen upon loading.

It seems pointless to abort in any other situation.

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I hate it when players combat-log once they get fired upon. I don't do it and prefer to die a honourful death. Especially the guys that shoot first and THEN combat-log once you fire back are real pussies. I mean, they shoot at you and if they fail to kill you they chicken out to not get shot themselfs. Yeah, that's totally how DayZ is supposed to be played. Shoot everyone but don't get shot yourself and log-off if there is a slight chance you might get killed... That's also some sort of cheating IMHO. Players like that should be banable by server admins. I don't know why this is forbidden. It's lame, it's frowned upon by the community, but yet there are no consequences to do it and server admins might get their server blacklisted for banning such players. Strange rules...

There is only one situation where logging-off is acceptable: if you run into a hacker. You can't win versus a hacker so combat-logging is ok. But be careful when using "ALT+F4"! I once met a hacker who turned me into a rabbit and had ALT+F4 remapped to suicide so I respawned in debug fields! You can read that story in one of my posts (with pics). So if you have the time, use "ESC" and click "Abort" and if this option is greyed out, do NOT use ALT+F4, but ALT+TAB anbd close the ArmA II task via taskmanager. Else your character might die because the hacker had reassigned the keys to quit to suicide and you kill yourself.

But in other situations (during a firefight for example), logging off is cowardice and anyone doing so should be ashamed. If you can't live with the constant threat and adrenaline in this game, they should be playing something else like CoD or BF3...

So to all combat-loggers out there: stop being little wusses and die like real men (or women)! Especially if you started the whole firefight in the first place!

Edited by System98
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I hate it when players combat-log once they get fired upon. I don't do it and prefer to die a honourful death. Especially the guys that shoot first and THEN combat-log once you fire back are real pussies. I mean, they shoot at you and if they fail to kill you they chicken out to not get shot themselfs. Yeah, that's totally how DayZ is supposed to be played. Shoot everyone but don't get shot yourself and log-off if there is a slight chance you might get killed... That's also some sort of cheating IMHO. Players like that should be banable by server admins. I don't know why this is forbidden. It's lame, it's frowned upon by the community, but yet there are no consequences to do it and server admins might get their server blacklisted for banning such players. Strange rules...

There is only one situation where logging-off is acceptable: if you run into a hacker. You can't win versus a hacker so combat-logging is ok. But be careful when using "ALT+F4"! I once met a hacker who turned me into a rabbit and had ALT+F4 remapped to suicide so I respawned in debug fields! You can read that story in one of my posts (with pics). So if you have the time, use "ESC" and click "Abort" and if this option is greyed out, do NOT use ALT+F4, but ALT+TAB anbd close the ArmA II task via taskmanager. Else your character might die because the hacker had reassigned the keys to quit to suicide and you kill yourself.

But in other situations (during a firefight for example), logging off is cowardice and anyone doing so should be ashamed. If you can't live with the constant threat and adrenaline in this game, they should be playing something else like CoD or BF3...

So to all combat-loggers out there: stop being little wusses and die like real men (or women)! Especially if you started the whole firefight in the first place!

I have a video of a guy who shot at my crew while we were just leisurely looting the cherno firestation. He killed my 2 comrades, then tried to loot them, but I took him down. If I had realized my earlier reload hadn't worked (Been having issues reloading since the patch, whats that about?) I probably could have killed him before he combat-logged. I had downed him and he was bleeding profusely.

He came back 15 minutes later down from the tower and murdered me like a little prick. Then he got gunned down by my buddy who had already returned and grabbed his stuff. We got all sorts of goodies from him. :)

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Who the fuck snipes in Berezino?

* Who the fuck even goes to Berezino?

But yes, I abort if a hacker comes along. (Especially when they summon everyone)

Other than that, really, no. There are multiple times where I have been in the forest, suddenly I break my leg from proning over a stone (that should be fixed by now), or some other situation where it's just me and a buddy or two in the forest all alone and I end up bleeding and/or becoming unconscious. Where I am not able to bandage myself, I often bleed out rather than alt+f4 and wait for them to locate where I am.

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Turn and stand your ground, its a game. I will at least spray and pray. If I do die, I get to start over.. no biggy. I have things to do again that are faster pace.

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no lie. i will abort to avoid zombies if i an in a building with no escape. i will never abort to avoid death by another player.

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Geez guys, there is no need to insult the guy's friend so heavily, even if he is very very wrong. It sounds like they are both relatively new to the game.

To answer the OP's question, no. You NEVER EVER ABORT in the middle of danger with a few rare exceptions.


1. Hackers: They are breaking the rules themselves, you are within your right to GTFO anyway you can.

2. Game bugs: Such as the recent graphics glitch that makes it impossible to see, therefore impossible to run from zombies or fight back against players.

3. Emergency IRL: Dog barfing, wife/mom calling in angry voice, important phone call, etc.

Your friend needs to understand that disconnecting in combat is considered an exploit and on many servers it is an offense people are banned for doing. Welcome to Day Z, you WILL die, you WILL lose your stuff, ALOT. Be it from bugs, other players, hackers, zombies, etc. If he doesn't want to deal with that, then suggest that he should probably find another game to play, one he will enjoy more.

Sidenote: Also alt-f4ing/aborting to deny the guy that killed you a chance to loot your body is also a very dick move.

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Honestly if I was in your situation and a sniper was firing at me ....I would definitely think about it. If I had absolutely no idea where the shots were coming from and I had no way of getting out, then I would have probably aborted.....I'm not losing all my gear to somebody I can't even see. However, if it says was just some guy with an M4A1 or AKM and I could at least see him and get to adequate cover I would engage him to either his death or my death.

That's my take on it. Come at me haters

Edit #1- Forgot to mention. Good question OP it is definitely a very controversial topic. I had a good time reading through the posts

Edit #2 (if anyone cares =p) - I am still new to the game. I haven't even driven a vehicle yet, besides a bicycle. So some of the players that are combat logging are doing so because they haven't even experienced any of the game yet and are not ready to get involved in PvP. Just keep that in mind

Edited by Newschooler

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If I start getting shot at. I go crazy and run like a 2 year-old who just ate a pound of sugar. I hide and try to survive. The moment of me trying to find my prey draws me into the game like no other game does. I love waiting for the right moment to counter-attack or attack someone.

I see no point of disconnecting, but people just get too attached with their gear.

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Gear? If I earned it once, I will earn it again. I'd rather put up a fight than run away. At the very least I might make someone duck or need a bandage before by brains get a taste of fresh air. If my zeros and ones get reset, it is no big deal!

Edited by LaurenDanger

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