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About AlcoholicJoker

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. you can disable rain through a file.
  2. AlcoholicJoker

    How not to joke when playing DayZ

    I remember this one time during grade 3, the teacher had us all sitting on the carpet while she read a story from some book. Well, during that time, some kid rips it so hard, the kid says ouch, not oo long after that, some other kid says, what did it backfire, i was literally lmao, I will never forget it, good times good times
  3. AlcoholicJoker

    How not to joke when playing DayZ

    uh, the game is a joke, no consequence, it's willy nilly free dude, the game blows
  4. AlcoholicJoker

    My gummy bear story

    hetzersz gonna hetz
  5. AlcoholicJoker

    My gummy bear story

    I like gummy bears, do you?
  6. AlcoholicJoker

    How not to joke when playing DayZ

    I usually take a dump, feels pretty good, try it sometime. Also, dump this POS game.
  7. AlcoholicJoker

    Green Mountain

    hi, see sig, you know i'm right
  8. AlcoholicJoker

    Alt F4? really???

    Hi, Alt-F4 is good for you!. Smash this game!.
  9. AlcoholicJoker

    All your base are belong to me

    Try to do this when I have my aimbot hack on, it wil auto shoot when I'm sleeping, I want to fuck this game so bad
  10. AlcoholicJoker

    DayZ Stories

    I downloaded a hack, and I shot everyone with 1 shot, it was awesome, teach those pricks to mess with me, I love runing this game!.
  11. AlcoholicJoker

    What would you trade me for a Bison pp-19?

    I'd trade you for a lemon son!.
  12. The game needs more hackers imo!. Run this shitty game into the ground!.
  13. AlcoholicJoker

    The standalone's direction.

    I agree with this video 100%. This is the first time I seen this video as well. Either way, I'm looking more forward to what's it called, WarZ. It has a big backing and the funding, DayZ lacks funding and a brain (creator).
  14. AlcoholicJoker

    A subtle rant

    The very definition of a cat. The dude is scared that his dorkhood is threatrened.
  15. AlcoholicJoker

    This game blows

    I'm a hockey player, well former hockey, i dont play hockey anymore but I'l check you into the boards, you will drop like a sack of potateos, I don't see your point. BTW, track is for pussies.