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I am thinking about them, how will they influence game play on DayZ. So here is what i think :

Anti-tank mines would be exelent thing in game. They should be visible on roads, but not visible offroad. They should trigger only when vehicle hit them. Last night i was chased by one truck and that come to my mind.

Anti-personnel mine : I am not sure about this. They can ruin game if scripters are not out of game. They can cover large area and practicly kill everyone.

Naval mine : I dont think this is good. Maybe if devs give us more ships in future.

fuel barrel : also good thing, you can put one on some place, and shoot it from ditance when enemy or zombies are close. I saw that you can set on fire jerry cans but i am not sure does that fire do any dmg.

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I really don't like the idea of mines.

First off there will always be dupers and some hackers out there,

Think about it all the major cities would be inaccessible because of all the "Anti-personnal mines".

There's to many reasons not to add mines :)

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I really don't like the idea of mines.

First off there will always be dupers and some hackers out there,

Think about it all the major cities would be inaccessible because of all the "Anti-personnal mines".

There's to many reasons not to add mines :)

even without dupers and hackers, big clans can collect many mines and use them to block some important part of map. That is why i am not sure that anti personla mines are good idea. But AT mines is good thing, a little thing to wory about when you drive car :)

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even without dupers and hackers, big clans can collect many mines and use them to block some important part of map. That is why i am not sure that anti personla mines are good idea. But AT mines is good thing, a little thing to wory about when you drive car :)

That's the thing, if this was all real, it could happen. There could be organised survivors / bandits that use it to protect or cut off an area. That is all part of it. That would be great.

If you have read or seen the walking dead, it's like holding the prison, if they had mines they'd use them.

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ooohhhh, I so had this idea too. But it was more to do with when the implament the underground building addition. So you can add mines to protect your base, or it could also backfire and the mine collapses the tunnel :P

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Also note that even the people setting up the mines would be vulnerable to them as well. If they set a lot of them, they may forget where all of them are. Could cause a very nasty chain reaction as well if poorly placed.

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I disagree with this suggestion.

There are far more interesting things to develop than put more stuff on the map to randomly kill players who got a vehicle (seriously, I never saw anyone driving a vehicle, despite I have one myself hidden somewhere in the servers mass, that I use as a tent).

Maybe some stuff to blow the wheels and lock the car down, but anti tank mines? Seriously, why would a survivor want to destroy other people vehicles? Would you do that in a zombie apocalypse?

Go play Arma, Battlefield or whatever games has mines for a righteous purpose. Not a zombie apocalypse game.

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Mines can be really nasty, I rather think they could ruin the game somehow. I like the implemented beartraps though, I think this is enough.

Rare AV mines could be imaginable, but only if they could be slightly seen everywhere, but I'm not sure.

But, seriously, that doen't really fit in this game.

Edited by Pawlzz
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If you have read or seen the walking dead, it's like holding the prison, if they had mines they'd use them.

Uhm... that's like the worst idea ever. The sound of the explosion just draws in more walkers. All these wannabe Zombie Apocalypse Survivors... don't they know nothing!?
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Uhm... that's like the worst idea ever. The sound of the explosion just draws in more walkers. All these wannabe Zombie Apocalypse Survivors... don't they know nothing!?

Uhm... that's like the worst idea ever. The sound of the explosion just draws in more walkers. All these wannabe Zombie Apocalypse Survivors... don't they know nothing!?

Yeah you are probably right.

Would be suitable in Day Z though I think as there aren't actual hordes and the areas at which they are set up may not be in z infested areas.

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I really don't like the idea of mines.

First off there will always be dupers and some hackers out there,

Think about it all the major cities would be inaccessible because of all the "Anti-personnal mines".

There's to many reasons not to add mines :)

Yeah at least bear traps are easy to spot and remove ... when inside citys.

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Yeah you are probably right.

Would be suitable in Day Z though I think as there aren't actual hordes and the areas at which they are set up may not be in z infested areas.

Though Hordes would be an awsome inclusion

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Mines would be the last thing on my mind unless they were freely available (Id go through the usual pain in the arse attempts to mine all roads and entrances)

Then I would mine around my base, protection at its finest.

I have noticed Takistan has areas where there are minefields, but no mines! Perhaps danger warning signs could avert players from attempting access to sensitive areas?

Given the use of mines, a resoursefull player would always find a way around the mines, Using zeds to trigger (Blast radius zone would trigger more) wandering animals would set them off also.

The Mod has seen its abuse of hunting traps being abused by hackers, teleporting players and having them surrounded by traps. Imagine if you will, it may only take one mine to go off to set off the others based on proximity. The SA would have to stop hacking fully for any benefits of mines in game.

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Too many military ideas for a civ based zombie survival game...the last one is funny but you can't make a barrel of canister with fuel explode from a bullet strike like in Hollywood.

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I dont like Mines!

Mines are only for trolling and to destroy that people have fun with they vehicles.

So Dev Team, plz no mines!

Edited by DaGolem

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Too many military ideas for a civ based zombie survival game...the last one is funny but you can't make a barrel of canister with fuel explode from a bullet strike like in Hollywood.

Depends on what the fuel canister is containing, and what ammunition you're using. A full barrel of gasoline won't even explode if you shoot it with a tracer round, though, so it is highly unlikely.

Now if you were shooting half full steel drums of gasoline, with steel rounds or tracer rounds, then you might get an explosion.

But the whole 'shoot the red barrel for explosions' thing is completely inaccurate for the most part.

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I want to see TRIP FLARES dammit ! >:

But yes i ado agree with anti vehicle mines. maybe not the others at this stage

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A full barrel of gasoline won't even explode if you shoot it with a tracer round, though, so it is highly unlikely.

Oh yes it will sonny !


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When Rocket adds crafting in the standalone, IEDs would be coo; :3

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Oh yes it will sonny !


Full barrels of gas have no oxygen to provide an ignition source for the explosion. at best, you would start it ablaze, but the most likely effect would be your round gets extinguished, and no boom for you.

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Depends on what the fuel canister is containing, and what ammunition you're using. A full barrel of gasoline won't even explode if you shoot it with a tracer round, though, so it is highly unlikely.

Now if you were shooting half full steel drums of gasoline, with steel rounds or tracer rounds, then you might get an explosion.

But the whole 'shoot the red barrel for explosions' thing is completely inaccurate for the most part.

That's why i wrote like in Hollywood, they obviously use explosives to blow them up. And i'm pretty sure you might even need incendary rounds.

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