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About zuk

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  1. zuk

    Dayz Bmxing

    hahahahahahaha classic.
  2. Question: Did you click on any hack links etc as suggested by BE?
  3. This. This. This. This. This. I've been playing domination for a few years, it rules. If you are keen, filter by TAW, the TAW domination server (us server) is great.
  4. zuk

    Cz 550?

    Hey shit troll, if you had any idea you would know 99% of the players around Elektro are geared up players killing each other.
  5. Something about Alice in wonderland appeared on the screen no doubt.
  6. L85 is complete trash. The sight is good but the gun itself is complete crap.
  7. Stop logging in and out of sniping spots or open areas then you clam.
  8. zuk

    Re-arming Helicopters

    Have you actually tried this before?
  9. Hey mate, where are you located? Do you play on US servers? If so shoot us an add? About Myself Age:25 Steamaccount: zukzk Bandit/Hero? ... Bandit. Currently have -540,000 humanity but I am a social player, normally. Play style in day z? Squad-leader, Lone-wolf, Point-man, Navigator, Guy who shoots first lol, like to really put myself out there and take risks, very self sufficient, zen approach to 'gear'. Will you be getting standalone? Yes Location: Melbourne, Australia. Play on US servers. Additional: I've had ARMA 2 for years, I used to play it a lot (have been playing it again, yay) and have been playing Day Z for what seems like 5 months. EDIT: I have a puppy called Wolfgang so I obviously love the group name haha.
  10. zuk

    I Ask Elektro Snipers This

    lol Kayak, I have an AS50 TWS. Racked up 18 kills in two hours the other night. You can try though bud :P Disclaimer: No I don't think I am good, I have TWS, it is OP. Also, NO I did NOT hack these in, I killed someone that had it.
  11. zuk

    I Ask Elektro Snipers This

    The chances of seeing an actual survivor are tiny in the sniping areas. 9/10 they are geared to the teeth with AS50/AS50 thermal, Mk48, Ghillie/Soldier uniform etc. I specifically go to the hospital and counter snipe from the roof, the snipers are usually too busy watching the power station or the west hill.
  12. zuk

    Radio? Hacked or what?

    If you want to know more look at this: http://en.wikipedia....Numbers_station It is really, really f%%%ing scarey. It is believed they are cold world era spy towers that require a numbers pad. You basically cannot crack these transmitions with out the numbers pad. There are still many numbers stations operating around the world. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lincolnshire_Poacher_(numbers_station)
  13. Yeah flush does not help me either, it may be the video card we use or something. Using a Radeon 7850.
  14. zuk

    Radio? Hacked or what?

    Pretty sure hacked although I did see a thread months ago that said green mountain was like a numbers station that was broadcasting when you are near. Probably bs though. Test it and let us know?