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Top 3 Bugs you want fixed, Top 3 Features you want added

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Choose the top three things you desperately want to be fixed, and three things you really want added.

My three bugs:

1. Log off exploits.

2. The various duping exploits.

3. Helicopter permanently leaking fuel bug.

My three features:

1. Even more vehicles around! Respawning vehicles! Vehicles are fun.

2. Survival made far harder; environment effects and zombies ramped up.

3. More base building stuff.

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I want to see group play enhanced and rewarded.

I want to see settlement establishment made possible.

I want to see zombies that run in straight lines.

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Only one bug that needs fixing from my POV:

on some buildings, when crouching through the doorway, your character suddenly stands up. Pretty bad when some Zed's are near which wouldn't had be alerted when remaining prone but instantly attack when getting up.

Probably a issue with the Geo LOD or Roadway LOD of the respective buildings and therefor something BI would have to fix and not Rocket.

But since the success of DayZ, i've seen that bugs, although reported a long time ago, all of a sudden get fixed rapidly when causing issues in DayZ.

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1. Zombies attacking through walls.

2. Stop inventory deleting gear, should just drop it (when you click on left arrow in list).

3. Doorway bug [FRL]Myke mentioned.


1. Non lethal weapons: Tranquilizer Gun; Stun Gun/Tazor; Tear Gas; etc.

2. Harder survival as OP suggests: 10x more zombies with reduction of food/water/ammo.

3. More and randomized zombie movements/actions, they are too predictable to be a threat.

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1. Bone breaking on every fucking object in the game. (Rocks, trees, tents.)

2. Females to stop becoming males

3. (Afaik this is an engine limit) Zombies spotting me in the fucking control tower magically


1. NPC Military groups, the ones rumored around recently. Make them official :V

2. I can has 0.01% chance to spawn with camo clothing?

3. More variants of shotguns. (I know the AA-12 exists, but no signs of it.)

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1. Female skins working properly

2. Zed AI made credible and dangerous

3. Stop killing me with terrain

Feature wise:

1. More danger

2. Random, explainable things that injure and kill

3. Reduce long range weapon spawns drastically

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1. Brand new map with every building enterable.

2. Dynamic events.

3. Harder to survive.

Asking alot I know.

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1. Zombies pounding the shit outta me through walls

2. Vanishing items when dropping them

3. Debug ocean when wearing the suits


1. stackble bolts and better iron sights for the crossbow

2. New rifles (like the mosin nagant perhaps?), and less automatic weapons (almost everything is automatic)

3. Better ways to set up a camp of some sorts

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1. Improve zombie running speed and fix the teleports..

2. Breaking legs on every little stone

3. Zombies hitting through walls


1. Every ( or 70% ) buildings have open doors ! Or add ability to destroy wooden doors.

2. Make the zombies run or walk ... not teleport or run at jet speeds..

3. Survivor and Bandit HQ's , Ability to Upgrade them , Store Supply's , Trade


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1) Tent placement problems (you can't place properly even on level ground without objects).

2) Tent duplication & removal bugs (Tent is permanent once you place it. Dying does not remove tent. Packing it doesn't help, it spawns again on server restart.)

3) Time sync problem (Server time does not progress, everyone who joins is synced server's time)


1) Consequence for murderers (kill on sight types)

2) Consequence for those who disconnect during PvP

3) When running in forest, sometimes you send out a loud sound of breaking branch (stepping on one breaking it). This could be heard nearby (within 200-300m or so?)

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I would like to see customisable weaponry, for example attachable scopes, silencers, flashlights, bayonets etc...

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1: Zombie hit through walls

2: Item's vanishing

3: Environment kill



1: More weapon type's

2: Environment/Zombie's make tougher/more Zombie's

3: More health options

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im going to be honest, I dont really care much for having duping or quitters, because they dont kill me..

I just want getting killed by terrain fixed, its so annoying to die randomly..

In addition; I would love to have the radar on the heli removed..

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Three Bugs:

1) Hacking/Duping exploits

2) Camo swapping sending you to ocean

3) Vehicles being so temperamental (toughen em up)

Three Features:

1) Player customization or unique models (not PMC skins)

2) Booby traps (flare tripwires, placing a live grenade in loot...)

3) Tent/Cache variety: There are a few different tents already in the engine from stock ARMA2. I think those being an option instead of only the old camping tent would be nice.

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zombies hit through walls

zombies run faster than cheetahs

zombies walking in buildings(should walk on stairs only)

more vehicles

customize weapons (take out the need for SD and add a silencer for 3 different types of weapon, pistol, rifle and sniper)

make servers have to use most recent save.

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Don't understand why some guys want tougher zombies or more dificulity, you can choose in which mode you want to play. Go Cherno for hardmode and challenge and inland for easy mode. (excl. military spawns) I think there should be both ways to play to cater more diverse group of players and different ways to advance.

And you still get fucked by zombies if you fire a gun in smaller cities, try it sometime.

Bugs most notably

1) Zombie attacking, through walls other objects.

2) Zombie glitching through floors, doors etc.

3) Zombie pathfinding, as in no zig zaging like a lunatic.


1) More diversity in arsenal, especially lower tier.

2) More diverse zombies, like bigger ones (bossfights, yay), or like the hunters in l4d in forests.

3) Random events in Chernarus like army convoys, random hind flying over, maybe npc survivor camps, random zombie hordes, military temporary camps etc. (Could invent these whole day but would be too much to write, haha.)

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Long Loading times. Seriously, it really kills my experience when it takes me 10 minutes to load in, longer if I get 'Retrying to authenticate'

Zombies hitting through walls.

Fixing the fall damage bugs (why do I bleed from falling off a deer stand?)


More ability to eliminate the spawning of zeds in an area that you are fortifying. For example, getting a powered generator to power all the lights in the town, which eliminates spawning there, or something like that. This would give people more reason to cooperate and work towards.

More weapon variety, and more viable loot locations on the eastern coast and inland (currently one of the only good places to loot inland is the NW airfield)

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Awesome list, will look at this all for the next update.

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1: Death by environment.

2: AI walking/hitting through objects.

3: Spawning in debug forest.


1: Reduce weapon, ammo, food and drink spawns.

2: Remove sprinting Zombies and add stumbling/jogging speed.

3: Reduce starting equipment and spread out spawning locations right along south and east coasts.

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Fix :

1) Item duping/loss (2 I know)

2) logging to prevent dying

3) Tent placement

things I want :

1) An in game item to allow comms across the server. it could be a radio, or w/e. Removal of side chat (maybe beta only) REALLY sucks. blah blah blah immersion, blah blah blah realism. I dont care. I hate not being able to talk/chatter to the server while I am playing. Not all servers host Comms, and the ones that do, not alot of ppl use them.

2) I would love to see a system for bases, or fortifications.. but I dont see it as being feasible. Once they are located, they are going to be looted and destroyed... making it a waste of time. Cant man the walls 24/7.

3) I would like to see a more randomized vehicle generation system. Once they are destroyed, they should pop somewhere randomly back on the map. Vehicles change the scale of the game 100%, and the way you play it. I dont want to see hundreds of them, but I feel like they should be a wee bit more accessible.

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1. Z glitching.

2. Doorways.

3. Vehicle collision or whatever it is that makes them explode without warning.


1. Random encounters: mutant Z's, military patrols, radio chatter in random locations, etc.

2. Random loot locations: rare items could spawn anywhere. Not just in certain areas (airfields, deer stands, etc). Also, loot under bridges, by dams, wrecked vehicles or out in the woods in the middle of nowhere.

3. Random events: relief drops (crate strapped to a parachute with a flare dropped by a cargo plane), bombings (if more Z's are added and certain areas become overwhelmed with Z's), fires, jet flybys, etc.

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1)add a quit-out timer

2)do NOT add anything to punish those who engage in PvP

3)do NOT add any mechanics to make grouping easier

4)do NOT add any safe zones or non-zombie NPCs

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1. Time sync issue. I posted a bug report and ways to fix I'd link to but the forum rollback removed it :(. Basically when you join a game the server sends you a time (i.e. 5:30) and your time continues from there. When someone else joins an hour later it is 5:30 for them and 6:30 for you. Someone else joins in another hour it is 5:30 for them, 6:30 for the other guy, and 7:30 for you. Unless you quit and rejoin every once and awhile eventually it becomes night for you and day for them. No idea what time it actually is for the zombies.

My suggestions for fix is to check the serverTime and set JIP people to that (although I think there is a bug with serverTime too) or just keep publicVars on the server/client to send the proper time to new joiners.

Anyway that's my top bug. Mainly because other suggestions are obviously going to be fixed but this is easy to pass up (since many don't even know it happens).

2. Performance. Another item commonly overlooked in the demand for other bug fixes and features, but something I'd like the devs to keep on top of. Haven't seen the code myself but there are some major problems that have to be fixable. I've noticed if Arma II is not restarted every time I leave/re-join a server then it has more and more layers of slowness. I guess some code in the mod is running on top of itself or something is getting loaded in duplicate or something. This doesn't happen with other Arma missions. Other suggestions would be hopefully try to keep the loops/number of scripts running down to a minimum. I've noticed multiple contributors in patch notes before and that scares me that each contributor adds another script. If it's not being done already I'd hope for moving as many (if not all) of the script loops into one loop and giving time back to the game as much as you can (don't loop unless you need to).

3. Disconnect exploits. Hard one to fix since there are so many legitimate disconnects from a server. I would suggest if you disconnect and reconnect to the same server it's fine, but if you leave and go to another server you can't go back to the one you were on before until you wait an hour. This would have to be explained within the game though, otherwise everyone would think it was bugged.

Some of the bugs mentioned above are Arma default and difficult ones to fix. Like the enemies walking through walls. I've tried to mod that out in my own missions and it's pretty tough. Managed to fix some building objects/walls just by making their wall hit detection VERY thick, and still doesn't work all the time.

For doors it seems since OFP days the AI works in a way where it knows the lay of the map only when the server starts. So an open door is open from there on out; a closed one closed. They won't go through doors that start closed and become open, but will always go through open doors that become closed. Only way I could think of that is scripting out some vectors and crap for each AI, and could be near impossible to optimize in any working fashion. Another one that Arma II core needs fixing for.

Dying on environment is another one I doubt could be modded out. Been that way since OFP days.

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1. zed clippping threw walls and damage. (getting hit once, and hour glass appears even at 12,000 blood.

2. Disconnect exploit

3. zed aggro spawning more zeds. (You scout 4 zeds in a small town, aggro one by accident, and next thing you know your killing 20 zeds before they stop coming. Where did these 16 other zeds come from?


1. dynamic world events.

2. gas mask, air contagions, strong-shifting winds to affect air quality.

3. Better tools to set up player controlled trading post

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1. Disconnect to avoid death exploit

2. Duping exploit

3. Zombie pathing


1. Change all zombie spawns to north and west edges of map. Spawn roaming packs the migrate south and east (temporarily change direction to follow sounds (gunshots, explosions, aircraft (air drops), etc.) and to attack players (visual)).

2. Change the majority/all of loot spawns to air drops (either random or an authentic type of player influenced). Have buildings spawn only the occasional can of beans, if anything at all.

3. Let players hit "P" while in-game, and select those players on the server that you want to see your tag (ie friendlies)

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