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Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

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Who are these "friends"?

Guys I've met playing DayZ that aren't DM'ing kiddies and just IRL friends of mine I sometimes bro-op in DayZ with.

Perhaps sometime this week before the meetup, one of the confirmed bronies can go to Synchtube.com and set up an episode of MLP with Murse Faneca here.

If he makes it through the full episode he's in, even if he's not a Brony, a hater who's dedicated enough to watch a full episode of MLP is dedicated enough to earn my respect =P

Fine by me. Just give me a heads up with sufficient time before doing it since I may be busy.

I would prefer GMT times to be posted like in the main post, less worries and less possible errors of missing it by screwing up time zone conversion.

I would prefer the episode to be as less spoiler free as possible since I've only watched the first 2 so far and even tough that was not very recently I don't ever like to have future surprises ruined.

Edited by Murse Faneca

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Uh, when will you guys learn that these meetups will never work? Normal public meetups are already tough, you're just making it next to impossible by naming it a "Brony Meetup"

Impossible? It worked last time, and the griefers make the thing even more fun. Have you ever considered the fact that we make this public so we can troll the griefers when they join the meetup?

I have a theory that all bronies are socially awqward single males. I have yet to be proven wrong

Socialy awkward? I can assure you that I am a full-blown psychopath.

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Never realised there was this type of stuff :3 So what do we actually Do when we all meet up and if we all meet up how do we know we wont die?

A couple of me and my friends saw someone post a meeting on here and said where they were meeting up.

We saw them all there at the time they said and killed em all.

I wouldn't mind coming along :P

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And since I know you'll point it out, let me confirm: Yes, I said boyfriend, I am male. I'm a homosexual. Enjoy your ammo.

I Hate the word.


You are not Gay.

You are an Abomination! >:(

Lol im just joking :D

Had to say it :P

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Never realised there was this type of stuff :3 So what do we actually Do when we all meet up and if we all meet up how do we know we wont die?

A couple of me and my friends saw someone post a meeting on here and said where they were meeting up.

We saw them all there at the time they said and killed em all.

I wouldn't mind coming along :P

Basically meet up in a bus or something and just ride about Chernaus, looting and causing chaos... kinda like Discording the entire coast from time to time.. just soo much fun

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Guys I've met playing DayZ that aren't DM'ing kiddies and just IRL friends of mine I sometimes bro-op in DayZ with.

Fine by me. Just give me a heads up with sufficient time before doing it since I may be busy.

I would prefer GMT times to be posted like in the main post, less worries and less possible errors of missing it by screwing up time zone conversion.

I would prefer the episode to be as less spoiler free as possible since I've only watched the first 2 so far and even tough that was not very recently I don't ever like to have future surprises ruined.

Right well hopefully we can arrange something ASAP as im pretty busy working over the next couple of days :)

I might come, put me on the maybe list.

We don't have a maybe list... try and confirm if you are coming along or not and i shall put you on the "attending" list

Socially Awkward? Maybe a bit, but no worse than any other computer Geek.

Single? No. My boyfriend and I are in a very happy relationship.

And since I know you'll point it out, let me confirm: Yes, I said boyfriend, I am male. I'm a homosexual. Enjoy your ammo.

Lastly, Awkward*

Good on you :) glad that you are happy!!

I claim the name Scoots.

We should pre-name ourselves, we should play on a name-tag server, we should shoot all with names not called for, infiltrators will have their 5 seconds of fame and be shot--their name placed on a kill list, duplicate names and doppelgangers will be quizzed and upon failing a quiz will be shot.

Manes for the mane throne; hooves for the hoof God.

Indeed, i put the nameplates back on the server we shall use so come the day i shall list all the Pony names in the server and anyone that isn't on the list shall be highlighted (Minus my clan members who will be scouting about for problems)

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I will attend, most likely on a fresh character.

Good luck with 1 post. Derpy, make the question for him a hard one.


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of course not, seriously i know my grammar is terrible, it's not intentional trust me....

Okay, I will tease you about it until the end of time then.

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OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH~! This sounds so fun! Can I join?

Hmm ok.. after you answer this question... what did Pinkies parents farm on their ranch?

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Ha I'm in anybrony add me on skype aswell it'd be fun to play with some of you (bromethious-king-of-bros) we should get some brony clans up and going here. and to proove im a brony, there are 4 alicorns not counting the mindless swarm of changelings

Edited by Bromethius

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Ha I'm in anybrony add me on skype aswell it'd be fun to play with some of you (bromethious-king-of-bros) we should get some brony clans up and going here. and to proove im a brony, there are 4 alicorns not counting the mindless swarm of changelings

whats your skype?

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He makes much more sense on Teamspeak :) defo added for Sunday!

ya sorry about it being hard to understand. (insert plain excuse here)

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Just a few days in and there are 8 pages already! :o

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