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skillfultree (DayZ)

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About skillfultree (DayZ)

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    beans beans beans beans beans beans
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    Checking my 7
  1. skillfultree (DayZ)

    Consolidated Weapons/Equipment suggestions

    Would you consider turning Chernarus into a... island? This would stop vehicle hoarding BUT: Is it the right thing to do? Could it be implemented? Would the community be ok without the endless grasslands?
  2. skillfultree (DayZ)

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    I might come, put me on the maybe list.
  3. skillfultree (DayZ)

    Green mountain?

    I went to green mountain once with a friend. After a while I couldn't find him, but then I ran across him again and he just want crazy, started shooting anything that moved, including me. Had to put him down. Ive also heard constant shooting while near there and found many bodies. 7
  4. skillfultree (DayZ)

    When DayZ becomes a stand-alone.........

    coming into this thread see the faces 0_o Check em
  5. skillfultree (DayZ)

    What the hell am I looking at.

    This isn't to do with the graphical glitch
  6. skillfultree (DayZ)

    What the hell am I looking at.

    http://i.imgur.com/X3X0d.jpg http://i.imgur.com/2TwAt.jpg The server is GB #500 Multiplay: Slimsy (this isn't the full server name, just the start and end of it) This "Base" was in the middle of the NW Air Field completely surrounded by walls. The only way in seemed to be by chopper, teleporting or no clip. Looking inside from a metal tower I could see what appeared to be weapon crates. It was also a low pop server, 3 to 4 people and no one was around the Air Field. So what do you make of this?
  7. skillfultree (DayZ)

    A very quick question.

    Does a helicopter need a gunner for its weapons to fire? or can a pilot operate the guns while its hovering?
  8. skillfultree (DayZ)

    What are all the lines that appear all over your screen?

    Ive had it before the patch though, just not this bad
  9. Im at the air field and its unplayable. what can I do about this?
  10. skillfultree (DayZ)

    Just disable respawn and be done with it

    +1 I also agree with this, you have my support. The thing I find most frustrating is never finding dead bodies, hell Ill tell you a little story. I was playing with some mates, but we were scattered across the map. One of my friends gets ambushed by 3 guys and gets killed. I go to deal with them and I finish them off. About a 30 seconds after they died all the bodies all disappeared except for my friends body and they could not be looted. They had also been constantly re-spawning. My friend had not. So not only is it an exploitation get closer to your preferred location, it also prevents people from looting your body if your fast enough. This needs to be addressed, I have not found a dead body since, but I have heard PLENTY of flies everywhere. Just no body.
  11. skillfultree (DayZ)

    Well this sucks

    Everyone shoots as soon as they see you. Whats the point if its just a massive PvP? All the worry about trust and suspicion and what might happen is gone.
  12. skillfultree (DayZ)

    Where do you find the 870 MCS Shotgun?

    I think its a decent weapon. For a shotgun anyway. It has a flash-light attached, but a low rate of fire, and it can take two different kinds of ammo, pellets and slugs. It also has infinite ammo. Because no ones fixed the bug.
  13. skillfultree (DayZ)

    Could we have s new map?

    Now I love Chernarus.... But would it be possible to have another map from ArmA 2? How hard would that be? I would love another map, no pressure though, just wondering.
  14. skillfultree (DayZ)

    Some notes on 1.7.1

    I know there's a lot of these threads but I thought I would put this down anyway: 1) Zeds seem to spawn in greater numbers: I don't know if this is deliberate, a glitch or just a chance happening for me, but it seems there are more zeds the usual. 2) No weapon on spawn: So far this has been quite fun for me and not many seem to be complaining about this, but rather the zeds being over powered. I find it fun to scavenge more and brings more value to the water bottle which for me is now something to kill for, due to its unique ability to replenish water nearby. 3) Night time/Flash-light: This is a hard one. The flash-light, sadly :( , does not help at night. While there are bandits to be weary of its usefulness lies in using it to find loot around you and look for zeds. Thai cannot be done however as the zeds are attracted to it! Loot only spawns where zeds are and so the flash light cannot be used there and so now its a novelty item and not much more. I think the flash-light needs to not attract zombies for it to be effective at all, but is still risky because players can see it. that is the only way to make use of it. (I turned up the brightness and gamma, I admit it!, ( I think its cheating)). 4) Zeds being overpowered: All ready talked into great detail by the community and have been impossible to sneak by at day. At night everything seems like it was before the patch. 5) Players unprepared: When first spawned I went through a town at night to loot. I found bodies everywhere! I only got through because I was cheating (see 3), but everyone was very unprepared for the patch. People were running in every direction and a few were shooting, but still getting killed. I also found bodies further north that had an AKM and Double Barrel (Nice work on the gun!), so it seems that this patch is separating the noobs from the pros a bit as the chat was showing that some people were getting through fine. 6)Loot!: To compensate for the lack of weapons there seems to be more loot! YAY! (found a few Makarovs and a revolver) 7) Running/Hiding from zombies: This works to a degree. One zombie was chasing me and I ran and eventually it just stopped chasing me and resumed its walk. Five zombies were chasing me and only after I killed to did the other three for get about me. This could be improved upon but its a small step in the right direction.
  15. skillfultree (DayZ)

    How do I communicate with other players now?

    Thank you both.