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Lets do this, Trading Station Delta - Edited

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We've got a PKer at the rendezvous point. All bets are off.

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Man, I had class :( Did I miss my chance to cause problems?

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vulwulf we were at the station for 20+ minutes you could have said something and joined us, but its better off you didn't :)

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Victor might ninja me on this, but we met up at the gas station at 6, waited 15 minutes for anyone else, then went off to look at the proposed site and discuss guard placement and whatnot. I imagine that Victor will PM people with the relevant details for another meeting, probably stressing that things kick off at the start time and finish at the finish time, instead of the times being a window of arrival.

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Guys, I think iv made a terrible judge in destination. I fear I may have mistook the NW airfield with airfield I thought I was telling you all to go. I met with Kurkistan at the gas station near the coast and we were wondering what was up. We waited 15 minutes. We were back at the gas station at around 6:45 and when we called out to people we heard somone say me. They proceeded to ignore us and than abort it seems cuz we never saw them. Sorry, in a way I guess it was good for me. lol but now we know SOMEONE i invited is a PKer or it was a random coincidence. I will review who I send the invite too and who was not killed to determine who it might have been.

There is a lot of crazyness going on right now. I guess they dropped the central server because of insane hacking so thats why we were dropped kurz.

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na not random this guy was camping the site. i got up from prone for 1 second to eat and was sniped, head shot too :) he's an idiot though because we had nothing on us. if he was bright he/them would have waited till someone with something worthwhile arrived.

not a big deal though just a wasted trip to nw airfield.

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Yah turns out alot of you were at wrong local but thats my fault and im sorry. Ignorance of the map and NOT using an out of game map at all I guess. I guess metagaming has its place sometimes lol. Sorry guys well I will PM you for new meet local? Ill be on all night so if you guys want to meet up.

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yes, i also think .. a nice idea, but won't work right now for reasons mentioned before, for example serverhopping.

by the way .... in all the times i got killed now by other players i never know who it really was. makes it quite impossible to hunt him down.

i for myself do not really care about high end weapons for which i cannot find ammo. i am still happy with a 1911 and a winchester because it's easy to never run out of bullets with these and both kill zimbies fast and painless.. haha. and the winchester is not as loud as many player always say (or think).

i for myself want a currency in the game no matter if it'S useless money or makarov ammo or whatever for which it is possible to buy 5 things. compass, matches, watch, hatchet and a knife. after i got killed last time 10 times by other players i must say it bores me to hell to get all this stuff together again and again because my surwiving begins to start after i found these 5 parts. the ingame map is pretty useless in 98% of all servers, so i don't care for it. i use a map on another computer with a second screen. but searching for all the other things bores me to hell.

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I fear I may have mistook the NW airfield with airfield I thought I was telling you all to go.

Great... I busted my virtual ass' date=' dead-reckoning (no in-game map, no compass, and no watch) my way through the back end of nowhere for almost four hours, from where I spawned in Elektrozavodsk, all the way to Grishino; only to find out that I spawned less than a kilometer or two from where you [i']meant to have us meet you?


Maybe I should just let that PKer kill me and save myself the trip back. It's not like I have anything of value, anyway. I dumped everything, made sure not to pick anything up, and just high-tailed it out to Grishino to be able to make it it time.

But what's done is done. Maybe PM me with a new time and location to meet up? I'll be up pretty much all night, too.

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survivor420 that was me that shot you. I had no idea who you were, or that that was a meeting point. All I was told in a PM was that victor would be in the area of the NW airfield, not that anybody else would be out there.

I came upon you, was about to call out to you and then you took a knee! I got jumpy and shot. I was only about 10 feet to your left, silenced weapon.

I didn't know you were on the same server for the same reason as me!

For the record I was not camping the site, I was on my way to the airfield and was meeting a friend when I decided to check out the gas station and came upon you.

I also never saw anybody else after I shot you, so I went off to meet my friend. Then the server died.

You were my first murder on any life. I was talking for a long while to my friends about how guilty I felt about it. lol

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survivor420 that was me that shot you.

I actually heard you moving around just before you shot him. I was about to ask him if he also heard someone moving around nearby, when he keeled over dead about four meters ahead of me. You scared the crap out of me, man. I haven't logged back in since you killed him.

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Yep, ts3 is looking pretty promising now. I'm still in, but i'm more dedicated to the idea than I am to following a strict "no metagaming" policy.

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Yep' date=' ts3 is looking pretty promising now. I'm still in, but i'm more dedicated to the idea than I am to following a strict "no metagaming" policy.


Nope nope nope. If you don't like how OP does things, he calls you a pimply faced teenager. Or a sad little man. I really don't think even he knows what he thinks I am.

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I dont have time for this. A community filled largely by annoying nerd bullies behind computers, grammer police, keyboard tough guys. I think you guys call them "trolls". The mechanics in the game dont make this inpossible, the community does. If someone who has a little more time than me to lead the project is interested i would certainly lend my military training and knoledge to the project and provide guard and supply support. But to run this and try and get meetings together is impossible for me.

This publik guy just got owned in the ban ts3 forum though. Lol you guys should check it out.

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To spare me reading through this entire thread: have you guys started establishing this? Where's your location? What server?

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Another one bites the dust....what is this the third trading post to collapse before trading anything?

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I dont have time for this. A community filled largely by annoying nerd bullies behind computers' date=' grammer police, keyboard tough guys. I think you guys call them "trolls". The mechanics in the game dont make this inpossible, the community does. If someone who has a little more time than me to lead the project is interested i would certainly lend my military training and knoledge to the project and provide guard and supply support. But to run this and try and get meetings together is impossible for me.

This publik guy just got owned in the ban ts3 forum though. Lol you guys should check it out.


One, Publik didn't "get owned".

Two, dude, really?

I've tried to support this from the start, and even continued after you verbally abused me.

Whether that was a misunderstanding, or you were frustrated, I don't know, but I've yet to see you stop to consider your own choice of words.

You're not doing yourself or your project any favors.

I don't doubt that you can do a good job as a comms officer in this mans army, but if you went into this expecting people to follow orders in the same manner people do in the military, then you've started off way over your head.

On the interwebz, trust is earned. There are many ways to earn it, and I find that the very easiest is to be polite and diplomatic.

In closing, I'd like to make it clear that I've never attacked your idea or your person, and that this post is in no way meant as such.

I honestly hoped you could make this work.

But, to me, you've been shooting your limbs off one by one.

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I dont have time for this. A community filled largely by annoying nerd bullies behind computers' date=' grammer police, keyboard tough guys. I think you guys call them "trolls". The mechanics in the game dont make this inpossible, the community does. If someone who has a little more time than me to lead the project is interested i would certainly lend my military training and knoledge to the project and provide guard and supply support. But to run this and try and get meetings together is impossible for me.

This publik guy just got owned in the ban ts3 forum though. Lol you guys should check it out.


You really aren't that charismatic aren't you. You had terrible organization and that's what made everything fall apart, you decided to not use teamspeak 3 to make sure everyone worked together, and then you told everyone the wrong location to meet up due to your ignorance of the map. I don't think your "Military Knowledge" would of helped with your terrible leadership.

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Another Trading station that wanted to introduce an achiles heal for no reason and it screwed the group over.

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Another Trading station that wanted to introduce an achiles heal for no reason and it screwed the group over.

WRONG. Had nothing to do with TS3.

Yah' date=' unfortunately true military leadership is impossible with the amount of fucktards here. In the military theyda been kicked out or sent to levenworth. Charisma on the internet? Are you kidding?


I dont understand if you all are so into the idea and think you can do a better job this and that? Than WTF? why isnt their one yet?

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No, actually, he's not kidding at all. I've personally gotten great results, simply by being diplomatic and never resorting to name-calling and other negative attacks on peoples character or ideals.

In my experience, people, including myself, are perfectly happy to follow, as long as they're convinced that the leadership, whatever shape it may take, is in control of the situation.

As it stands, you've throwing out personal attacks left and right, and yet you're wondering why you're having trouble keeping people around?

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Things like this, as well as other organized squads/bases will be more possible as the game develops. I sure hope the game does twist towards this style of play and that the playerbase is big enough to support it, because nothing would be more fun to me then to raid this merchant town and snipe guards/steal supplies.

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