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[Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

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Spawned in the endless ocean of suckage.

Player Name: Shad

ID: 18332550

Equipment: I dunno, but I did have nearly every piece of survival gear, including GPS. I just want to be thrown back on the mainland, even without a weapon. I'll make it work somehow!

Oh yeah, I had an ALICE backpack, too.

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Running the newest beta patch, game worked great until just 30 minutes ago I got stuck in the wilderness (endless fields). It would be great to get a spawn reset or something, since I have decent gear on me.

Thanks in advance and keep up the good work with this mod :)

in game name: Dimonater

player ID: 12047110

Also: Uploaded a few screenshots of incident and my inventory.


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Spawned in the wilderness.

In game name: Cicero

Not sure what my player ID is? How do I find this out?

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Hi all, last night I laid to rest a bit north of the green mountain. This morning I spawned in an ocean! Please help!

Player Name: Alex

Player ID: 5095360

I put on camo clothing last night, is that related?



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Spawned in the wilderness. Two hours ran on a southeast, but....

Player Name: Varga

Player ID: 501188

I have had: M1911 (11 ammo), AKM (8), 3 DMR mag, Binoculars, GPS, map, compass, matches, knife, ax, clock, radio, NV, Big ALICE backpack, Flask, Shovel, 1 bandages, 3 morphine, heatpack, 3 Fresh meat and other food and drink, but it is not so important.

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you can stop posting ....

this is the reply you will get and you wont be reset...

Hello ....

Thank you for your enquiry regarding your character. I have read your thread and acknowledge your request' date=' sadly I do not have good news.

At this time however we are unfortunately unable to accommodate these requests due to the sheer amount we are receiving.

Resetting a character currently requires us to edit the active database which itself is not risk free process. If we attempted reset characters at the rate we are currently receiving requests for we could risk further corruption to the code which would be detrimental for everyone.

Each attempt at a reset (they are not always successful) also takes a development team member away from his job developing the game. Meaning less bugs being fixed and more players being killed and having issues.

We respect the amount of effort you have put into your character and ask you to bear with us as we attempt to make DayZ more stable.

Kind Regards,


E-mail Support


Just quoting this again for shitz and giggles. Honestly, run, or respawn, and if you respawn in the same place then run again and again till you make it back to the main world. Wedge your Run key down with a match or a weight. Use sun or moon as navigation - in sea ? swim north. you can just make out land on the horizon north. In the green deserts? Run south east. Respawn again if you have to. Do whatever it takes to survive. But no one, i repeat no-one, is gonna help you with a reset or give any of your stuff back.


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Spawned in Ocean

Lost Gear:

Alice backpack

2 cans of beans

1 Green chemlight

Lee-Enfield Rifle

1 Enfield magazine


4 Revolver clips

3 Bandages (2 in inventory 1 inbackpack)






Hunting knife

Box of matches

1 Heating Pack (backpack)

2 Pain Killer (1 in inventory 1 in backpack)

2 Morphine (1 in inventory 1 in backpack)

2 Cooked meat (backpack)

3 Waterbottles (2 in inventory 1 in backpack)

Camuflage Clothing (the one with vest and woodland clothing)

Please reset to south west berezino forrest.

if i dont get reset i would probably rage for a while... well well, nothing i can do anyways right?

Name: [EH]--Phoenix--

PID: 14289222

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Does anyone actually get moved back from this thread or what? My character is still in the middle of the debug wasteland after running for almost an hour. He's starving and dying of thirst and I've been waiting 4 days to get him reset and nothing so far. This is such horse shit.

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Today I spawned in the field, ran east for about 20-30 minutes and the server reset. I rejoined and I'm pretty sure it warps ya back to the beginning of debug land when you do. So I went SE this time, I just looked and saw that the area before me looked entirely flat, didn't see many hills in that direction, and eventually I saw trees and got out. I got out probably halfway between Kamenka and NWAF.

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are there people still complaining gear?

keep in mind that you are not regular players. We are alpha testers.

Got a buggy situation?

report it and move on.

Lost all the shit you spent 3 years scavenging? Well, no one is sorry for you.

Report what happened and move on.

Was killed by a hacker?

Report that shit and move on.

Lost your precious m4a3 ccz-shit-supressor-n-grenade-launcher by lag, bug or random shit?

Report and move on.

Also read this: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9195&pid=106280#pid106280


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Edit: Fixed myself (I jammed "w" with fork and let it be until I got back to the game area)


I tried this too, seems that stucking a fork to your keyboard helps

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Stuck in wilderness aswell =/


player ID: 18238406



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Why are you still posting your ID and stuff? Devs have said they're not gonna reset your location.

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Name: Laterson

ID: 11603782

Like others got camo suit, next log in was in endless ocean

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Happened to me again :) I think I noticed that this has happened to me twice after I have changed my uniform. Once to some civilian garb and the other time to a camo suit. Don't know if this has anything to do with it though.

I hope this is getting serious attention, this will keep most new players from ever playing again... I'm already hooked ;)

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If you are in the wilderness try joining "CANADA 2" joining this server ported me out of the endless wilderness. spawning me west of Pavlovo. It worked for me two times now and for my friend.


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If you are in the wilderness try joining "CANADA 2" joining this server ported me out of the endless wilderness. spawning me west of Pavlovo. It worked for me two times now and for my friend.


Canada 2 isn't available for me? :\

Anyways' date=' I read the first post, but hopefully the team has pity for me...

Name: Shame [NwO']

ID: 1809722

Place: Endless plains

Was running the latest patch, the server crashed and I logged into the Debug plains...

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After installing DayZ at a friend's house for LAN use, I struggled to get the new beta patch 93825 to work, but I kept getting stuck at loading. After rolling back to 93701 I was able to get into games, but now I'm teleported to the endless debug wilderness.

EDIT: Nevermind, I ran back. I was about 6-7 km away from the map.

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edit : i suicide.

got camo suit to and like other, next log in was in endless ocean

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