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This server is running an incorrect version of server side appliction.

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Well I was able to get back in... NVG's gone M4a3 gone. G17 gone. gps gone... anything worth a damn gone

you should be happy you can play i have been waiting for 4 weeks due to this bug. and i still cant fucking play

It's hardly playing if the server crashes every 5 minutes and all your gear / vehicles are gone...

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I have reset everyone's inventory who had this problem. You will spawn with a basic weapon and some stuff. Anything in your backpack is untouched. Sorry for this trouble. There is no need to post new ID's here' date=' we will scan the database regularly to update values.


---------- Just noticed this while zipping through the thread looking for answers. Quoted for usefulness in case anyone else is going to post name/number in this thread ---------

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Please check those we were having trouble should now be able to connect.

I'm still incapable of connecting to any servers. I do hope the next patch will hopefully fix this issue, I'd love to continue playing your mod.

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Please check those we were having trouble should now be able to connect.

I'm still incapable of connecting to any servers. I do hope the next patch will hopefully fix this issue' date=' I'd love to continue playing your mod.




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I have reset everyone's inventory who had this problem. You will spawn with a basic weapon and some stuff. Anything in your backpack is untouched. Sorry for this trouble. There is no need to post new ID's here' date=' we will scan the database regularly to update values.


As posted in the latest update thread:

5 hours ago, morning for me I figure I'd give the new patch a try before going to work. I was having trouble finding a decent server.


- There where several that where not updated correctly (no debug window) and sometimes I got the message that they where running while I was on (even though they where named indicating they should of been running the latest version).

- I got kicked from one with the battle eye #46 error (first time I got that, used to get #16)

- A few got stuck on finding host

- A few got stuck on the loading screen (before lobby)

- One said to be running on a custom 'hive' not connected to the official DB (only one that actually connected and wasn't night, but since it was not connected to the official DB I just left)

- Others I got in but couldn't see squat since I logged off in a building and had no light from anywhere.

After several server connects I end up all they way on a beach near cherno with the same hunger and thirst indicators but no gear (not even starting gear). Since I seemed unable to find a server with light on it (even though if going by the time indicators in the server names it should of been) I couldn't see much except there seemed to be a hatchet right in front of me in the form of a shotgun shell.

I know you said short, sorry best I could do. Not sure if this is a bug or the feature you talked about, that reconnecting several times would be detected and 'punished'. Although I thought that the punishment would be death plain and simple.

Perhaps this is related to the reset you mention although I lost my backpack as well as all my gear

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I was able to play fine until 2 mins ago, then the same message...

Please don't reset our inventories...

edit: name = =HOG=Brezmans

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same problem as everybody else was playing fine then logged out for a minute came back to

this server is running an incorrect version of the server side application.you cannot play on this server

hope i can play tommorrow :(



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Server I was on just crashed while I was looting something and now I'm getting the message whenever I'm trying to go in.

Was playing on US77 - Name

Bean-Bandit Taco

ID# 22032326

PS: I would graciously appreciate if you didn't reset the inventories... Been playin for approximately 40+ hours now and had been lucky on a lot of things. ;p

Server crashed at approximately 4:35 AM PDT, error started then.

Gear: M4A1 CCO SD - 7~ish mags

M9 SD 1 Mag

4 Bandages

Pretty much all that matters in the main inventory since backpack doesn't get cleared.

Oh, was in a ghillie as well

Buncha buddies that were in the server with me had this happen to them as well.

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ID: 2894532

Playing with friend and we found hetchet ammo, we pickup it and they disappeared.

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update:mine came back just now but with totally different gear then what i had lol hope i dont get that error again

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After installing the beta patch 93825 each time an appearance on the field.

Name: L00der

ID: 21902854

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Oh my god... I lost AKM-74 with 5 cartridge clips... and revolver .45 with six cartridge... Catastrofic! (((((

Rocket, is it possible to get back my weapons somehow?!...

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