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This server is running an incorrect version of server side appliction.

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also ArmaX User here

played till last monday/tuesday evening (dont remember exactly), then logged of and wanted 2 go on playin yesterday and got this error message after loadinscreen in the connection process.

player-ID: 265730AX

Nickname: sUsh1

fellow of mine who i was playin with all the time and who logged of next 2 me got the same prob yesterday when we wanted 2 go on playin. but just know his name at that point, dunnow how it cant help u :/

Nickname: Stan



btw, FUCKIN awesome mod, especially when u see that its an alpha! Never had such a tension by playin a game since many, many years. go on that way!

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Arma X Anniversary

Name: Dave_2

ID: 146690

Thank you very much

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Hi, i have the same problem with the arma x version

Name: Leeman

Player ID: 495746AX

Hope u can fix it soon

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Bought ArmA X a week ago.


ArmA 2 + OA + PMC + BAF


ArmA: CO - 1.60

DayZ -

Six Launcher - latest

Haven't been able to play DayZ a...single...time yet.

Been reading up on the issue, but this is getting frustrating.

Not only i get that message, but sometimes also this one:


And today i got this one:


And a few days ago i tried.....well, everything in the menu, and hit the respawn button a few times, and it gave me several messages stating that i was killed.

So from this image, apparently i already died 6 times without ever having played the mod a single time.



Well, anyway, if there is something you boys can do for me, here's my name and ID:

Name: Resev

ID: 300865AX


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hello again!

here now the datas of my fellow i was playin with til we bothe got the error yesterday evening.

player-ID: 280770ax

name: Stan

Arma X Anniversary version

hope u can fix us 2 soon. most time we play is on weekend cause there is not that much time in week 2 play 2gether :/


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Arma X Anniversary version

Player ID: 486082

Nick: Reddeax

Great Mod, very much fun!

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name Nerravin

id 442308 or 442308RFT

because of different applications to run in the new annex to the key credited with three letters of RFT

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Same Problem... Arma X Anniversary

Name: Disto

Player ID: 348866AX


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Hi, I also got the problem here.

Got the Anniversary Edition

Name: Arne

Id: dont know where to get this :(

u can delete my charakter...i just want to play again ;)

thank you

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Hi' date=' I also got the problem here.

Got the Anniversary Edition

Name: Arne

Id: dont know where to get this :(

u can delete my charakter...i just want to play again ;)

thank you


Your Player ID is at the bottom of the screen where you choose your name, face, voice and so on. That is, in the main menu: Player Profiles -> Edit.

Due to ID# conflicts, beta patch 94103 introduced letters into some of the ID#s. Your ID should have "AX" on the end if you have ArmA 2 beta 94103 or 94109. Because the DayZ server cannot currently deal with those letters, you can only play with beta 93965 (until DayZ version 1.7.2 is released). You'll need to play only on servers running 93965 too, but their number is dwindling.

See this post for a step-by step guide from scratch. Since I already had a functioning DayZ before the new betas, I simply deleted .../ArmA2/Expansion/beta and then installed 93965.

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Same here....

Name: Skribi

ID: 1766338

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