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This server is running an incorrect version of server side appliction.

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Oh my god... I lost AKM-74 with 5 cartridge clips... and revolver .45 with six cartridge... Catastrofic! (((((

Rocket' date=' is it possible to get back my weapons somehow?!...



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У меня такая же ошибка выходит при попытки поиграть на сервере(любом) сначала думал что БАН помогите плиз



У меня такая же ошибка выходит при попытки поиграть на сервере(любом) сначала думал что БАН помогите плиз



У меня такая же ошибка выходит при попытки поиграть на сервере(любом) сначала думал что БАН помогите плиз





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I have also gotten this now and cannot play on anything.

I lost my main weapon, although I found another, I was just walking around and the server lost connection. Couldn't get into anything, hope someone from Day Z can assist.

If I could ask for some help too Rocket that would be amazing Thanks in advance.



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Я получил этот так сказать бан после того как у меня не было получено сообщения от сервера



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Same problem here. I spawned in the debug wasteland, walked for 1.5 hour in NE direction when the server crashed. Couldn't enter a single server since.

Name: Quintus

Player ID: 1096641

Hope this can be resolved.

Kind regards.

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I spawned without any gear (nor backpack/anything) in the wilderness.

Had to die and respawn. Was kind of upset because I had a few good survival things on me.

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I have the same problem, not going to post my name or character ID, don't want to lose the M4A1 CCO SD, I just found it and I want to keep it. Is there any way it can be fixed without having to reset our gear? I neeeeeed this M4A1 CCO SD for my recordings... I got the problem after a server crash on Dallas 53.

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I have the same problem' date=' not going to post my name or character ID, don't want to lose the M4A1 CCO SD, I just found it and I want to keep it. Is there any way it can be fixed without having to reset our gear? I neeeeeed this M4A1 CCO SD for my recordings... I got the problem after a server crash on Dallas 53.


I do not post mah id, but lost my m249 and nvg. lol.

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So....I have this problem again.

It was fixed for 20-30 minutes, but now the error is back.

Name: Zorkmid

Player ID: 18647046

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How do i find my ID out?

I'm stuck in the same situation.

Player name: Zebratul

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Rocket says u don't need to post it now. Just w8. Btw after my "saw" and nvg was deleted i'm 2 afraid of playing this, will w8 for fix.

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So for the game to have worked for me after having this bug, did a mod have to go in and fix something?

If so, why am I getting the same error again?

Just wonderin' !

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All time on all servers respawn in the hills with old equip (on moment when problem appears). Indicators are not functioning.

Player InGameName : Kir00ha

Player ID: 15591942

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