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This server is running an incorrect version of server side appliction.

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I have also encountered this problem starting tonight. Was on US 3, running with no problems for about an hour or so. Was just going about business as usual, gathering food and refilling canteens. Had literally just finished refilling at a watering hole when the server crashed and dumped everyone off.

Upon attempting to reconnect, I started getting this exact error and could not get on to -any- servers at this point.

Just to emphasize, I changed absolutely nothing in between the point when the server crashed and when I attempted to go on. I had already downloaded and installed up to and had been successfully playing it for some time until the crash, at which point this error is now afflicting me and I cannot seem to fix it.

I have twice re-download the files and reinstalled them, I even re-downloaded and reinstalled the latest beta patch but it has not fixed the problem.

Player name: T-Rex

Player ID: 714831

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I as well am getting this error. I have the current version (for both dayz and arma). I was playing earlier, but after a short break I cannot play any more. I am not sure how to check my player ID, but my in-game name is:


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I am having the same problem, was playing for about 45 mins and then the server I was on crashed and I started getting the error message... If you could fix this for me it would be great... Thanks! ;)

Name: Azzmar

User ID: 5102016

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Name: Senrain

User ID: 4698304

Was hanging at NWAF, picked up a pile of hatchets that seemingly vanished when I picked them up then the server crashed. Cannot join any servers now because I get the error. I'd like to play again please.

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I am getting this error now also. Updated to logged in found a hatchet. tried to pick it up which took a bit of effort. Realized it took my primary slot so I dropped it which spawned a bunch of weirod hatches and crowbars. Tried to pick up some of them which was a bad idea. server crashed shortly after and now I cannot get on any server.

Name: Hlakke

User ID: 17199238

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Has anyone tried respawning with the error?

Considering it probably has you flagged with an incorrect item, the respawn might wipe it?

I know it sucks if you've progressed but maybe someone take the gamble and let others know..?

Name: Houdii

Player ID: 16013318

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I tried creating a new player profile, didn't work.

I do know I'm bumping the living hell out of this topic until it's fixed. I love this game too much.

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I tried creating a new player profile' date=' didn't work.


New player profile still uses your same character from other profiles, so will still be holding old items that may be blocking you, new profiles are pretty much just for 2nd set of keybinds.

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Really don't want to respawn. Have some really decent gear on me.

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Getting the same error:

ID: 3603846

Name: Manapause

Running the beta Arma 2, and

Last night a seattle sever spawned me and my friends in a "debug hill" zone, today I ran for at least 60 mins to get back to normal zones, was on about three different servers with no problem (except for being stuck in nomansland).

Then suddenly I can't connect to any server and get this error message "This server is running an incorrect version of server side appliction." Have tried respawning, deleting addons etc. Any chance a kind mod/staff could reset my character to default in the normal game zone? Cheers

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How do we find out our PLAYER ID?

Main menu -> Profiles - Edit your profile, it should be near the bottom left of the profile screen.

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How do we find out our PLAYER ID?

Main menu -> Profiles - Edit your profile' date=' it should be near the bottom left of the profile screen.


Ah! thank you.

name: Святослав

ID: 10832710

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Really don't want to respawn. Have some really decent gear on me.

Don't blame ya, just got my first cyote backpack n some sweet weapons.. but I'm working in less than an hour so I can wait I guess for now and hopefully it's fixed when I return..

Only thing I can possible think of though is respawning to wipe your char :(

Btw if it gets fixed could you post here, I've bookmarked the thread :) ta

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Server updated to 1 hour prior....

Me and 3 people were driving around I had played a MK48 inside of the truck, server crashed. All of them spawned next to the vehicle, I spawned by the road 1.2km away. I still had the MK48 in my bag, yet they said its in the truck. I then see a helo crash, pick up a ghille suit. Server crashes again, I try to join and I now get the error message in the title of the thread. I have it all on video if you need it. I cannot sign into any servers now.

Found it...

Profile Name: [AR15] InfiniteGrim

ID Number: 16251206

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Was ingame with then servers crashed from someone dropping axe. Now can't get in cause of wrong server version error.



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Ok I've tried a few things. Tried deleting DayZ then doing a manual steam install, got on a server doing this but when i joined the game there was just a flying bird in the debug wildlands and on screen saying "you have died" (i really hope i'm not dead). So then i opened sixlaunhcer, updated the game. Then was still getting same message about server version.

Anyone been able to fix this issue yet?

Or know the cause of the problem?

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Ok I've tried a few things. Tried deleting DayZ then doing a manual steam install' date=' got on a server doing this but when i joined the game there was just a flying bird in the debug wildlands and on screen saying "you have died" (i really hope i'm not dead). So then i opened sixlaunhcer, updated the game. Then was still getting same message about server version.

Anyone been able to fix this issue yet?

Or know the cause of the problem?



I'm guessing the last time our character data was sent from the server to the HIVE something got corrupted, and someone needs to roll back our data to the last save.

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Ok I've tried a few things. Tried deleting DayZ then doing a manual steam install' date=' got on a server doing this but when i joined the game there was just a flying bird in the debug wildlands and on screen saying "you have died" (i really hope i'm not dead). So then i opened sixlaunhcer, updated the game. Then was still getting same message about server version.

Anyone been able to fix this issue yet?

Or know the cause of the problem?


The cause seems to be looting one of the broken hatchet/crowbars that appear as shotgun shells..

Possible fix could be respawning which would wipe the items from your char but atm no1 has wanted to do that, considering you're dead the duty is yours my friend!

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