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Forum / Security Notice - They trollinnnn

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I setup a website for these guys, walgaming.net (shutdown now) and they screw me over. Told me I was stealing money from them. Bunch of losers. I hope all the apocolypse members there get banned from Day Z. Oh and btw, Africanized Bees is a hacker. He spawns shit in his own server.... Just telling you guys.

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but by all means post your comments on what you think about him' date=' discuss it but don't further pursue trying to obtain his personal identity to harass him in any way.


you asked for it so, i think this dude is a faggot deepshit with a mentality of a 8 years old that didnt got what he wanted, also that he should put some fuel on himself and crack a match, just for the fun you know :D

Woosaaaaa.... The anger is strong with this one.. Take it down just a notch.. That kind of disturbed me...

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Ah I just PMed Vipeax about why I was removed from Server Host.

I knew about what happened but didn't realize it would lead to a rollback.

Can I get my Server Host status back whenever you get a chance? Thanks.

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but by all means post your comments on what you think about him' date=' discuss it but don't further pursue trying to obtain his personal identity to harass him in any way.


you asked for it so, i think this dude is a faggot deepshit with a mentality of a 8 years old that didnt got what he wanted, also that he should put some fuel on himself and crack a match, just for the fun you know :D

Woosaaaaa.... The anger is strong with this one.. Take it down just a notch.. That kind of disturbed me...

you should see when i'm actually mad :P

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Dude better not have beans on him or he's done.

Who is shooting in Toronto?

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If the steam profile posted here it's from him, damn! He has like 3000 hours total of gameplay in 56 games which I assume he bought with his scams. He does nothing other than stay in his computer at his mom's basement.

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Tonic' date=' its pretty clear what you should do, assuming you can't get in contact with Rocket; Inform the FBI that a US-based server was hacked. Give them all the info you have and let them begin the process.



Actually in the process of contacting various different departments such as what you posted and the FBI Cyber Crimes division which I believe goes to that as well.

He has committed crimes against US servers and US citizens, not to mention other countries which may be affected by this. Got a lot of filing to do..

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Dude better not have beans on him or he's done.

Who is shooting in Toronto?

"Any friendly in Toronto?"


"Survivor on CN Tower. Friendly?"

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It would be hilarious if you would actually post his info. He would get his ass kicked so hard by so many people IRL.

But, this is not 4chan and we have to stay civil :)

Hopefully he just pays for his actions.

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Dude better not have beans on him or he's done.

Who is shooting in Toronto?

who isnt shooting in Toronto is the easier question to answer

its the Los Angeles of Canada

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Always look at the worst possible outcome which would be all his personal information goes on 4chan and reddit.

Sounds like well deserved fun to me

DO IT....discretely of course

My account was deleted' date=' should I worry at all?


Considering that there was a rollback your account might have been created in the time that is now missing from the forum

I'd say no

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Oh God, why he did this on the day of my daughter's wedding? :(

But really. I just decided to register, share some stories from the bottom of my bandit heart... and... sad, so sad. Well, not really that sad i guess after all. DayZ teaches us to take it all lightly and don't be all that serious. But still not cool. I just want to steal all the stuff of this guy, eat all of his beans, drink all of his soda and bury his pack with some unfortunate zed. May debug forest haunt his dreams from now on and forever.


Thanx for the quick fix with account activation guys. Don't know if you got my message or made it on your own but all is well now, thanx!

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I live in Toronto and I think I know this faggot. He has a hot mom.

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So after we got hacked, we said on Teamspeak we were getting a Dev to come, and a couple minutes later Apples disconnects. About 3 mins later, [Apoc]Nick joined, who wasn't a member of [Apoc], and had a muted mic. Looked at the TS server logs for IP's and...




Also, many of us were killed mysteriously after refusing to dupe gear, myself being one of them. I just chalked it up to being unlucky until Apples made a comment about me being killed by someone named Michael in a field. I questioned him and he changed the subject quickly.

Last night after the server box password was changed, this screenshot was taken on the person accessing the box:


The MS-Dos window thats open is the launcher for the Arma II beta

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Hows this gonna effect the community and the dayz staff?

Example patches will be delayed, work will go slower on major updates, causing preparation against hackers.


Dont know if my thread disapeard cause of the rollback or not-worthy, it was about missions in the suggestion section.

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The real question I have after reading this:

Why is the oldest backup you guys have is two weeks old? WTF?

I know that you guys have much to do, but having a backup strategy is kind of important. Especially when you allready know that all sorts of strange guys are playing DayZ, duping, hacking servers etc.

Why was such vital information stored in an email account? What else happend? That guy now seriously has all our email adresses? Our IP Adresses and more?

Fuck him up with all the legal power you have.

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Congrats on finding out who this fucker is, I hope you hit him with the full weight of the law!

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Dude better not have beans on him or he's done.

Who is shooting in Toronto?

who isnt shooting in Toronto is the easier question to answer

its the Los Angeles of Canada

Hardly. Toronto has around the same murder rate as San Jose (considered one of the safest US cities over 500,000) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_Toronto

There was a shooting a couple weeks ago at a mall; probably someone looting for beans.

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Lol. My account was deleted, but i remade it. Glad to see this will be sorted out.

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