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ok so left it for a bit restarted my PC and still can connect to the server it comes up in server list but then comes up saying connecting failed :(

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if your in the game could u ask wayne kerr to take my UAZ untill i get back on please byr :) i will try restarting my PC again see if it helps at all

EDIT: Nope didnt work :( i really wanna play too

Edited by Elmer_Fudd

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The server should be running ok for now.

Ive talked with my ISP again hehe.

Changes will happen 2morrow :) so bare with me for now.

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just tried to log on, didn't let me (no surprise after what i just read) have had a pretty busy weekend and going to have a busy day today. hope my truck is still there xP probably not.

Will probably get on later today (or in the server's case tonight/morning) good luck with the server/hacks/ISP Byrgesen

EDIT: 2nd times the charm, got on after i tried a second time lolz

Edited by Confused2

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just tried to log on, didn't let me (no surprise after what i just read) have had a pretty busy weekend and going to have a busy day today. hope my truck is still there xP probably not.

Will probably get on later today (or in the server's case tonight/morning) good luck with the server/hacks/ISP Byrgesen

EDIT: 2nd times the charm, got on after i tried a second time lolz

Thx mate, hopefully it will all work out 2morrow :D

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So after a day of 'wtf is wrong with this why can't i connect' finally figured out I have the wrong version of Lingor (.33). Of course now when I go to update to .34 dayzlingor.tk seems to be down :(. Just not my day to play I guess. Once I get it updated I'll be on. Cya guys soon..

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So after a day of 'wtf is wrong with this why can't i connect' finally figured out I have the wrong version of Lingor (.33). Of course now when I go to update to .34 dayzlingor.tk seems to be down :(. Just not my day to play I guess. Once I get it updated I'll be on. Cya guys soon..

Sorry to hear lol

Hopefully today my ISP will do some "stuff" to secure my connection more :) should help alot.

So some connection issues is expected while they figure it out :)

Patience my minions :D

Edited by Byrgesen

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Prison and Calamar sound good to me for those who need to get their PvP jollies :)

Yeh it would seems like the poeple want a pvp area :) so me and the other admins are working on our plans :)

the poll is gonna run till 2morrow and then im gonna announce the results.

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Ok, Im stumped. I did a reinstall of Arma and OA, Updated Arma Beta, Dayz and Lingor to correct version. (1.62.96493 for Arma beta and 034 for lingor)

Still cannot find the server via IP connect ( and when I connect via direct .bat file it just says "waiting on host"

Any suggetions or help would be great ^^

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its coz my ISP is working on the connection atm, try connection through server list or remote ingame.

The bat file with ip is not working atm, hopefully it will later :)

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I wasn't able to find via server list or remote IP. Same problem I was having earlier.

Also something I noticed bottom right corner of the Lingor Island start up screen says my version of DayZ is Is that corect?

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yeh its correct. theres been some problems with connection this weekend, so keep trying if you want :)

stupid hackers and ddos attacks lol

Edited by Byrgesen

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sounds good will try and join but im not sure about the non banditry part i kinda liked the killing peepz, hopefully see u on there soon

In-Game Name= RaptorJesus

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ok mate. your welcome. we are working on some more pvp oriented areas :)

so your gonna be able to kill people soon hehe.

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Alright made it on to the server had a great time. I will probably play here pretty much whenever im on. I will hopefully convice my buddy to come as well. Great job Byr!

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Thx mate.

Im happy to announce the new static ip has been set up.

My network has been smoothed and it should run ALOT better now.

thx for your patience and the mainpost will be updated with new info in 1 min or so ;)

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Ok. Poll has ended abit before time coz i just saw 28 people had voted (who the fuck are thoose 28 lol)

so result are: TADAAADAADAAAA

yes: 16 votes / 59,26%

no: 11 votes / 40,74%

So its a yes to dedicated PVP area. Im gonna have a chat with the other admins tonight :)

Maybe this can attract some new blood aswell.

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it is up and running yes mate. got lots of people online atm.

remember i got new ip today.

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Too bad i can't see it in my list.

I'm trying using the "remote" option inside arma with IP: - PORT: 2302 and also tried adding the server to DayZ Commander, none of those methods worked.

Any tips?

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i want to try lingor but im having trouble joining any server im joining ones with my OA version and lingor version and it says it cannot find some downloadable content

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if you want to find this server on the list you need to filter:

Host: byrg

Max Ping: 0

Min Players: 0

Max Players: 0

Mission: (blank)

Type: (Blank)

Expansions: show

Full servers: show

Passworded: show

Battleye Required: No

those are my filter settings and i only have this server shown, a bug causes it to disapear after a second and when i press "refresh" it comes back for a few seconds, and i can join.

If you are having problems with missing DLC or files copy the AddOns folder from ARMA II to ARMA II Opperation Arrowhead

Edited by Confused2

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i want to try lingor but im having trouble joining any server im joining ones with my OA version and lingor version and it says it cannot find some downloadable content

"Downloadable content" is lingor mate :) go to my front post and install lingor properly.

If its not that, then its your addons folder in arma II. Copy it to arma II OA folder.


i need to read lol. confused said what i said :facepalm:

Edited by Byrgesen

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