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Bad version, server rejected connection.

try reinstalling arma 2 beta at the correct version. thats usually the case.

we have also had problems with DDOS attacks tonight, so that might be the case mate.

Edited by Byrgesen
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Were you ddosed?

And the culprit returns to see hes havok.

You can stop now, ive got anti ddos software setup, your fun is over idiot.

Clever going to your second account Fred (ID:72203526) to try and fool me.

From here on out DZN tag is banned from this server. Thank Joachim and Defenz for it......

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try reinstalling arma 2 beta at the correct version. thats usually the case.

we have also had problems with DDOS attacks tonight, so that might be the case mate.

I can join other servers perfectly, but for some reason yours doesn't show a ping and it disappears like right after i refresh my server list

Edited by Prez

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I can join other servers perfectly, but for some reason yours doesn't show a ping and it disappears like right after i refresh my server list

Try the IP mate, that usually does the trick. Other then that i actually dont know :(

and btw theres been some issues with it disappering from the internet list.

Edited by Byrgesen

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Try the IP mate, that usually does the trick. Other then that i actually dont know :(

and btw theres been some issues with it disappering from the internet list.

I figured out why it was disappearing.. My settings were set to limit the ping at 1000. For some reason your server is showing up with a ping of 2500 :(

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is this server up? I see it in my list (not as pw protected though) and it has the 10000/ red cant join deal.. I tried anyways and sits on "waiting for host" for over 2 minutes.. please advise ty

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server is up but my gamepsy tracker keeps getting DDOS by that joachim guy.

So join by IP and fuck that 2k ping thats not true at all :) nobody has more then 150 ping on this server.

Almost all users are joining by IP now, coz of the ussues with the internet list.

Edited by Byrgesen

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I'm really interested in trying this out after having some time freed up from DayZ (there's a forum post about it, but don't worry- I don't hack. While trying to figure out what the log files *shouldn't* look like, I took my "lab experiments" a tad too far)). I've run through all the installs, but I still seem to be missing the "ca.rocks2" (PBO?) file. any insight?

(deltaforce11's post was likely an install of only the patch file, BTW. I ran into the same problem when I didn't bother to actually *read* the forum anchor)

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I'm really interested in trying this out after having some time freed up from DayZ (there's a forum post about it, but don't worry- I don't hack. While trying to figure out what the log files *shouldn't* look like, I took my "lab experiments" a tad too far)). I've run through all the installs, but I still seem to be missing the "ca.rocks2" (PBO?) file. any insight?

(deltaforce11's post was likely an install of only the patch file, BTW. I ran into the same problem when I didn't bother to actually *read* the forum anchor)

It might be the matter of the addon folder from the arma 2 folder. copy it into arma 2 oa folder and that should do it mate.

and make sure the two lingor folder are in the OA folder next to your @dayz folder

Edited by Byrgesen

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I believe you have that error coz the lingor files arent in the right place or you arent openeing dayz lingor (its a mod in a mod so its not the same as oppening dayz normally, hence the @dayz_lingor in .bat file and not @dayz)

Ive used the guide on several computers and you end up with a .bat file that will get you directly into the main menu of dayz lingor.

I belive you are having this problem is because you only downloaded the latest patch, check your downloaded file, if it's only 99mb in size you have only the patch files, you will need to download the larger lingor island mod which is 510mb

here is a direct link to the full lingor island files v0.34: http://cfgfactory.com/kc/pozzuh/Lingor2.7z and also a video on how to install dayz lingor:

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Thank you very much my friend :) you get beans for that.

And to clarify, when you look in your arma 2 oa folder (steam users) it should look like this:




AddOns (copied from arma 2 folder) ca. 8gb

and ofc a bunch of other folders

As streetsuite said, the full lingor files are huge. 500+ mb

theres also a link to the official lingor site in my first post :)


Btw your link sendt me to youtube, so i suggest people use the link i have in the first post. all friends who have got it from there have gotten it to work.

Edited by Byrgesen

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Hello guys.

Ive got good news :) found a very hopefull fix for the signature check timeout bug :)

i will test it after next server restart. It should also increase performance even more hehe.

Sorry for doing all theese posts, but i feel like its important info for my trusted users.

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you go to remote to connect to an ip right? i did that put ip and didnt touch the port but server doesnt show up

when you click remote you put in the ip and port and connect, then you should get to a password box :)

remote connection doesnt show the server on a list.

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Alternativly, you can make a .BAT file to open this server automatically.

1. open notepad

2. copy and paste this into notepad:

"start Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe -mod=@DayZ_lingor;@dayz_lingor_island; -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -world=emtpy -connect= -port=2302 -password=gingers" (without quotes)

3. save as a .BAT file, go to file, save as, click the "save as type" and change it from "*.txt" to "All files" and name it whatever you want like: "something.BAT" (the .bat is key but not case sensitive) and save somewhere you can find it like the desktop

4. move the newly created .BAT file to your ARMAII OA directoy (i have steam on C: so for me it is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead")

5. create shortcut to desktop (right click the .BAT file and "send to desktop (create shortcut)"

With this .BAT file it will automatically launch ARMA II OA with DayZ and Lingor with the password IP and port so you don't have to look for the server on a list.

(If some one finds an error i will edit to fix)

EDIT: IP Address has been updated to the new static server one

the Bat is not working for me, i will play around with the Bat to see if i can get it working again.

Edited by Confused2
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thx mate :) didnt even know that hehe. Thats actually were handy tbh


Ive added the code to the main post, at the bottom for thoose of you wanting to have a direct connection shortcut.

Edited by Byrgesen

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as far as i know combined ops is a combo of OA and Original arma.

Have you tryied the code?

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Might give this a crack actually :)

Your more then welcome mate :)

bring some friend hehe, we lost some members (turned out to be hackers)

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@ LittleTragik

as of ARMA II 1.60 ARMA is suppose to detect all other ARMA installations like OA, so it shouldn't be necessary. but you could try coping AddOns Folder from ARMA II to ARMA II OA and that might fix your problem. Also make sure you are running newest Beta, Byrgesen has updated to newer than most public servers and it really thew me off for a few mintues because he also updated yesterday. go to this link, it has all the versions up to the current one on it http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php

if this doesn't help can you say what the exact error said you were missing?

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