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If you see zombies far away from you in a town your far from, there's someone in there.

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If you're in first person, double tap - (minus numpad) for maximum happy time.

Edit: and +1 for starting a helpful topic!

Edited by KRONEN
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As soon as you hear gunfire hit alt+f4 for maximum survivability.

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Zombies don't give a shit about physics, they'll walk through doors.

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Don't get attached to you gear, its probably hacked anyway.

Edited by The_Weapon1
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When there's doubt, there is no doubt.

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Run into cherno, shoot Le Enfield at the town square and run to the docks, congrats, all your friends can now loot the city without getting attacked by zombies.

Edited by Beanus
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As soon as you hear gunfire hit alt+f4 for maximum survivability.



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If you find a mountain dew, drink it. You're not going to keep your stuff forever.

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pressing Q E Q E Q E in front of sniper hill is insta death

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Going prone in daytime will help against zombies that would otherwise spot you. Alternatively, walk around at night time.

The first two hours or so as the darkness sets in at nighttime, the screen is really really dark at first, but if you wait a couple of hours, you will notice that the environment is noticably brighter.

Gamma adjusting your game and adjusting your brightness will help you at night if you don't have night vision goggles.

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How do you take packs from dead players and use it for yourself?

I believe you have to scroll the mouse wheel near the dead player and then choose "take xxx backpack" or somesuch. You will want to take off your own backpack before attempting to take on someone elses.

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You sir, are the most helpful post on this topic. Thank you.
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If you can't run, and you can't shoot. Be helpful.

P.s. Unless if it's a zombie. Being helpful would mean being eaten. That's bad.

Edited by Scribe

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Double tapping the W key makes your character sprint immediately, from either crouching position or when standing upright. Doesn't work when prone though afaik.

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