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Max Planck

Gamescom - Aug 2012 - Interviews

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This thread is for compiling all the news that are trickling out of the Gamescom conference.

If you find some, please post it in this thread so I can add it to the OP.

RPS inteview:


IGN article:


PCGames.de video interview (in english):


The GameJar interview:

Weblogit interview:

Note the epic cowardice at 2:30!

Eurogamer interview:


PCGamer interview:


New interview on PCGamer:


RPS interview with Marek Spanel:


I will add more as I find it, but feel free to post anything you make/come by.

Edited by smasht_AU
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Shame...sooo shame..artifacts oh dear

[i'm hijacking this post to link more videos, since the forums won't let me do it in the OP. -Max]

Gtv interview:

Edited by Max Planck
shameless post theft.

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That RPS interview is good:

Explains a lot about dogs.

And underground bases.

And the dev team (all ArmA guys)

And says .... drumroll ... Standalone release in November, probably.

Edited by Bottlerocket
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Sigh...i was hoping the stand alone would be as pretty as arma 3, but it dosent sound like thats going to be the case.

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Not sure about this underground shit. Treehouses would be amazing, but that qualifies as building I would guess, which is out for just now for the instance based stuff. Maybe in a future release.

The idea of buying new maps appeals to me, as does starting with a cheap locked down version while the user base builds and features get added. I think rocket is going the absolute correct path with this.

Edited by puppetworx
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Sigh...i was hoping the stand alone would be as pretty as arma 3, but it dosent sound like thats going to be the case.

Standalone will me running on a modified version of RV4.

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I really like much of the interview content, some great ideas and i am really excited for the future all except one thing.....

arma 2.5 engine.

arma 3 engine, especially the lighting, were really a big draw for the standalone dayz.

now standalone won't be worth nearly as much cash. seriously i would have paid £30 for standalone dayz on arma 3 engine.

very very unhappy at this decision. the lighting in arma 2 engine IS JUST BROKEN

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Thanks for the links and +1 for the standalone dev team.

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I really like much of the interview content, some great ideas and i am really excited for the future all except one thing.....

arma 2.5 engine.

arma 3 engine, especially the lighting, were really a big draw for the standalone dayz.

now standalone won't be worth nearly as much cash. seriously i would have paid £30 for standalone dayz on arma 3 engine.

very very unhappy at this decision. the lighting in arma 2 engine IS JUST BROKEN

Just because they use engine from Arma 2 (VR3) doesn't mean they can't implement lighting like in Arma 3(VR4) because VR4 is basically VR3 enhanced

Edited by Starngere
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Just because they use engine from Arma 2 (VR3) doesn't mean they can't implement lighting like in Arma 3(VR4) because VR4 is basically VR3 enhanced

i guess but nothing is free. why spend time upgrading the arma 2 lighting when they have a new engine sat there? why not build two games off that engine instead of using their older 4 year old version?

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I noticed this:

RPS: You mentioned that you were going to “lock down” the multiplayer to combat hacking, but can you also use that to address the log out trap stuff?

Hall: We have a pretty good knowledge of how to deal with the log in/out trap stuff, but that solution will come with the standalone.

I think that answers a question I've seen repeated a lot.

Here is a good quote about the engine version:

RPS: Is the standalone more Arma 2 or more Arma 3?

Hall: It’s more like Arma 2.5, and there’s a very important reason for that. Arma 2 has reached a certain level of maturity, and that’s important for Day Z. We want to do things like support a simple ragdoll, rather than the complex ragdoll that Arma 3 has, because we’re multiplayer and PvP focused. So yeah it’s more like Arma 2.5, but because we’ve got the guys who created the engine working directly on this game, we could soon see Day Z codebase looking very different. It’s actually based more on the Take On Helicopters architecture than what we’ve done with Arma 3.

Also: Too much talking, not enough finding stuff! To the internet, chop-chop!

Edited by Max Planck
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After reading those, my level of skepticism about the quality of the standalone has decreased a fair amount. He's answering questions like a guy who has a clear goal and a decent plan and crew to go about doing it - not like a guy talking like a salesman and selling you an idea. The fact that after all of this (I mean the game, the attention, the business dealing with BIS, the love/hate forums, everything) his conversations are not about inflating wonders of the project, but his efforts to improve it and not hiding from flaws, means that the Lead Developer is Leading Development, not Running the Show.

It's weird, really, that it comes down to how well Rocket's character as a person holds up with all the insanity for the past few months ends up being the real deciding factor when it comes to this project.

Sorry to get poetic, but it kind of reminds me of that line from the 70s Excalibur movie:

You will be the land,

and the land will be you.

As you thrive, the land will blossom.

If you fail, the land will perish.

So I think it's gonna be just fine. Locking the standalone, and still keeping the mod, letting the mod create good ideas from all this madness around us is the best possible choice from the ones he had available.

His ideas about what to charge for seem very reasonable to me. He only wants to sell what's worth buying.

As long as he keeps his head on straight through all of this, things will go well for both Rocket and us.

I'm mainly focusing on the positive here, as plenty of the negatives could be found elsewhere in this forum. I have but one real request - that he communicate more or a regular basis - not debating or getting wrapped up in thread arguing, but just some announcements once or twice a week about what's going on and maybe address some of the things that the forums get worked up about. I'm not looking for instant fixes, but at least a few remarks about issues soon after they arise could seriously cut down on the BS shitstorms from the peanut gallery (myself included). Rocket often responds in indiviuals - I'm saying to make more frequent, forum-wide announcements. That's all I'm really asking - the rest is already being worked on.

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Blowing a whistle? The dog will get you killed.

Could be a dog whistle out of human hearing range. Sup now.

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as long as he finds a way to optimize the environment to cut lag on older computers I will happily buy the game.

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alot of the things here seem rather promising. things that i personally feel need to be build upon and added hes touched upon and discussed here. the Zed AI. bugs and hacking, more options for people in the style of game they want to play. more surival less hoarding/pvp focused, a push towards rewards for teamwork with people you dont know. but accepts that people want both sides of the coin so banditry is encouraged as well. different clothing. wanting to make it harder still by removing the ui etc. Dayz currently offers a 'unique' experience. if/when all these things he wants to achieve gets implimented i think the experience will be mind blowing. the only downside i think is no arma 3 engine =/ i just hope this '2.5 engine' is well optimised cause the Arma 2 engine is rather unpredictable with Dayz in terms of fps

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If we had more guys like Rocket in the gaming industry, there would be no EA/Activision

I love how he really talks about the problems of dayz (hackers, bugs etc.) and not only about the new content that dayz is going to get.

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Sounds really good!! My main concern is the graphics not being as top notch as arma3. Are the rebuilding Cherno using the arma2 map as a base, or what?

I hope the game looks better then arma2 anyway

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