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About mcBain_101

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. mcBain_101

    So whats your loadout??

    for me atm main things include a bizdon (for thoughs peskey zeds) mk 48 LMG (first time ive found one of thse, an absolute moster of a weapon :D) g17 plus the usual...big bag, matchs canteens, food etc
  2. so many times atm i join a server.....20 secs in, you were kicked (admin) join another. 20 secs in, you were kicked (admin) join another, you were banned (admin) -.- i barely even have time to move xD the other day i got auto kicked from a server for a 'high ping' of 31!!! thirty fooking one! =/ people like that dont deserve to run them
  3. omg tht is without doubt the scariest shit ive ever seen in a game before O_o what the actual hell. the guy is like histerically scared by the end
  4. playing at night adds a whole new experience in dayz. i love playing at night personally. i currently hve a g17 with the flashlight, totally great for navigating in the dark. although for obv reasons i dont use it all the time :D dont wait to attract attention. it amuses me zeds are oblivious to torchlight, even if you shine it right in there faces ^^
  5. mcBain_101

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    to be honest people may grow up but they never grow out of certain things. and/or they like things they know they shouldnt cause its not aimed at them and sociely unacceptable. for me personally its thunderbirds, even though im way past the age range its aimed for :D i absolutely love the music for it and used it a vid i made for a space simulator called orbitor 2010 a while ago cause it fitted so well-
  6. mcBain_101

    Never trust a N00b

    guy did deserve to die xD but personally i thnk its bit stupid that you can go looking around through some1s backpack if you get close to them. or at least without permission. for this reason i always keep my distance from people :P
  7. mcBain_101

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    its just like pokemon, its aimed at kids but people grow up and still openly accept how amazing it is. admittadly though you dont see as many people so open about it as with this in terms of forum sigs, names profile pic etc. its amusing more than anything ^^
  8. personally i think it looks rather intriguing. the graphics look alot nicer than the arma 2 engine, and some of the elements they mention sound interesting, but u cant judge the book by its cover. if they get it out before the Dayz standalone i think it has the potential to grab quite a few players....for a while :P ill be watching to see what people make of it before making any commitments
  9. sniper rifles do have a legit implication in the game. but they can also make it fustrating for people as well. using a guy with a sniper as a look out whilst someone scouts out an area is a legit reason for a sniper rifle. or even waiting for someone at the NW airfield so you can take their loots. using a sniper rifle to overlook elektro just to grief people with no/little gear i feel isnt a legit reason. i remember the other day i was a fresh spawn in elektro when i came across a bike. i decided to go on a joy ride through elektro pulling everything and making myself very obvious. as soon as i went to the open fields north of elektro i started getting shot at. i had literally nothing on me. but they where determined to kill me. i just rode around in circles, not heading in any specific direction and generally just pissing about wondering how long they would take them to hit me (yes there were 2 get to that in a sec :P) bullets where landing all around me and they must of fired off a good 20 shots before they eventually hit me xD. when i respawned i had a rough guess of where they were. and low and behold 20 minutes later after i had ran from kamyshovo i found them. camped on the NE hill. they were damn lucky i only had a hatchet otherwise they would of been dog meat. my hatchet charge didnt go to well unfortunatly :(. my point is i had nothing and still i was shot at 'for sport' and they where terrible at shooting at a moving target. everybody in elektro would of heard them trying to kill me but they were determined to add that 1 murder kill to their count that means so much to them because it meant more than there own safety. this is the mentality of alot of people that use snipers. they kill people 'just cause they can' and i have the attitude of 'killing people whilst holding them at arms length' because its a lot less personal and safer for said killer, just another number to add to the murder count. people will never play fairly if the options is available to them and snipers give them that option. To get into a close quarters gunfight greatly increases the chances of said sniper dying. griefing is so much harder to achieve if snipers sit on the hills around elektro with a lee enfield for example. it just aint gunna happen xD
  10. normally because i play on my lonesome i dont hoard things. just the essentials to keep me alive, normally a high power rifle and an assault rifle with enough ammo for each. about 3 water canteens, any more is just silly tbh and enough room to cook food if i have the right stuff for it. maybe one moprhine just incase of broken legs
  11. mcBain_101

    Gamescom - Aug 2012 - Interviews

    alot of the things here seem rather promising. things that i personally feel need to be build upon and added hes touched upon and discussed here. the Zed AI. bugs and hacking, more options for people in the style of game they want to play. more surival less hoarding/pvp focused, a push towards rewards for teamwork with people you dont know. but accepts that people want both sides of the coin so banditry is encouraged as well. different clothing. wanting to make it harder still by removing the ui etc. Dayz currently offers a 'unique' experience. if/when all these things he wants to achieve gets implimented i think the experience will be mind blowing. the only downside i think is no arma 3 engine =/ i just hope this '2.5 engine' is well optimised cause the Arma 2 engine is rather unpredictable with Dayz in terms of fps
  12. mcBain_101

    This is NOT a zombie game...

    honestly dayz hasnt been a zombie game for weeks now. its fast just turning into a pvp focused fps shooter free for all played on a large map with some npc's and limited survival elements thrown into the mix.
  13. mcBain_101

    Why are the AS50 and M107 in the game?

    did i say anything about not using it how he wanted to? no? i was just merely pointing out that people dont use it for the purpose he said they are meant for. then you are using it for its intended purpose, i just pointed out that alot of people dont....but u wanted to be all hardman ;)
  14. mcBain_101

    Why are the AS50 and M107 in the game?

    but realistically though how many ppl use it for this purpose? i would say less than 10% of people do.
  15. mcBain_101

    Bad FPS around cities

    cities are always terrible for fps. look towards a city 30 fps, look the other way up to 50 -.- the server can also affect your fps as well. on some servers i join i get a whopping 10 fps. i join another, exactly the same spot. 50+ fps xD