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What do you want to NOT be realistic?

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Yeah. I want stuff like Orlok Lemonade.

Would you want to know where it came from?

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Yeah. I want stuff like Orlok Lemonade.

Sweet lemonade.

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shut up you lot and get on my horse.

Back on topic :)

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I find it really hard to believe that Chernarus is 225km2 in size as it takes such a short time to travel around.

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I find it really hard to believe that Chernarus is 225km2 in size as it takes such a short time to travel around.

It will be bigger in the SA, but if you dont believe it, simply measure it and post your findings.


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What I do want:

The ability to go full "mountain man" IE Skining animals and making clothes/tools

Trap creation IE Tripwires/punji sticks/etc

What I don't want:

Ultra-realistic disease/infection system IE Maybe four-seven different illnesses to 'catch' instead of a million possibilities.

Wiping our asses after shitting, ain't nobody got time for that.

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I dont want an ultra realistic disease/injure system. Getting an infection? fine. Getting 1298751987198 types of infection? no so good. Having to rest 3 month to heal from a broken bone? quite boring. Stuff like this I don't want it to be real.

Besides that, I can't think of anything.

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What I don't want:

Rocket's going to make zombies be able to run indoors

(That's really it)

You are going to be very disappointed then. This is one of the features that will change how people play the game - no longer will you be able to just run through towns without a care. It was always silly that some invisible force field made the zombies slow to a walk once they entered a building.

For me one of the things that doesn't need to be realistic is sleeping - i don't think there is any need to implement sleeping into any multi player game.

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Wiping our asses after shitting, ain't nobody got time for that.

Never shake my hand...

EDIT: actually your hand would be clean, but perhaps you wouldnt smell very nice...

So you can shake me hand, you lucky man you.

Edited by orlok
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If it had been the other way around, the answer would've been soooo much easier. I want EVERYTHING to be realistic about this game. But since that's not the question.. I guess that the one thing that I really wouldn't be to hyped up about would be sleep requirement for your character.. like 16 hours awake needs 8 hours sleep and that jazz. I would tolerate a toned down version of it, though.

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I love the aspect of having the game to be realistic as possible, but at the same time, this is a video game and if it becomes too hard or too technical, then people won't proceed with playing it. Even though the goal of it is to show the realistic wasteland of an infection and how you would survive within it, the game still needs to be fun so it's not a bore.

Of course, there are people who think the realism to the max is that fun, while keeping in mind that there are others who think that most realism is over the top. I good balance between the two subjects is what makes this game perfect. I, myself, would hate to see too much technical stuff implemented in the standalone, even though it really depends what side of the community is larger. With this in mind, in my own opinion, I feel like the mod is at the perfect point of realism and being fun. Not too technical, and not too easy.

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What I want:

.....Zombies to have different Models/Textures(With their animations polished, it gets hard to tell if it's a person running or a zombie)

Reprecussions for being a Bandit/Hero(More than just a skin that'll make people more/less inclined to shoot you on sight)


two very excellent ideas

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I hope you can still drive vehicles, climb ladders, and do the little crappy vault with broken legs.

For realistic things I hope they sort out the physics. I just hate how it looks when you fall off something and always land feet first as if you are some kind of cat or if you are shot out of a flying vehicle you always fall splayed out horizontally, it looks ridiculous.

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If it had been the other way around, the answer would've been soooo much easier. I want EVERYTHING to be realistic about this game. But since that's not the question.. I guess that the one thing that I really wouldn't be to hyped up about would be sleep requirement for your character.. like 16 hours awake needs 8 hours sleep and that jazz. I would tolerate a toned down version of it, though.

Wouldn't that be handled once you log off? Maybe I'm just old but even thinking about playing 16+ hours of DayZ a day makes my eyes hurt

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Wouldn't that be handled once you log off? Maybe I'm just old but even thinking about playing 16+ hours of DayZ a day makes my eyes hurt

Weeeell.. yeah. The 16/8 was more of a example, really. It was more meant as in the character gets a steady day/night cycle with sleep, meaning that if you one day had longer times to be up, your character would not be ready for something like that and then "nerf" you down greatly. It was a "nay to realism" thing, and I don't think your character would be sleeping for 24 hours in that sense if you were logged off, so you might log on an hour or two before his/her usual bedtime.That would be a shame to see.

Edited by Darkwater

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I would like to scold the eyes of my enemies with flares, but that just ain't happening. So, realism is good but bad when overdone. Think FC2 weapon jamming. I don't think I could go for more than half an hour without my gun jamming up.

Edited by Cap'n

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I'd like to see this changed.


Yeah. It is too easy to loot if you ask me. Ive gotten geared up completely, from head to toe within 15 minutes before. I would like to search for a few hours before I find a gun. I think it would lower KoS problems and it would add more excitement to the game.

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I've only ever found one gun in this game and that was because I found it on a dead guy. It was what looked like a M24 saw. So I guess I think it'd be cool if when you respawn it gave you a hint on where a guy might be. Like "Be sure to check "Small town name here" for a weapon". That'd help

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I've only ever found one gun in this game and that was because I found it on a dead guy. It was what looked like a M24 saw. So I guess I think it'd be cool if when you respawn it gave you a hint on where a guy might be. Like "Be sure to check "Small town name here" for a weapon". That'd help


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I've only ever found one gun in this game and that was because I found it on a dead guy. It was what looked like a M24 saw. So I guess I think it'd be cool if when you respawn it gave you a hint on where a guy might be. Like "Be sure to check "Small town name here" for a weapon". That'd help

No. Just no.

That would just encourage even more PvP on the coast.

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It wouldn't have to be on the coast. They could pick a town thats on the complete other side of the map

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