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Where have you found your NVG's?

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I was wondering where you guys have had some luck in finding some night vision goggles. I have found that these are the hardest item in the game to find other than satchel charges, for me at least. I have never actually FOUND a pair of night vision goggles, but a friend of mine has given me 1 or 2 before. So if you have ever found some nvg's somewhere can you please let me know so I can possibly start searching those locations for some. Thanks in advance.

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A guy with a hatchet was running around Balota, he charged at me and I shot him. In his backpack were NVGs, which was weird because he actually didn't have them equipped.

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I already found 2 of it :} . Always in helicrash site. One of these crash site was in NWA :P , in the same day I found a N.V and M14 in helicrash, and M4A1SD in the Airfield. Yep :P

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Sorry op..Tent and dead people :) Never seen any at the barracks and dont go there any more..tent hunting is more profitable.

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Peoples tents up north.

snipers laying around the hills surrounding Cherno and Elektro(have to sneak up and kill them fast, they usually alt4 pretty quick.)

Helicopter crashes. Crashed-Heli-Map-v7.jpg

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ive found countless off people ive killed / tents / vehicles etc...

but ive legit found 2 off crash sites. one south of stary (was an L85 at this crash site too :P ), one north west of vybor

Edited by Buffjesus

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Search the northern boarder, got lucky at a crash site also.

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They spawn at helicopter crash sites, like most rare weaponry and items. So just search around looking for these (possibly use a map, though there are so many that it will barely help). If you get lucky and run across one its a whole other level of luck to find something rare instead of a box of STANAG rounds and an FN FAL. (which seems to be all i've ever found at heli crash sites + one M14 Aim)

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Military Zombies are the most common place for me to find NVGs. This includes the ones at both Chopper crash sites and deer stands.

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never. ever. found nvgs. raided over 100 barracks by now, searched and found heli crash sites, both already looted and freshly spawned, never nvgs.

got .50 cal wep out of one tho.

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FIrst time I raided NWAF I found it. But the other 3 times were dead people

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My latest pair? off 2 bandits that tried to ambush me while I was making a camp fire, luckily I had a L85 and just enough rounds left. Heard em commin in hard and fast ran back a little and let that thermal unload. Also got an extra gps and NVGs for my friend who came on later, thanks guys :).

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I found mine at a crashed heli site, but I killed a guy and he for some reason had NVGs in his backpack and equipped on him, I got NVGs for me and a friend, couldn't complain.

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Found majority of mine at crash sites. Other than that, player camps and dead bodies.

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