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xDIx Revenge

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About xDIx Revenge

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    Sydney, Australia
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  1. Sounds like a good point. Though i'd like the idea of having a crowbar to break into the car be an added extra. For example, if you have a lock pick, you have more success then without, and less chance of triggering the alarm, or just not getting in at all. Same kinda thing should go with the hotwiring :) Risk vs Reward
  2. Link has "tumble" instead of "tumblr"
  3. xDIx Revenge

    3rd person camera adjustment.

    Double tap the "-" key on your NUMPAD. It only works while not equipping scoped weapons I believe (i.e. sniper rifles).
  4. xDIx Revenge

    Video editing problem

    If you have only just started using Dxtory make sure its recording from the correct source, that the source is fully plugged in, all drivers are up to date, and even more so the quality of the audi (idk if Dxtory can do this). I can't help otherwise, haven't experienced this myself. However, that was quite a nice shot!
  5. Thats a method you could take as well. If you don't need the vehicle, destroy it so others can't have it. Kind of a brutal mentality, but do what you want i guess :P
  6. Frankie loathes server advertisers.
  7. I definitely don't see a key item with the attributes of making car_locked = false etc. very time consuming. The problem with your system is that it grants you "ownership" of the vehicle etc. In a game like DayZ which is bringing in excreting as part of gameplay, i don't think bestowing rights magically is the way to go.
  8. Concealing the car should also be implemented. How are you going to start a car by hands? By hotwiring it? Like i suggested? Breaking windows isn't easy, especially dependant on the vehicle. Getting into an SUV is a lot harder then a small/old GAZ. Even so, the effect of having alarms is there to bring risk to jacking someones car.
  9. I'm not even doing it every 24 hours. Chillout.
  10. xDIx Revenge

    Reason behind your username?

    Mines pretty basic as you can see. I go by the name "Revenge" anywhere I can. I got it from when I started Divine Insanity about 4 years ago. Me and my mates who started up the community wanted to have similar looking Gamertags (and it became a staple of any Xbox member of our clan, which was very limited). Xbox Gamertags are only allowed 15 letters. 'xDivine_" with the _ being a space took up the first 8, so i needed a cool sounding, properly spelled, 7 letter word. We finally decided to all go with words starting with R, hence began the list: Revenge, Requiem, Rapture, Revival, Rivalry. The following clan mates tried their best as well, but there are only so many good 7 letter or less R words. But yeh, thats where I became "Revenge", 4 years ago. Prior to that I was known as "Skilz" everywhere, or just "Divine Insanity".