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The carebears BECAME the hackers

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Every time you see someone on forums caring too much, asking for special treatment and saying bandits are the devil - you know, deep in your heart...that's a script kiddie waiting to happen or in the process of looking out DayZ scripts on google.

Their shit got rolled one too many times in game and after realising the mod wasn't going to hold their hand for them they had a revelation...


It's painfully obvious reading their QQ threads that they're the type of impatient kiddies they don't want to/can't win on merit, therefor they request 'easy' mode, then resort to scripting when that doesn't happen.

Hacking in an online game is nothing more than a slow motion version of overturning the table in anger.

It's the admission that you don't have the intelligence or skill to compete with normal players, though many mental hoops are probably jumped through by these cretins to convince themselves that's not the case.

So, whenever you see a carebear on the forum bleating like a stuck pig, know that he could well be the guy carpet bombing cherno next time you're online.

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Ohh no there are plenty of hacking bandits aswell. Even met bandits that after failing to gank me has resorted to haxxx instead.

Ironic how a game that once became great because of all the players, both bandits and survivors is now destroying itself by its own players.

It just proves that most people on the internet are assholes.

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No, there are people who just want everyone to get along and work together to rid the world of zombies. DayZ isn't that kind of game, however.

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people usually hack to annoy other people.

and, is that you in your profile pic?

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What a beautifull, yet totaly stupid idea, that only former carebears would hack.

If anything, I would expect some stupid COD kiddies to use hacks in some deranged attempt to look more l33t or to have epeen stroked.

I guess that OP was just bored when doing his bushwookie routine on the hill overlooking Cherno/Elektro with trusty AS50 and felt like he have to troll some way.

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Hacking in an online game is nothing more than a slow motion version of overturning the table in anger.

Beans. Because I pictured the fat goth from your avatar doing that. Over and over and now my pants are shat from laughter. Carry on.

Post Signature, The table I imagined was filled with snickers and SG magazines as well as a crusty keyboard and a mexican TV dinner.

Seriously. Do it. In your mind. Its amazing.

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Actually there are some rare hackers that even I don't mind. Guys who do things like just mentally screw with other players or do absolutely hilarious things that doesn't even harm anyone (usually). Like the guy who got a Ronald McDonald skin who was running around scaring people with an axe and creepy mic music. Most of the time those guys don't even kill the other player (usually), they just like to screw with them.

So I'd say those hackers aren't the former carebears. Perhaps that is what happens when a bandit evolves to the hacker stage?

(This post suddenly turned into a Pokemon-esque view of psychology...)

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Some exelent reasoning in the OP.

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Not really true. I know a few hackers who only give themselves gear ONLY when they get killed by hackers.Otherwise, they don't have it on. Hacking can be fun if not a douche about it. I've run into a few "NICE" hackers. If you are patient enough and keep trying to get your gear back, they will usually eventually notice you and sometimes give you free things if you just relax and don't start screaming and feeding them troll food. I had a hacker start spawning buses from the sky with parachutes, blowing rainbow smoke out of a motorcycle and helicopter. Spawned cows with parachutes. It was pretty damn funny. Ended up getting an as50 and m4a1 cco sd along with all the goodies. If all hacks were banned, I would be fine..Even if I couldn't get an as50 so easily, I know others couldn't either since so many are spawned in. Would be more balanced, but that's not till the standalone game.

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Quality troll thread bro.

It's nice to see the mass murderers finally posting something other than whiny bandit skin complaint threads. I guess you guys DO have some creativity after all.

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Some exelent reasoning in the OP.

Not really. It's just another QQ thread, but this ones in disguise. It's another I got killed by hackers, but instead of saying it outright I'll try to insult them thread. In the end all it is is another one of the thousands of QQ threads about hack/scripting on these forums.

All this type of thread does is feed the script kiddes your sorrows and tears. That is exactly why many do what they do. Your post probably gives them great joy and laughter because it IS another QQ thread.

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So it's the carebears that are hacking everyone, not the bandits on the coast sniping newspawns for fun?


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So it's the carebears that are hacking everyone, not the bandits on the coast sniping newspawns for fun?


How does coast sniping = cheating?

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Of course he doesn't mean that every hacker out there is a carebear but a part of them is.

It's like being shot over and over again wanting to help someone. The next time you see someone you're gonna be alot faster on the trigger.

Different regions different situation, but take it from me, anyone on german/french/spanish (typical EU server) will shoot you on sight.

Maybe not because they like to annoy you, but because they are afraid of you.

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So your gonna claim no bandit has became a hacker?

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edit: the fuck, this was supposed to be in stories section.


Edited by kryvian
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