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Slobbergoat (DayZ)

Arma 2's mechanics make dayz lame

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Too bad VR engine is already confirmed for standalone ;)

Yeah, I know. I think it should be reasonably stable, but I'm sure it will have issues. I was just stating a relly nice realistic engine with minimal bugs. It supports large maps too ;)

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Bad controls are not because of VR engine and they are going to change controls in standalone.

Edited by Starngere

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Realistic actually.

You will not change the engine the mod is on, and as I keep telling you, the standalone engine is most likely chosen too.

But you keep on stomping your feet in your mistaken effort to change the engine.

Not CHANGE it. Just, help it. But at least some of us try...

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Help the engine? Now you're making even less sense.

Most of your posts have been about changing the engine.

Edited by Dankine

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Replacing the heavy client-sided but moddable ARMA2 with the heavy client-side unmoddable Frostbite2 is a great idea.

No, I wasn't saying "YES! We must have Frostbite 2 in it's current stage!"

I was just talking about to realism. The really nice player animations, the beautiful graphics and textures, the photo realism, etc.. The bullet drop is there, too.

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OP it geneuinely sounds like you would prefer L4D. This game isn't gonna please everyone, but it is 95% arma 2, 5% dayz. If you don't like it don't bitch, play another.

Space bar to jump anyone? - priceless.

I'm gonna say you're pretty young, say 15?

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In retrospect, I agree that playing the game like left 4 dead isnt the answer. I just wish the controls were a little more user friendly.

I played arma 2 for about an hour and half and absolutely hated it. Not my kind of game. But, Dayz is very cool and I am enjoying it, minus the controls.

It's a little clunky, but if you're good at other shooters and give it time, you'll be tearing it up soon enough

check this out...

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Yeah, I know. I think it should be reasonably stable, but I'm sure it will have issues. I was just stating a relly nice realistic engine with minimal bugs. It supports large maps too ;)

I like the Frostbite engine too, but I don't think it is capable of maps as large as the Arma egine. They are big, but not on the same scale.

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Hell, I love DayZ, but I'll be the first to admit that Arma 2 has one of the clunkiest engines I've played in recent years. The controls are often nonsensical and counterintuitive, while the rough animations are fraught with bugs. Yes, there is a difference between playing a twitch shooter and a military simulator, but it doesn't mean the engine couldn't use a ton of polish. Luckily, I believe the standalone should improve upon many of my issues with the game.

I don't understand why so much of the community is ready to slit the throats of those who see obvious faults in the game's engine. The engine as it exists now is quite far from perfection.

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Help the engine? Now you're making even less sense.

No dude, you aren't making sense by having that shitty attitude towards things.

Yeah, help the engine. As in try to improve upon it, make it better, make it less glitchy and such an overall POS.

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Arma II is very clunky thats true, which is suprising. I'm not saying complicated is bad, you can get use to complicated and quickly adjust in situations. I'm saying it's clunky, because it is. And in a sim that's complicated AND clunky. Well doesn't that kind of defeat teh purpose as you will never beable to actually "sim" so to speak.

When menial tasks such as opening doors or organizing a small amount of inventory become huge jobs, the game isn't working as a sim it's working as a pain in the ass. Real life isn't this buggy.

2 cents right there har har! <3

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I don't understand why so much of the community is ready to slit the throats of those who see obvious faults in the game's engine. The engine as it exists now is quite far from perfection.

Maybe because bad controls are not engine fault. They can be easily changed.

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OP it geneuinely sounds like you would prefer L4D. This game isn't gonna please everyone, but it is 95% arma 2, 5% dayz. If you don't like it don't bitch, play another.

Space bar to jump anyone? - priceless.

I'm gonna say you're pretty young, say 15?

Show me another game that is just like this one. None. And don't even say WarZ. That game isn't even out yet and all we have is screenshots, we can't be sure if it's got some of the nice feature like this one ie. bullet drop, tent placement and storage, etc.

This rocket guy seriously has a MASSIVE monopoly on this genre. Realistic zombie apocalypse simulation or whatever. No other game is just like it. So if you want to be able to experience the zombie apocalypse, you have to put up with all the other straight up BS in this mod.

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When menial tasks such as opening doors or organizing a small amount of inventory become huge jobs, the game isn't working as a sim it's working as a pain in the ass. Real life isn't this buggy.

Again that's not because of engine it's because Arma didn't need good inventory system, when you play arma you almost never use inventory same with opening doors but these things can be easily changed in standalone.Inventory and controls are not limited by VR engine

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Maybe because bad controls are not engine fault. They can be easily changed.

You mean like button mapping? No, he means like spacebar jump, shift sprint, etc. Just easily accessible keys, with basic modern functions.

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I like the Frostbite engine too, but I don't think it is capable of maps as large as the Arma egine. They are big, but not on the same scale.

I was thinking the same thing. I mean these Arma maps are literally entire cities. Small worlds.

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You mean like button mapping? No, he means like spacebar jump, shift sprint, etc. Just easily accessible keys, with basic modern functions.

than where you do suggest we map command mode if vault is mapped to space, and changing between walk and run as well if sprint is gonna take up shift key? have you played arma 2 in custom missions where the current key mapping is better than a more mainstream one?

Edited by Orthus

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Maybe because bad controls are not engine fault. They can be easily changed.

I'm not merely talking about the keybindings. Can you honestly tell me that RV3 isn't clunky?

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You mean like button mapping? No, he means like spacebar jump, shift sprint, etc. Just easily accessible keys, with basic modern functions.

I don't think that would be hard to do and i don't think it's because of VR engine. They can use Frostbite 2 engine i dont care but complain about engine while talking about inventory and controls just isn't right.

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than where you do suggest we map command mode if vault is mapped to space, and changing between walk and run as well if sprint is gonna take up shift key? have you played arma 2 in custom missions where the current key mapping is better than a more mainstream one?

Wtf is command mode? I sure as hell have never used/heard of it. And yeah, maybe the shifts sprint wasn't the best idea, but it made my point (I think).

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I'm not merely talking about the keybindings. Can you honestly tell me that RV3 isn't clunky?

So your blaming the engine for the animation files?

Edited by Orthus

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No, I wasn't saying "YES! We must have Frostbite 2 in it's current stage!"

I was just talking about to realism. The really nice player animations, the beautiful graphics and textures, the photo realism, etc.. The bullet drop is there, too.

Oh I do love the BF series, well except probably the BC spin-offs, but the problem with Frostbite is that it is really just made for BF gameplay, which differs heavily from ARMA or even DayZ. Medal of Honor had more similarities with BF than DayZ has and it was still the worst military shooter I've ever seen. Seriously, I'd rather play Daikatana than MOH 2009 once again, it was so FUCKING AWEFUL. Well... did I mention that MOH was shit?

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So your blaming the engine for the animation files?

No I think he's blaming the animation files for the animation files

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Oh I do love the BF series, well except probably the BC spin-offs, but the problem with Frostbite is that it is really just made for BF gameplay, which differs heavily from ARMA or even DayZ. Medal of Honor had more similarities with BF than DayZ has and it was still the worst military shooter I've ever seen. Seriously, I'd rather play Daikatana than MOH 2009 once again, it was so FUCKING AWEFUL. Well... did I mention that MOH was shit?

Agreed on every topic.

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