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On Hookers, Why DayZ is going the way of the Dodo, and more Hookers.

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All i read was:

"Blablabla iam awsome and all you loosers better burn in hell blablablablablablabla same as in a 1000 other threads blablablablablablabla i know better than all of yall blablalblablablabla iam retarded blablablablablabla"

Good laugh thou :-P

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Its all a bit of fun till someone gets shot in the bollocks. Of course, 15 seconds after this they go and produce MAGIC BATTLEYE. To all those that 'got it', congrats chaps, but I am afraid your intellect now far outstrips the two cell requirement for you continuing to use this forum, get the fuck out.

TLDR: Transexual Hookers On Page 3!!!!!

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Wow... just wow

Another useless piece of information.

Yessir, that was. OK bored now, returning to killing Syrian regulars. Watch me later on Liveleak, im the warbling one.

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Right fuckwits, listen up. It might be the fact that you all have the attention spans of alzheimers stricken goldfish, or that collectively you basement dwellers claim enough social security to equal one real job, or perhaps it may just be the fact that i dont live in the same room where i learnt to go pee pee and poo poo after i started growing facial hair ( you too girls).

So... you grew up in a bathroom? Or did you just shit in your bedroom? Damn you Brits are crazy.

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Right fuckwits, listen up.

i learnt to go pee pee and poo poo after i started growing facial hair

Her Majesty the fucking Queen

so fuck you.

Now i am disturbed.

'fuck me ive seen this before'

The reason for my perturbing?

pretty fucking obvious.

- Hacking, or rather scripting - fuck it weve beaten this horse to death.

- Duping - shit becomes boring real fast.

- Alt-F4 - yes the fucking magic teleport switch.

Whatever youre doing to sort this, do it fucking quick.

Fuck you, you sound like a broken record has been shoved sideways up your arse

Nobody fucking cared (s)

Its because they were (I am a) fucking moron (s) in case you missed it.

So sort your shit out.

Hackers, duping and alt-f4 is top of that list right now. Fun is somewhere around their bollocks.

In the meantime.

TLDR: Fuck you

Here folks, a shortened version while still just as logical as the OP. My guess? Well, he's only 13 once!

Edited by ptk
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beans for an entertaining read...

that was seriously one of the most entertaining things i have eaver read on a forum. lmao. semi true too.

Edited by Dregdor

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hmmmm does hookers outrank boobies?

Yes because you can catch STI's from a hookers...boobies just bounce about being happy :)

Unless you have Bacon...Bacon outdoes everything... BACON!!!!!

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lol, two paragraphs of rambling insults before you even approach something resembling an opinion is not the best way to communicate with what you consider a community of low attention, the only thing I see failing is your career in mass debating...

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Dark souls is soon to be relased on the pc too... and i played the hell out of that on the 360, and im still getting it, as its a bloody great game...

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I like this guy, it takes a special talent to rant and insult with that kind of flair.

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I keep playing even tho one server I considered a safe heaven got hacked today. But he's basically right, the mod has stagnated, for something that is supposed to be a cutting edge development build the trickle of new features is glacial and game breaking bugs that have been reported by testers are not being fixed. To add insult to the injury it's pretty hard to be a tester when you get randomly killed 10 minutes into your testing. If I did not have the patience acquired after years of actually working in SE including support and testing I would have quit a long time ago.

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God damn it, the amount of Rocket kiss ass's here is phenomenal.

Op has my god damn beans, makes many valid points in a humorous way.

Lighten up people.

Edited by Geordienev

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I logged into a server last night with 50/50 slots. All taken. Thought to myself, sweet, a good healthy server!

30 mintutes, all of the sudden everyone died on the server. Everyone.

Dunno who or what was hacked into the server, but hands down the most powerful thing I have ever seen anyone do in DayZ.

Luckily an admin was on and pull the plug right after so the deaths were not saved on the master server.

But still....I sorta see where the OP Is coming from.

Eventually people just get sick of dealing with it and check out to play something else.

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I enjoyed this post. He is correct if a little nutty.

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cbf reading.

someone tell me if it worth it or not

I see you compensate for your small penis with a big signature image.

That, and I have no idea why you have such difficulty reading. School must be terrible these days. If you went there.

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