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you know when you played to much dayz when....

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Dreaming of it. Dreaming every night of running into woods. Happened to me like four nights in a row. True story.

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Dreaming of it. Dreaming every night of running into woods. Happened to me like four nights in a row. True story.

same here last night was the first night I dreamed of it :DD

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You know you play too much day z when you steal a bicycle whenever you see one.

You know you are too black when you steal a bicycle whenever you see one.

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When you start a Stupid topic in forums like ... You know when you played to much dayz when..., thats when u should know it.

Shut up and take your meds, Grandpa.

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You know you've played too much DayZ when you wake up the next morning and can't remember if defending your base from bandits was a dream or not.

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You know you've played too much DayZ when you notice the food meter's going red, you grab the phone and dial the pizza delivery, by the time he asks what you want you realize what you're doing... and order anyways, hoping you find some food and a good place to logout before he arrives.

*true story*

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You know you've played DayZ too much when you start crouch running places so that you're harder to spot.

Edited by Pandema

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When you see a black escalade and think...That's not legit...

When you see a tent and you look inside to see whats in it.

When you see a car broken down on the side of the road and you wonder what you would need to fix it.

Edited by DanielTy88

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You know you play DayZ too much when you are worried you're going to break your leg when you walk through the door of the supermarket.

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when after being a dedicated sniper for your group of players for 2 days with m4a4acog, you suddenly find your new miraculous ability to spot _ALL_ the fire ladders outside houses. True story.

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Doing a hike in the mountains and thinking that i hadn't brought a gun and beans. :P

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You know you have played any game for too long when you create a "You know when you've played "game x" too long" thread?

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When you visit an DIY store and see compass and all the water bottles and first thing that goes trough the mind is to check and make sure i have those already :)

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im sure someone has already said this, but.....

you know you play too much DayZ, when you try to kill someone at your school because he has a bigger backpack than you.

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