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My Rant: Why I am Done with the Game.

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I'm sure someone's already said this but.... Guess what... It's an Alpha. If you don't know what that means, perhaps you should google it? This game is/will be intended for those who DON'T want to play bf3 and cod crap that has ruined the gaming industry. It's trying to NOT be WoW. We don't NEED achievements to pay us on the back and make up for a decided "lack of parenting", coddling us with rewards to make us feel good about ourselves when we figure out how to turn on a flashlight. That's stupid. Why the HELL do you need achievements or rewards? You know what my reward is? The satisfaction of hunting down human prey like you and spawning you back on the beach. Can't take it? Go play something else. And before you say I'm a bandit....no, I'm a survivor, I've robbed and let live, taken what I've needed, and killed in cold blood, all to get to where I'm at in the game right now. I think that's the point you don't get. This isn't happy-go-lucky-let's-all-sit-in-a-circle-and-sing. Meh, counter-rant done.

P.S.... cause I had to....

Your points:

1) Go play BF3 if it's more rewarding, that games for you, this one obviously isn't

2) The voice chat is being worked on, remember, it's in ALPHA.

3,4,5) As I said before: You really can't be serious, right?

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Man, these "this isn't CoD/BF3" responses are really getting old. Have people never played CoD/BF3? What the OP is describing is nothing like them. In CoD/BF3, you do shoot everyone on sight. You don't try and make friends with people. You expect there to be camping snipers who are going to peg your ass.

What the OP is describing is more aptly described as current generation MMOs. Where when you meet someone, you can ask if they want to group up, go do your quests with them, and not have to worry about them harming you in the slightest.

The same complaint can be made about those responding with "this is only an alpha!". Not relevant here. What the OP is complaining about isn't (or shouldn't) be changed in the final release. You should have just as much potential to be killed, you should lose all your gear when you are killed, there should be no "leveling up" or achievement system. If these things bother you, you are playing the wrong game. Expecting the game to change to meet your playstyle is just plain wrong. There's nothing shameful about saying "This isn't the game for me". But acting as if there's something wrong with the game just because it doesn't meet your personal tastes is idiotic. There are plenty of games out there that I personally don't enjoy. You know what I do? I don't play them.

With that being said, the OP did at least try and keep things constructive, so I'll give him props for that. But suggestions should be limited to making the game better, not changing it to fit your playstyle.

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"Man, these "this isn't CoD/BF3" responses are really getting old. Have people never played CoD/BF3? What the OP is describing is nothing like them. In CoD/BF3, you do shoot everyone on sight. You don't try and make friends with people. You expect there to be camping snipers who are going to peg your ass"

If you had actually read what I posted, as well as the OP, you would have noted he specifically mentioned BF3 as more rewarding, and listed his reasons why. He also never once acknowledged the fact that it is in ALPHA state, leading me to believe he doesn't realize this fact.... He only states "why I'm done with this game".... And "I'm leaving this game" etc.... well, game implies a finished product in his context, I'm pointing out that it most certainly is not.

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I've played this game for a week now. I will admit--it was very thrilling and addicting in the beginning. But' date=' then, the novelty of it just wore off. I can list some of the reasons why I think this game needs work:

1) There are about 85% of people playing this game like a TDM or Free-For-All type gameplay, which I think, doesn't suit this zombie survival genre. There is a definite lack of cooperation and teamwork. 70% I get killed by other players and 30% I get killed by zeds. Given the lack of squad play and continious random solo spawn points, playing with friends/teammates is nearly impossible. If I wanted TDM, I would play BF3, which is way more rewarding.


The game does not play like a TDM or even a DM. Your problem seems to be that you are staying on the coast too long. Sure, the coast seems like an easy score, but honestly it's not. It is full of newbies and bandits, alike. Most of these players, will attempt to kill you on the spot. Furthermore, this is a hardcore survival game and I think it does a fantastic job of showing the break down of humanity. You must remember that it is a simulation engine. It is designed to be unforgiving. This game is unique in the sense that it doesn't placate to the masses and it really doesn't need to be tweaked in terms of difficulty. I could go on and on about the different positive points of this game, but I won't. (You seem to be decided already)

2) Communication in-game. How many times has someone rudely announced in voice chat' date=' "Can you hear me?" I can't start to say how annoying this is! If you use the text chat, you are pretty much screwed as well because dick bandits use that to stalk and kill their prey.


While I do agree that this is a problem, especially on the HC servers where you can't see who is talking on mic. This is such a moot point, in terms of arguing not to play the game, that it is silly.

3) Lack of Continuity: If I spend 6 hours playing and collecting loot and suddenly get sniped by a dick bandit' date=' I expect some reward system where you can keep you're loot when you respawn based on the time that you have not died in-game. Losing everything so unexpectedly and suddenly is a complete waste of my time given that you have to start from scratch when you die. After so many times dying, the whole concept of the game gets old and repetitive real fast.



4) Need more objective play: Besides scavaging' date=' surviving, and killing, I think there needs to be a reward system based on reaching objectives as well. For example, getting/keeping loot after surviving a certain amount of time. Going to a particular place on a map to check-in to get rewarded. After you've explored the Northernest most point on the map (i.e. Devil's Castle and Northwest Airfield), all the other places become mundane.


It seems that you are unsatisfied with the reward system. I suggest you go play every other BS game that is out right now. They love giving away BS awards in game. Never mind the actual gameplay, let's just bombard them with achievements, accolades and shiny badges... GO AWAY!

5) Camper dick bandits: There is this group who get a thrill solely from murdering Survivors. Instead of rewarding this group' date=' in particular, with continuity, there should be a negative reward for such uncalled for gameplay (i.e. not in a situation needing food or drink and killing just for the fun of it). I can see why the Devs have taken away the Humanity and Bandit skin catering to the 85% of people playing the game in this manner, which makes it even more frustrating.


Once you figure out the mechanics of the game you realize that survival is your #1 priority, at any cost. There is only so many beans you can collect. Not to say that collecting even the dumbest, smallest stuff isn't fun in this game. It's actually quite beautiful. Deprive the player of items, even the most basic, so when he/she does find something, it is like finding a rare item. It's so simple, yet genius. This is also why being a bandit can be great fun sometimes, as well. Just because you want to pussyfoot, in a videogame of all places, doesn't mean we all have to play by your rules.

I will give kudos to the Devs for continuing to put out fresh patches with updates and the overall idea of the game. I just think' date=' in its current state, I wouldn't play it continuously because it gets old and repetitive real fast. Some of you may agree and disagree with some of my points, but I will throw it out there for discussion.


At least you ended with a semi-positive statement. The fact still remains, that this is all subjective and in the end it's just your opinion. I personally think this game is fascinating and even in this buggy Alpha state, that it is in at the moment, it's the best game I have ever played. The pacing, the anxiety, the ambiance, all of it. Never have I played a game that reached in and pulled that primal fear out of me and griped it tight, holding onto it, not letting go.

After gaming basically died a few years back, with the advent of online console gaming, BS FPS clones and ridiculous accolades, xp based FPS games... I thought I was done with gaming. I even started to doubt myself. I actually started to believe that I was just getting old (which I am...) and that games were getting better and it was just all in my head. Then, this game drops and all of my original thoughts (where I felt that newer games were actually shit) on the matter are confirmed. And, to boot there are actually like minded people out there as well. People like Rocket, who seem to be sick and tired of the standard that has been set by the likes of some corporations that will remain nameless.

When I saw the video, "The Survivors." I literally watched it for two mins and rushed to steam to buy CO pack for 30 dollars. I knew if the game was half of what was shown in the video, that it would be glorious. I was not disappointed. I would also like to point out that given the current growth rate of the game, OP's point of view is even more moot. And, in conclusion, he should probably STFU.

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If you had actually read what I posted' date=' as well as the OP, you would have noted he specifically mentioned BF3 as more rewarding, and listed his reasons why. He also never once acknowledged the fact that it is in ALPHA state, leading me to believe he doesn't realize this fact.... He only states "why I'm done with this game".... And "I'm leaving this game" etc.... well, game implies a finished product in his context, I'm pointing out that it most certainly is not.


Well, I did read what he wrote, did you? He didn't say he wanted the game to be more like BF3, he said he wanted the game to be less like BF3. Very clearly. So commenting with "this game isn't BF3!" just reinforces the point he was trying to make. Attempting to use that against him is silly.

As for your other point... This is a game. It being in an alpha stage doesn't make it any less a game, and calling it a game doesn't mean it can't be in an alpha stage.

But as I said, that's irrelevant. It doesn't matter whether he understands its in alpha or not, because that doesn't apply to the suggestions he gave. Alpha, beta, final release, heck - even drawing board, it doesn't matter. The suggestions shouldn't be considered for a game of this type. Attempting to include things like respawning with extra gear as a "reward", being annoyed that people stalk and kill people, these are clearly coming from someone who wants the game to go in a different direction. A direction that (hopefully) the game has no intentions of going, alpha or not.

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I agree with 2, Communication in-game, and 4, More objectives, since after some time the only fun thing to do is kill another player.

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I agree with most of the points or at least parts of them.

It's an alpha, a technology demonstration. It's to be expected from those familiar with that definition, but obviously those who aren't familiar with the software industry won't know what that means.

Lets fix the bugs, develop the game, and stop talking about all these other games.

PS. I've gone all day without swearing.

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@Rocket you're saying pvp is not meant to be a major part of the game?

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I agree with most of the points or at least parts of them.

It's an alpha' date=' a technology demonstration. It's to be expected from those familiar with that definition, but obviously those who aren't familiar with the software industry won't know what that means.

Lets fix the bugs, develop the game, and stop talking about all these other games.

PS. I've gone all day without swearing.


I hope you aren't referring to the parts about keeping loot on death. Other than that, he raises solid points.

me and my friends have accomplished everything there is to do in this game and are at the same point so now we kill people for fun and you can lump us in with the 85% that jsut play TDM or DM but to be honest 60 % of that 85% are like me we played the game and now there is nothing else to do with everything you want in the game so why not kill other players its the only thing that brings excitment into chernarus with the current bugs prolonged survival is somthing that is nearly impossible either your tent will vanish or all the items in it or your vehicle will vanish etc.

i know its alpha and thats why i dont make big threads like these and jsut enjoy killing people for what its worth

Just because there isn't an endgame, doesn't mean you should just go around killing other players for little to no reason. If that's just your playstyle fine, but there are other things to do with all that awesome equipment. Why don't you do the opposite and protect friendlies? You still get to kill people, but there's actual risk involved, making it exciting.

Good job dude. I have trouble going 4 hours.

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This can happen in any sandbox game, happens to me in Oblivion, GTA, etc.

If you don't find something you want to do for yourself, you will not be motivated.

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1) There are about 85% of people playing this game like a TDM or Free-For-All type gameplay

2) Communication in-game.

3) Lack of Continuity:

4) Need more objective play:

5) Camper dick bandits:

1. People have trust issues' date=' especially now since a popular response to bandits being bandits seems to be "ok, now I'm going to kill everyone on sight because I can't trust anyone". Of course there's going to be a lot of player killing.

2. I believe eventually all chat beyond direct chat will be disabled, partially fixing this.

3. [i']Play hardcore survival shooter, complain that you're punished for dying. You die, you lose everything. There's no continuity issue here; you're dead. You "respawn" somewhere as a different person altogether with a coincidentally identical look and name with just rookie gear. Sure, it sucks to lose good gear to some bandit or paranoid survivor (or falling off a fucking ladder for no reason), but such is life in the zone- er, Chernarus. You die, you lose it all, you start over fresh and hope for a better life this time around.

4. Hardcore survival game needn't have shoehorned-in objectives. Anything beyond simply surviving in terms of objectives is something the player needs to make up themselves. Gather parts for a vehicle and make it. Try to make a base with some buddies. Make your own goals.

As for rewards, your rewards is the gear you find while looting corpses or buildings. No need at all for MMO-style quest rewards or ribbons/experience/etc. for doing some random task.

5. Nope. NO. For god's sake, NO. The game is hardcore survival. There are going to be loners, survivors with friends/squadmates, and bandits. The only punishment a known bandit needs to have in such a scenario is getting a bad reputation among other players on the server. Shoehorning in some gamey system just because people love to whine and cry about every little player killing incident is a horrible idea and I'm glad the old system is gone. You want trustworthy people, try to get people you know to play with you. There are going to be bandits. Deal with it.

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I just said I agree there are problems with most parts of the design.

That's what Alpha is for.

I don't necessarily agree with his solutions, but again. That's why we're all here. To find out what this will become.

The discussion is good, I soak up as much as time allows.

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Dick camper bandits I agree with and I think this is what is turning some new players off from the game. I keep on saying - run North as fast as you can and get away from the shoreline and its cities. Then the game is much more rewarding.

Having said that - dying is an intrinsic part of this game. The goal of the game is to NOT die. That is your reward. Your reward should be the day count when you spawn...the more, the better you are doing at surviving...which is the MAIN OBJECTIVE. You die...well, your loot is lost to that life. That's what happens. You're a ghost...

Considering that the game is considered Alpha by the devs and the majority of the players...do not take it seriously. Explore its boundaries. Explore what is available. Then sit back and provide feedback...what works, what doesn't, what could be done better, etc etc. Dude...we have some awesome devs that actually read our raves and rants. They even take into account our observations...what more can you ask for? Can you actually do that with Dice and their butt-f-ck 3? Nope.

Anyways - I'm having fun with the game and I play mainly solo. I do not murder people even though I have had the upper hand numerous times. If someone seems aggressive...escape and evasion baby! There's nothing like the experience of escaping the ultimate predator - another human being. Or turning the tables on them ;-) This is why this game is so unique and is considered a 'sandbox'. Just do whatever you fill like doing within the given parameters.

I would recommend that you do not dedicate too much time to it right now. Play it now and then - every time there is an update to see what has been changed/added and see how it evolves.

But hey...whatever floats your boat dude.

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lol.. another person wanting a dev to put rules in a sandbox game.

Dev's that police how you play the game are shit.

Dev's are suppose to police exploiting and glitches and hacking ect.

HOW you play is left to the server. WHy don't you find a roleplay server... or make one?

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I've played this game for a week now. I will admit--it was very thrilling and addicting in the beginning. But' date=' then, the novelty of it just wore off. I can list some of the reasons why I think this game needs work:

1) There are about 85% of people playing this game like a TDM or Free-For-All type gameplay, which I think, doesn't suit this zombie survival genre. There is a definite lack of cooperation and teamwork. 70% I get killed by other players and 30% I get killed by zeds. Given the lack of squad play and continious random solo spawn points, playing with friends/teammates is nearly impossible. If I wanted TDM, I would play BF3, which is way more rewarding.

2) Communication in-game. How many times has someone rudely announced in voice chat, "Can you hear me?" I can't start to say how annoying this is! If you use the text chat, you are pretty much screwed as well because dick bandits use that to stalk and kill their prey.

3) Lack of Continuity: If I spend 6 hours playing and collecting loot and suddenly get sniped by a dick bandit, I expect some reward system where you can keep you're loot when you respawn based on the time that you have not died in-game. Losing everything so unexpectedly and suddenly is a complete waste of my time given that you have to start from scratch when you die. After so many times dying, the whole concept of the game gets old and repetitive real fast.

4) Need more objective play: Besides scavaging, surviving, and killing, I think there needs to be a reward system based on reaching objectives as well. For example, getting/keeping loot after surviving a certain amount of time. Going to a particular place on a map to check-in to get rewarded. After you've explored the Northernest most point on the map (i.e. Devil's Castle and Northwest Airfield), all the other places become mundane.

5) Camper dick bandits: There is this group who get a thrill solely from murdering Survivors. Instead of rewarding this group, in particular, with continuity, there should be a negative reward for such uncalled for gameplay (i.e. not in a situation needing food or drink and killing just for the fun of it). I can see why the Devs have taken away the Humanity and Bandit skin catering to the 85% of people playing the game in this manner, which makes it even more frustrating.

I will give kudos to the Devs for continuing to put out fresh patches with updates and the overall idea of the game. I just think, in its current state, I wouldn't play it continuously because it gets old and repetitive real fast. Some of you may agree and disagree with some of my points, but I will throw it out there for discussion.


Ill try to answer this as politely as possible (seeing as how you actually just dont "get" the game, but started a thread that sounded kinda hostile and somehow tries to state that this is not the game its "supposed" to be)

1: People in general are not very trustworthy (have you played BF3 on hardcore and tried to fly a jet or helicopter? teamkills happen quite alot there). And seeing as this is the internet, people are relatively anonymous and youre not actually "killing" someone like it would be in real life, you just have to learn that you cannot trust most people (and i dont thnk you should if there was a real zombie apocalypse either.)

2: Global chat is going to be removed. After that its just going to be direct communication that has a range of 25m (iirc) so no need to worry about bandits tracking you that way.

3: No no no no no no no.... no... just no.

This game is about trying to survive as long as possible, getting better starting gear because youve "survived long last time i played" defeats that purpose. You need to fear that death. Otherwise the game looses meaning.

Imagine how fun the game would be if you spawned with a silenced M4 with 10 mags, a really good pistol, Food and water for 10 days and all the survival gear you need.

yeah, awesome right? (hint: the answer is no)

4: Your reward is that you get to know the map better. You get to know where the good stuff spawns. You know where you are when you die and respawn on the beach because youve been there before and recognise the place.

This game is an anti-game. Its not supposed to "reward" you and hold your hand like most other games do these days (for crying out loud, you get rewarded for just starting the game nowadays).

5: So basically you want to punish players for playing the game in a way that you dont want to play.

If you dont want to get sniped by hidden bandits, learn to hide better.

Ive not once been killed by a hidden sniper during my 2+ weeks of playing the game.

I HAVE been killed by survivors sneaking up on me tho. And ive killed some trying to sneak up on me as well.

You are somehow trying to tell us that "being observant and avoiding mad people with weapons in a post apocalyptic world" is somehow not supposed to be part of the game.

Thats just wrong.

From your comments i get the feeling you want a game like this:

"you and youre friends are thrust into a post apocalyptic zombie world together and have to help eachother to survive. If you die, you get to keep most of your gear and if someone else shoots you, they get killed instead because teamkilling isnt allowed.

If you survive for 5 days you get a car because youre obviously such a cool guy.

If you manage to survive for 10 days the car gets upgraded with machineguns that have unlimited ammo so you can really blaze thorugh those towns with your friends.

Should you manage to find the airfield you will be rewarded with the title "ultimate survivor", get a unique military outfit and get access to your own chopper!

All of these rewards are of course permanent and are fully accessable if you should die. (and if you have unlocked the airbase, you spawn there instead of on the coast and wont have to walk (or drive your car) all the way up to the airbase again).

Have fun!"

Now... does that sound like fun to you?

Well maby it does, but its NOT what this mod was designed to be and it would get really really really boring after a few days.

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What they can do is keep adding map levels going north, that way the most experienced players can continually migrate northwards constructing ever grander monuments and fan-fiction away from the unwashed chaos of COD/BF3 newbs towards the coast. Instead of gold-farming sub time-alive, northward distance farming.

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All of these issues will fade out to more normal levels once there are things in the game that promote social interaction. At the moment, information is all available OUTSIDE of game. Loot spawns, locations, everything. The map and compass are pretty much useless if you're at all capable of reading Topo and have a second monitor.

Information needs to be important in game, and unique. Just like real life, where things change and are not scripted, where zombies might roam, or there will be more at Town A but Town B will be deserted, information will need to be traded by players.

As of right now, the game is largely anti-social, and I know Rocket has basically said he wants that, as the apocalypse is anti-social, but I simply disagree. Information needs to be a commodity that must be traded IN-GAME, promoting players to be more likely to actually try to see if someone has information rather than just hiding in a bush and gunning down every single player who walks by.

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These forums are one sided, the vocal minority is getting their opinions heard more than the pro sandbox people, mainly thanks to the moderators who delete our pro-sandbox threads as they pop up (Thanks umbigouslybadbuy, for deleting my thread after you couldn't rationalize your actions, and got owned in an argument).

Dont give rocket the wrong idea, look at the survey, most people are survivors and don't have a major problem with bandits.

Give a sandbox rules and it no longer becomes a sandbox, and it loses its immersion. Please for the love of god don't kill this sandbox listening to people who spend more time whining on the forums, than playing the actual game.

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Yeah, I'm currently creating my own objectives by running zombies into people because I've already figured out that you can totally avoid the zombie threat by just crawling everywhere. No zombies killed, no bandits killed, no people encountered, just look before you go out in the open. It doesn't matter if you die because it's so easy to avoid zombies and gain loot, and even when I'm just running around, the building glitch is enough for me to scavenge ALICE packs and weapons and supplies I don't need. The fact that zombies can't follow you under concrete walls, up complicated towers, down steep mountains, or through more than two buildings makes their actual threat level nonexistent unless you're foolish enough to actually shoot them.

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I understand the fact that he is getting bored. Sometimes when you have too much choice everything gets boring. I really don't want to repeat what everyone has said here but remember its in the Alpha stage.

If you liked ArmA then I'm surprised you don't like this. It's not a run and gun game. It's methodical and slow, full of suspense and psychological horror. I spent nearly 2 hours today crawling to get to a meeting point with someone as I had lost a lot of blood and was fainting every 10 mins... This might sound boring to many gamers coming from a console background, but for me it was one of the most exciting parts of a game I've ever played. Not knowing if I was going to faint at any moment. Praying that I could make it to that barn surrounded by Zeds, just to if there was any food so I didn't have to worry about dying. Finally when I got to the meeting spot I found out that my contact had been killed by a bandit sniper... The despair! Hiding from the same guy.

I logged out today, realising that it might be my characters last day, that when I go in I'll be beyond saving.

For moment like that I think this game is worth the hardship and patience.

But it's your opinion, good luck finding something you'll enjoy.

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The only thing that bothers OP that somewhat bothers me is people who spawn and pile stuff at key locations for uber purple gears (AKA campers). Teabag the shit out of those min-maxing jerks.

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OP I do actually understand where you are coming from, and have my own frustrations with some of the results of the current game "design" (I say that in quotes because this is obviously not a game in the normal sense and the design is much more dynamic).

What I have found to ease my own tensions is to be what I have hated the most in other people.. something I always despise, and wondered how they could be that sort of person. Well now I know what it feels like to be totally heartless, cruel, and selfish... and you know what, I SURVIVED. And.. I hate to say it, I felt the thrill of the kill, the rush of knowing I just betrayed another human being for MY OWN PERSONAL BENEFIT.

In a way, I guess I felt maybe like what a hunter does when they kill a helpless defenseless animal .. I am not a hunter and could never do it in real life unless I was starving.. and this game gives me the ability to make that "what if" .. what would I really do.. and yes, its exciting. Very.

Please push aside for a moment all thoughts of "morals" and "ethics" and consider what this game really is - A social experiment. True, it is a very buggy experiment at the moment, but I really do feel that the original purpose is playing itself out.. not just in game but right here in the forums.

I can see something big on the other side of this, its almost like a small window into the eventual future of video games and on-line social interaction (which actually are becoming closer to each other).

In the end it all comes down to a very, very simple rule:

I am hungry, you have beans, and I have a gun.

I also have no friends either in real life or online (not even a Facebook account) so I have the advantage that anything I find is ALL MINE. I don't have to share, and I will not. This makes your beans even the more tasty looking, and that Alice pack sure would be handy.. but who am I kidding, my decision to shoot takes a mere fraction of a second, regardless of what you are carrying.

You can wrap that rule in other, more complicated ones, and start piling on ethics and morals and all that crap... and I hope that happens because that is after all the holy grail of video games: Truly emergent game-play.

Oh.. and the bandit campers, I'm coming for you also.. and your tears will taste OH SO GOOD.

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Oooh' date=' ooh, and yes! If this is done right, that little score that says "Bandits killed", yes, that one. It will go up and now say "Bandits killed: 1", and you've just gotten your little achievement that you wanted.


Sandbox-Marshal Palli 'Teamwork' Treponema


I think the people that are "bored" with DayZ just don't get that type of gameplay.

I think the reason is clear: at it's heart, DayZ is - and hopefully always will be - Arma 2. Some people want a sandbox, other people want to play a point-and-click-adventure in a tunnel. Both can be fun, but different strokes for different folks.

My point, however, is that if you don't "get" DayZ and how you can use tactics to basically rule Chernarus, you should probably just stop playing. It's not bad that you prefer L4D or CoD zombie mode, or prefer cooperative quests in RPGs that have a predetermined start, finish, and reward, it's just not what you're going to get out of Arma 2.

If Rocket wanted to make a traditional RPG you think he would be working at BIS? :P

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