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About Oddball_E8

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  1. Oddball_E8

    Day Z is insulting to LGBT people

    I think we should demand that Rocket rewrite the entire game to include necrophiles (i mean, its perfect for it isnt it?), rapists, pedophiles and zoophiliacs... Oh or should we just demand that he rewrites the entire game to cater to the benevolent sexual minorities? Seriously. Demanding that someone rewrites an entire game that is about surviving a zombie apocalypse so that you can be a transgender, crossdresser or whatever is extremely moronic. The game is not about that in even the slightest form. Are you a male transgender? play as a female. Are you a female transgender? play as a male. Oh you want to be able to switch when you want? tough luck! come back when you can take a pill in real life to change your sex overnight. Ps. saying that you can change sex in real life by crossdressing is bull, since everyone wears the same clothes in the game (survivor outfit, guillie suit or camo uniform) wether they are male or female.
  2. Oddball_E8

    Best ping server ive seen!

  3. Oddball_E8

    Anti-game...say huh?

    Ive always found the term "anti-game" to mean more or less, "we will give you the premices of the situation: you are alone, unarmed and has to survive. How you do this is up to you, we will not reward you or punish you for picking one choice over the other" In other words, its not like other games that try to teach you how to play the game. Its just a sandbox for you to play in with no consequenses for your choices as to how you play.
  4. Oddball_E8

    The aftermath of a server hit by a hacker

    Eeeh, this has been posted before. They jumped on a server that had hosted an all-out PvP match in the dayZ setting or something like that. Basically no zombies, only survivors and all spawned in cherno
  5. Oddball_E8

    880m M107 kill

    Whats the point of sniping someone at that range? you cant loot them since their bodie will have despawned by the time you get there. (unless you just sprint all the way, but then you'll have a zombie hoard on you)
  6. Oddball_E8

    Day Z Wallpapers

    You should change that so that the survivors are in the front looking threatening and the zombies are in the background looking like confused cattle...
  7. Oddball_E8

    Cinematic Screenshots

    What happened to this thread? I use these screens for my desktop, id love to see more of them...
  8. Oddball_E8

    How often are your camps raided?

    Not once did he mention having vehicles, and even if they did, i doubt they had one every time they made a camp.
  9. Its kinda funny, ive been seeing alot more "Quit whining and stop asking for bandits to be punished" threads than i have actual threads asking for that. It also seems that a large part of the vocal community of this game seems to think that this game is ALL about PvP and nothing else. Personally i just avoid other survivors like the plague... But that also means i no longer team up with anyone ever. It used to be that you could actually follow someone a bit and figure out if they were the kind to kill you or not, but nowadays everyone kills on sight. Mainly because of the influx of new players that seem to think that is a required part of the game.
  10. How about no? that would be abused to hell and back. Random spawn is the way to go, BUT how about letting groups of people spawn together if they want to. having some sort of grouping system would be key to this tho.