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Admin abuse US1320, restarting the server after vehicle is stolen

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Server Name: US 1320

Timezone: Pacific time

Date/Time: 8/12/12 approximately three hours ago around 3:30 PM.

Server Admin: Kirby, Dez, and (maybe) killer777s (he was in there most of the time).

What happened: A friend notified me of a camp up north of the NWAF. He had stolen a motorcycle and helicopter from them and 10 minutes after, the server restarted and he lost the helo. I got there and observed for a while and saw three guys, one survivor clothing, one ghille, one camo clothing. The camo clothing and ghille guys were transferring stuff to their Ural and the other was afk on the ground. Once the ghille left the server I made my move and took out camo clothing while he was looking in a tent, he fell over and passed out then disappeared. I then shot the afk guy and ran down to steal their Ural then ran over their tents and shot the wheels on their v3s... server crashed. Joined again, right inbetween the Ural and v3s and hopped in the Ural and drove off this time while taking fire from an ak74. Once I got 200m away they shut the server down again. This happened two more times.

Proof: I recorded the whole thing on video which you can see here:

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Holy Cheese, people like you make me sick. Let me start out by saying I was the AFK guy on the ground and I went out for a 10 to 20 min smoke break. As soon as I came back, I saw that I was dead. The other guys told me what happened and they thought it was a hacker so I tried to access the admin control panel. Anyways, it kicks me for script restriction and I try rejoining and accessing the control panel once again only to get kicked. Bam I reset the server and I have every right to in order to access my control panel to deal with a hacker that I potentially thought existed. Anyways, every time I restarted the server it wouldn't let me access the panel and gave me various script restrictions until finally it worked. You may have been trying legitly to take our stuff, but I am sure not to let a hacker get away with our vehicles. Now taking the time to look at logs, you are not hacking but in the heat of the moment it didn't matter to me.

To be honest, fucks like you need to go buy your own server. If it wasn't for people like us who fork over the money you would have no where to play. Grow up!

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Also, our helicopter has been gone for well over a week, get your facts straight before you bitch next time :)

Edited by dez

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Holy Cheese, people like you make me sick. Let me start out by saying I was the AFK guy on the ground and I went out for a 10 to 20 min smoke break. As soon as I came back, I saw that I was dead. The other guys told me what happened and they thought it was a hacker so I tried to access the admin control panel. Anyways, it kicks me for script restriction and I try rejoining and accessing the control panel once again only to get kicked. Bam I reset the server and I have every right to in order to access my control panel to deal with a hacker that I potentially thought existed. Anyways, every time I restarted the server it wouldn't let me access the panel and gave me various script restrictions until finally it worked. You may have been trying legitly to take our stuff, but I am sure not to let a hacker get away with our vehicles. Now taking the time to look at logs, you are not hacking but in the heat of the moment it didn't matter to me.

To be honest, fucks like you need to go buy your own server. If it wasn't for people like us who fork over the money you would have no where to play. Grow up!

And how was he supposed to know this? looking at the video it really comes out as you trying to save your vehicles.

Maybe you shouldnt think like snipers =/= hackers

Edited by Kuckeli
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Well, Me and Holycheeseboy do own our own server. We have a strict "No Admin Abuse" policy. Last week, our camp got raided by actual hackers (i.e. Vehicle trackers, hacked in weapons, etc.). Our vehicles were all stolen, and our tents were looted and smashed. What did we do? We nutted up and dealt with it. Over the week, the hackers got banned after we retrieved our vehicles, put them back in another remote location, and found them missing later on that day. Admins who restart their own servers to save their own asses disgust me. While DayZ is rampant with hackers, a good admin knows not to "Act in the heat of the moment" just because someone found their camp (one that was terribly hidden, at that).

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His video is garbage, it is all edited time has no limit in that video it could be 1 sec or 30 mins.

Edited by dez

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His video is garbage, it is all edited time has no time limit in that video it could be 1 sec or 30 mins.

You aren't making any sense :/

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His video is garbage, it is all edited time has no time limit in that video it could be 1 sec or 30 mins.

LOL. I wonder if the DayZ staff is laughing as hard as me right now.

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Then go back to your own server. What I did broke no rules since I couldn't access the control panel and hackers have been known to screw people over with script restriction kicks and the like.

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Then go back to your own server. What I did broke no rules since I couldn't access the control panel and hackers have been known to screw people over with script restriction kicks and the like.

Even if you suspected hackers taking your stuff, as an administrator you did not respond to this situation very formerly, if anything you posted very childish responses. I for one will avoid US 1320 if administration is this bad.

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These guys trolled my friends and I the entire time, making names like say goodbye to your server, iTz BeInG ReCoRdeD, stuff like that. How else would you deal with a situation like that other than to be extremely unfriendly to them? I for one can't stand immature cod fan kiddies like these two guys clearly are. Maybe if they went about it in a different manner they would not be receiving hateful responses..

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Holy Cheese, people like you make me sick. Let me start out by saying I was the AFK guy on the ground and I went out for a 10 to 20 min smoke break. As soon as I came back, I saw that I was dead. The other guys told me what happened and they thought it was a hacker so I tried to access the admin control panel. Anyways, it kicks me for script restriction and I try rejoining and accessing the control panel once again only to get kicked. Bam I reset the server and I have every right to in order to access my control panel to deal with a hacker that I potentially thought existed. Anyways, every time I restarted the server it wouldn't let me access the panel and gave me various script restrictions until finally it worked. You may have been trying legitly to take our stuff, but I am sure not to let a hacker get away with our vehicles. Now taking the time to look at logs, you are not hacking but in the heat of the moment it didn't matter to me.

To be honest, fucks like you need to go buy your own server. If it wasn't for people like us who fork over the money you would have no where to play. Grow up!

You don't NEED the control panel to kick/ban people.

His video is garbage, it is all edited time has no limit in that video it could be 1 sec or 30 mins.

Right, because 30 minutes of watching it is what everyone wants to do. Please, He edited to show the IMPORTANT parts.

Then go back to your own server. What I did broke no rules since I couldn't access the control panel and hackers have been known to screw people over with script restriction kicks and the like.

Oh please. Your just mad that you got your camp raided, Shit happens, We've had our shit stolen just as we said, we didn't do shit. Your camp wasn't in the best location either. You basically admitted to restarting your server after you got your camp raided, which is 100% against the Day Z Rules. Regardless of how legit/not-legit it is. Try losing your chopper to BattlEye knowing there's nothing you can do about it and wasn't a legit crash / steal as your situation is.

Your not special, you don't have special permission to shut down your server when you get your stuff stolen.

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You don't NEED the control panel to kick/ban people.

Right, because 30 minutes of watching it is what everyone wants to do. Please, He edited to show the IMPORTANT parts.

Oh please. Your just mad that you got your camp raided, Shit happens, We've had our shit stolen just as we said, we didn't do shit. Your camp wasn't in the best location either. You basically admitted to restarting your server after you got your camp raided, which is 100% against the Day Z Rules. Regardless of how legit/not-legit it is. Try losing your chopper to BattlEye knowing there's nothing you can do about it and wasn't a legit crash / steal as your situation is.

Your not special, you don't have special permission to shut down your server when you get your stuff stolen.

This nigga don't know shit.

JK David, don't get all butthurt on Teamspeak :)

[user warned, 4 days PPS. -Max]

Edited by Max Planck
Stop that

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Ya coming back from a smoke break and being told there are hackers is plenty of a reason to shut the server down. I have only owned it for two weeks tops so Sorry if I don't know how to do everything from an online control panel seems easiest is to shut it down from in game control panel. Also one of those two weeks I was completely gone for.

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And I also did admit restarting the server since I was under the impression it was being attacked by hackers, nothing to do with the vehicles has to do with not being able to access the control panel for the 1000th time.

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Holy Cheese, people like you make me sick. Let me start out by saying I was the AFK guy on the ground and I went out for a 10 to 20 min smoke break. As soon as I came back, I saw that I was dead. The other guys told me what happened and they thought it was a hacker so I tried to access the admin control panel. Anyways, it kicks me for script restriction and I try rejoining and accessing the control panel once again only to get kicked. Bam I reset the server and I have every right to in order to access my control panel to deal with a hacker that I potentially thought existed. Anyways, every time I restarted the server it wouldn't let me access the panel and gave me various script restrictions until finally it worked. You may have been trying legitly to take our stuff, but I am sure not to let a hacker get away with our vehicles. Now taking the time to look at logs, you are not hacking but in the heat of the moment it didn't matter to me.

To be honest, fucks like you need to go buy your own server. If it wasn't for people like us who fork over the money you would have no where to play. Grow up!

These guys trolled my friends and I the entire time, making names like say goodbye to your server, iTz BeInG ReCoRdeD, stuff like that. How else would you deal with a situation like that other than to be extremely unfriendly to them? I for one can't stand immature cod fan kiddies like these two guys clearly are. Maybe if they went about it in a different manner they would not be receiving hateful responses..

So you're reasoning behind restarting the server numerous times is that you died when you were AFK and your friends said I was hacking? There is a flaw in your statement, both of your friends weren't there.. the guy in the ghille disconnected just 20 seconds before I killed you and shot at your friend (who disconnected after passing out, which is also against the rules and I have proof). Therefore, you could not have heard from your friends that I was hacking. Also, I was alone the whole time and I changed my name and the two names were something like "im rcrding keep rstrtn" and "got enuff prff, thanks!" because there was no other way of communicating with you. As a server admin, I wish you were a little less hot headed when you get killed. Just because you die and someone steals your stuff and runs your camp over doesn't mean that they are hacking so don't jump to conclusions until you have concrete proof of hacking. I see that you also killed your server 10 minutes ago while we were in the middle of raiding your camp with your helicopter. I was also recording that.

Edited by holycheeseboy
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Ya coming back from a smoke break and being told there are hackers is plenty of a reason to shut the server down. I have only owned it for two weeks tops so Sorry if I don't know how to do everything from an online control panel seems easiest is to shut it down from in game control panel. Also one of those two weeks I was completely gone for.

You have no proof of us being hackers, and we have video evidence of you shutting down your server multiple times. Plus you were so ass mad when we took your chopper that you shut it down while we we're flying it!

P.S. We spawn back on the ground with the chopper, so nobody can "fall to their death" ;)

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Go ahead and record anything.. I turned the server off for the time being because I am going to bed soon most likely, you haven't even shot at me for atleast 5 to 10 mins before I turned it off. And my one buddy said there is a hacker yada yada yada

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The other buddy lost connection apparently before anything happened. I am just wondering why the fuck you don't go back to your own server and leave us the fuck alone?

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So mad that you stole a chooper? Our chopper has been gone for the past week+ I have been playing a lot the past 3 days and Our chooper has never been at the camp once since before I left over a week ago. I killed your buddy Chad after he went down to our camp I was their the entire time you were flying it.

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And we can shut down our server as much as we please. If I can't access admin control panel I can shut it down as much as I need to to regain access, Nothing wrong with that.

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Go ahead and record anything.. I turned the server off for the time being because I am going to bed soon most likely, you haven't even shot at me for atleast 5 to 10 mins before I turned it off. And my one buddy said there is a hacker yada yada yada

You turn the server off while you aren't on it? And we also hadn't shot at you for 1-2minutes tops. Just cause you aren't currently getting shot at doesn't mean you can just shut the server off. Stop trying to make excuses for us raiding your camp.

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