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will dayz stand alone come to consouls

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well first im a huge dayz fan i have watched somewhere between 15/17 hours of gameplay of it on yourtube and i have read everything on the wiki and i have been reading the forums for about a month

but i dont have it the reason is that my pc is about 8 years old and every other computer i have acess to evena couple of months old laptops cant run it and i have been asking around and to play dayz on low seting i would have to spend about £500 for a new pc i have about £2600 but i dont know if i rearly want to spend all that cash right now

anyway to the point i would rearly love it if the stand alone came to consouls or more specificaly ps3 as i dont have an xbox 360 so is there any news on the posibility of it coming to ps3/xbox 360 or just rumors and when is the estemated release date of the stand alone

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I'll leave the flaming to someone else for now... answering seriously Id say no... purely for the HIVE element, I dont think console servers would be able to work that way. Its a LOT of effort getting DayZ running on a PC server like its intended to be, let alone crossing it over to console. Also the controls would be a total clusterfuck... well actually they already are, but I dont imagine a console port being any better on that front.

Edited by Tiercel

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No it wont, standalone (alpha) is due this year, October at the earliest

Edited by smasht_AU

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In all honesty I doubt it. Reason being is that the standalone will be using the ArmA3 engine (or so I've read) and I doubt they'd be coding that engine to work with even the next gen consoles (i.e. xbox720).

The only game in this series to go onto consoles was Operation Flashpoint (Cold War Crisis, not the codemasters spin-offs) and it didn't fair too well.

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I hate what you just said. One does not simply, study DayZ through videos and wiki. One must actually survive to understand it. The engine probably will be a huge huge pain in the ass to move to console anyways. It's a .1% chance in it becoming console.

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One does not simply, study DayZ through videos and wiki.

One does not simply WALK into Northwest airfield.

On a more serious note, I learned how to play solely through my minimal knowledge of Arma2, but mostly from youtube videos and the wiki.

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You had money to buy a Ps3 but not a decent gaming/everyday computer?

my 320gb ps3 cost £134 brand new

whilst just playing a 3 years old pc game with bad graphics on low seting costs £500

and i have said i have the money but droping maybe £1000 for a good quality pc that can run all new games on high setings isent easy i dident get that 2.6 grand from blowing money on every shiny thing i saw

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my 320gb ps3 cost £134 brand new

whilst just playing a 3 years old pc game with bad graphics on low seting costs £500

and i have said i have the money but droping maybe £1000 for a good quality pc that can run all new games on high setings isent easy i dident get that 2.6 grand from blowing money on every shiny thing i saw

A good PC is an investment... and spending that tiny amount on a computer is nothing. It will last you 3-5 years easily, so stop being a tight-ass and just go get a computer instead of wishing for something that will never happen. Think of all the other cool shit you will be able to do as well... 8 year old computer.... I'm astounded that it even still works. Does it have valves and run on steam too?

PS. It's "consoles" not "consouls", just FYI,


Edited by Sol

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One does not simply WALK into Northwest airfield.

On a more serious note, I learned how to play solely through my minimal knowledge of Arma2, but mostly from youtube videos and the wiki.

Really? Cause I run through the whole AF, People say Stary, NWAF, and airstrips are DM spots arn't that populated really. I have gone to NWAF 100s of times and only encountered 3 snipers, and a couple groups of people. The places you have been told that are deadly and/or high risk areas, really arn't as bad as they seem. You must face it yourself to understand it.

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PS3 and Xbox could not deal with arma 2 let alone arma 2 + mod!!!

Arma 2 uses upto 1.5gb, also upto 70+ players in the mod. BF3 was restricted on consoles to 24 players, so its NO NO......but <_<

Next gen consoles should be able to pull it off, so xbox720 & PS4 maybe ...... ;)

Edited by Itchy

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I have to admit I would like to see a version on consoles as well. I can run it on my laptop, but it's currently struggling along at 2 to 15 FPS on the lowest settings. This laptop was meant for university work, not playing new games.

I can afford a better computer, but there's a few things stopping me. I need a laptop for mobility, and I can't justify buying a new one for one game, after owning this one for half a year. There's also the fact that such hardware tends to need updating every so often, which is either not possible or very difficult for most laptops from what I've seen.

I'm aware a straight port just isn't possible for the consoles due to hardware differences and the ARMA II engine. And it makes sense that it would take too much time for the team to make a special version for the consoles while updating the PC game. All I can hope for is that a developer makes their own version of the game or works with the DayZ team to develop one after seeing how popular the game is and realising there's a niche in the market for such a game.

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No one know for sure, but I highly doubt it.

They can't even deal with an entire minecraft map, let alone an Arma map.

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my 320gb ps3 cost £134 brand new

What are you using to post to these forums with and how much did you spend on it?

Point being that console gamers are constantly complaining how pc gaming is expensive, yet these same console gamers choose not to take in to account how much they've spent on buying multiple consoles AND their desktop/laptops.


I'm not flaming you specifically. I know you weren't complaining. I'm simply generalizing.

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What are you using to post to these forums with and how much did you spend on it?

Point being that console gamers are constantly complaining how pc gaming is expensive, yet these same console gamers choose not to take in to account how much they've spent on buying multiple consoles AND their desktop/laptops.


I'm not flaming you specifically. I know you weren't complaining. I'm simply generalizing.

Having a computer is much more important than a console. PC's/Macs are necessary for school/work these days. You can't skip out on the price of a computer to fund a console. If that was not your point then the price of a console will only buy a decent video card at this point in time... nothing more.

Your point would be valid if everyone was buying a PC and console(s) TODAY. However, a lot of ->gaming<- PC's from 4 years ago are able to run this game.

PC gaming is expensive. That is why we are able to enjoy the best graphics and highest resolutions. Sadly, consoles have been holding that development back for supposedly "AAA" games.


I meant to include this:

Your avatar might enjoy it. :P

Edited by nano27

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yet these same console gamers choose not to take in to account how much they've spent on buying multiple consoles AND their desktop/laptops.

Don't forget the actual TV that the output of their console is connected to

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if you manage to attach a keyboard to your console :D

How would you manage Arma's 259 keys otherwise?

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Technical limitations, not enough buttons on a controller, etc.

Sorry, no.

Also, why not build a PC? You can build a great computer for a 1/3rd of the price from buying one.

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You can build a decent tower with a hot little amd 4170 for under 600. I can also sell you my last tower for 200, you pay shipping. AMD Opteron dual core 1.8ghz with 512mb geforce 8800 gt oc. It runs dayz reasonably until you get in Cherno with a bunch of zombies. My email is [email protected]

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The only game in this series to go onto consoles was Operation Flashpoint (Cold War Crisis, not the codemasters spin-offs) and it didn't fair too well.

OFP on console? The Codemasters shit games were on PS3 and X360, the original OFP was not on any console.

Also OP should be able to build a pretty decent PC for 300€.

Edited by eule

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if you manage to attach a keyboard to your console :D

How would you manage Arma's 259 keys otherwise?

Exactly... even a standard keyboard is 155 keys short for the requirement. I need two and a half keyboards just to play.


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