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Ammo Not Refilling On Re-Log After

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Shit my axe is running low on ammo! >:(

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Saddest thing about this thread is that the issue is infact STILL not fixed, anyone can replenish their ammo by relogging, but i don't want to tell how, simply because of people like OP. (And the ones of you that does have blood flowing through to your brains should be able to figure it out, and probably already knows how to do it anyways :-))

Edited by MorphineJunkie

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Heh, makes you think twice about wasting those precious bullets on the innocent weaponless survivors, don't it?

Not when a single bullet to the head from my markov will kill him just as well

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Just go to Stary or NWAF to get more ammo. Wait. Sorry forgot you just want to shoot unarmed players.

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You still can refill ammo by changing skins. Have fun.

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Dont feed the troll, or shoot him in the face with the ammo he needs.

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I'm not sure if he's trolling or genuinely stupid.

If it isnt obvious to you im afraid you are genuinely stupid.

Edited by roarboar

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Saddest thing about this thread is that the issue is infact STILL not fixed, anyone can replenish their ammo by relogging, but i don't want to tell how, simply because of people like OP. (And the ones of you that does have blood flowing through to your brains should be able to figure it out, and probably already knows how to do it anyways :-))


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