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Ammo Not Refilling On Re-Log After

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Why is this happening? My ammo does not refill anymore like it is supposed to when I relog. This makes my AS-50 useless and very hard to use....

Please Rocket fix this gamebreaking bug ASAP. In the meantime, does anyone have a temporary fix?

...are you serious? That was an exploit

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i'd say you should find an enfield and run into cherno blasting away, that should solve all your problems!

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...are you serious? That was an exploit

lol you are the most moronic person on this forum.

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lol you are the most moronic person on this forum.

Da fuck?

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Kind of glad they fixed it. Bizon and 4 mags was endless bullets. I have 250 zed kills courtesy of that bug. But I'm glad easy mode is off now. I have a reason to keep an eye on other guns I find laying around.

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Lol, this is a feature. Have fun.

I can't have fun when I'm going to be forced to drop my AS-50 for a shitty AKM off one of the survivors I fire station snipe...

This is fucking bullshit. It makes the gun underpower and hard to use. Before you could do a lot of follow up shots, but now since ammo is so hard to find and takes up so much space, this gun sucks! It took me FOREVER to finally find this gun. Now it's useless.

Rocket please fix.

Edited by Nick8478

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I'm not sure if he's trolling or genuinely stupid.

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I can't have fun when I'm going to be forced to drop my AS-50 for a shitty AKM off one of the survivors I fire station snipe...

This is fucking bullshit. It makes the gun underpower and hard to use. Before you could do a lot of follow up shots, but now since ammo is so hard to find and takes up so much space, this gun sucks!

Don't call me an exploiter for using game features, douchebags!

Rocket please fix.

Rocket already fixed it, it was an exploit do you know that you can also use M107 Rounds for the AS50? Its just louder.

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I can't have fun when I'm going to be forced to drop my AS-50 for a shitty AKM off one of the survivors I fire station snipe...

This is fucking bullshit. It makes the gun underpower and hard to use. Before you could do a lot of follow up shots, but now since ammo is so hard to find and takes up so much space, this gun sucks! It took me FOREVER to finally find this gun. Now it's useless.

Rocket please fix.

The OP was funny ... this one is starting to push it. Try harder ... the OP made me smile ... this was more of a smirk. No beans this time.

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Heh, makes you think twice about wasting those precious bullets on the innocent weaponless survivors, don't it?

Well maybe they should think twice about stealing my loot from the firestation. Besides when I try to fight people with good guns they kill me sometimes.

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Well maybe they should think twice about stealing my loot from the firestation.


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I can't have fun when I'm going to be forced to drop my AS-50 for a shitty AKM off one of the survivors I fire station snipe...

This is fucking bullshit. It makes the gun underpower and hard to use. Before you could do a lot of follow up shots, but now since ammo is so hard to find and takes up so much space, this gun sucks! It took me FOREVER to finally find this gun. Now it's useless.

Rocket please fix.

Maybe you could reload the magazine with your tears. It won't help, but at least you won't dehydrate.

This is the first time a whining post has made me happy. I never quote and laugh snarkily about tears, but this... this post has earned my snark.

If I were half my age, I'd be calling the Waaaaambulance for you.

PS - the 'my loot' line - hilarious. I know you're not trolling now - you actually are 'that guy'* on the server.

*as in 'irritating sniping ass with no real purpose' - only a specific type of sniper fits this name - congratulations! Your bullets have earned you something!

Edited by Chambers
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this sir, is a mind blowing post! :)

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Last post confirmed it, no one would honestly admit to killing the weaponless because the better-armed occasionally kill him--but the troll is still a win because it took three posts to figure it out.

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Fucking AS50, freshspawn killer noob. I'm glad the glitch got fixed and now you can't kill new playets in Elektro.

Go suck a dick, noob

Or go back to CoD

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Fucking AS50, freshspawn killer noob. I'm glad the glitch got fixed and now you can't kill new playets in Elektro.

Go suck a dick, noob

Or go back to CoD

*clearly missed the joke*

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