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You're more than welcome to move to Iran and get yourself killed. You don't have enough intelligence to make it on your own.

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OP anger management will save your life in the long run, get some... trust me I learned from experience.

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They clearly said that you could download it at your own risk, the update isn't done that's why you only can download it manually, fuck sake...

Can you say that to people who just downloaded it from the front page? You need to get into the forum to know that. Most people downloaded all updates/patches automatically.

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You're more than welcome to move to Iran and get yourself killed. You don't have enough intelligence to make it on your own.

Seriously? Why do you think it's necessary to stoop to OP's level and become such a prick to another person. He's having a bad time with DayZ and in this way he feels necessary to vent and voice his concerns. Though wrong as they may be.

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I spawned only once at the coast after updating...

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Can you say that to people who just downloaded it from the front page? You need to get into the forum to know that. Most people downloaded all updates/patches automatically.

If people download an update that they have no clue what it's for or what it does, then I don't really feel sorry for them.

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They could fix the graphical glitches easily but they try to fix their destroyed binary code. They could remove all the wirefence and tank traps whic is a plague anyway. They are no feature anyone needs and they could change some things back to the last version so the spawn bug would be gone. But they don't. I know I didn't pay for the game. But we all play the game a lot. Many many hours and after some time it just pisses you off. And with every fix there are more bugs. Some are fixed but some are getting more worse than ever, That's the problem. And spawning at the cost when you login near the NW airfield is a no go! Graphical glitches like these we have in the game are a no go too. Alpha alpha alpha is not an excuse for everything. Rocket had a great idea. Yeah, he has done very good things but that does not mean he's an excellent developer. He just don't know how to handle all that bullshit which is in the game. That's a fact or why are there such heavy graphic glitches?

Edited by 8odycount

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I think some value could be had from the conversation here if everyone dials the rhetoric down a little.

Yes, it's alpha, blah blah.

But you have to look at the reality. I know that the ragers are angry because they LOVE this mod, and wish just so hard that it was done and complete and bug free.

I'm going to use a word here, but I want to explain first. Obviously, when someone makes an inflammatory post like this, they are upset. Angry and so forth. But there is really only one excuse for being this angry about this mod.


Now don't take it the wrong way.. I specifically mean that being this angry, someone could only be ignoring a number of things.

First, someone angry at the state of the mod right now is ignorant of how software design and testing works.

Not theoretically. In actuality. Yes, theoretically, there would be a code change cycle, the devs would do a unit test (gross testing to make sure it doesn't crash every time you start the game). After that, they aree apparently testing on a server or two. so basically 50-100 players.

Now. You're rocket. You do this, and there are no problems. What would YOU do?

You'd try with more servers, or release it slowly.


There is no way to test this stuff in any way that simulates real world conditions. They release it into the wild, having done what they can, and hope for the best.

So, please have a little understanding of how the real world works.

You come across as ignorant. And since you did not reserved vitriol, a tirade like this, to me, is akin to a child having a temper tantrum in an airport.

Three choices. Endure, enjoy or leave.

Edited by Disgraced
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im sure ive put a bullet in this guys head a few times

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I've lost 3x as50 4 l85 and last time i lost a "proper" character it was 5 days old (Still young in so far as it goes) to a hacker "Up North).

With that in mind...

Shut the fuck up. If you think you can go and make a better Mod for Arma II engine because that is exactly what it is, then feel free. If you cannot do better, then again, shut the fuck up - or preferably, just leave.

Kind Regards

Bacon Surfboard.

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I think some value could be had from the conversation here if everyone dials the rhetoric down a little.

Yes, it's alpha, blah blah.

But you have to look at the reality. I know that the ragers are angry because they LOVE this mod, and wish just so hard that it was done and complete and bug free.

I'm going to use a word here, but I want to explain first. Obviously, when someone makes an inflammatory post like this, they are upset. Angry and so forth. But there is really only one excuse for being this angry about this mod.


Now don't take it the wrong way.. I specifically mean that being this angry, someone could only be ignoring a number of things.

First, someone angry at the state of the mod right now is ignorant of how software design and testing works.

Not theoretically. In actuality. Yes, theoretically, there would be a code change cycle, the devs would do a unit test (gross testing to make sure it doesn't crash every time you start the game). After that, they aree apparently testing on a server or two. so basically 50-100 players.

Now. You're rocket. You do this, and there are no problems. What would YOU do?

You'd try with more servers, or release it slowly.


There is no way to test this stuff in any way that simulates real world conditions. They release it into the wild, having done what they can, and hope for the best.

So, please have a little understanding of how the real world works.

You come across as ignorant. And since you did not reserved vitriol, a tirade like this, to me, is akin to a child having a temper tantrum in an airport.

Three choices. Endure, enjoy or leave.

You're right. I love this mod. That's the problem. I want to play it bug free but I know it's alpha. I know I didn't pay for this mod. The problem is, that bugs are fixed like the tents not saving but those graphical glitches and this spawn bug is actually a no go and I don't understand why wirefence and dead bodies are not going to be removed. At least until the devs found the reason for those glitches.

All those exploits don't bother me. I play the mod without exploiting. All the bugs like items disappear in backpacks and so on don't bother me but those two bugs make the game almost unplayable. We lost 2 cars because of the spawn bug.

And another thing is, we have 3 servers, 2 have vehicles from the first start but the third does not have any vehicles since 3 days now. I think that's not okay. Maybe they spawn the next 4 days but at the moment we have a server we pay for and it can't be used like it should. I can't promote it because there are no vehicles. We don't want to invite everyone if there are no vehicles.

And all those things make me angry because at least for the servers we pay much money.

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The whole idea of running back to your own corpse is silly anyway. Gear should vanish within 5 minutes after death.

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The whole idea of running back to your own corpse is silly anyway. Gear should vanish within 5 minutes after death.

No it shouldn't, that wouldn't make it better at all.

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I've lost 3x as50 4 l85 and last time i lost a "proper" character it was 5 days old (Still young in so far as it goes) to a hacker "Up North).

With that in mind...

Shut the fuck up. If you think you can go and make a better Mod for Arma II engine because that is exactly what it is, then feel free. If you cannot do better, then again, shut the fuck up - or preferably, just leave.

Kind Regards

Bacon Surfboard.

Good job that you have a 'proper' character that survived longer than a day. I have survived two days. Does this make me more or less skilled than you? Not necessarily, due to a wide range of factors. Anyways, there's no need to counter back the OP with such an unnecessary remark. Don't like how he made a thread about it? Don't open it. It's as simple as that. OP is obviously upset because he can't enjoy a game he regularly enjoys. I too am quite upset, but i have other things that have to be done, so it's not such a big deal for me. It's time for everyone to calm down, like the forum admin said.

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Wasn't quite sure if I should start with the scumbag or the fucking idiot thread, but you won OP :)

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Rocket should look into forcing people to read the definition of an aplha before they install Dayz on their computer. Maybe even adding an IQ test.

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Rocket should look into forcing people to read the definition of an aplha before they install Dayz on their computer. Maybe even adding an IQ test.

That said, this isn't your usual alpha. It's more like a beta. Unless there is a lot more content changes to be made this game is very playable minus the glitches.

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