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About tido.schmidt@googlemail.com

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  1. tido.schmidt@googlemail.com

    DE 1564 - Continuously locked

    true story. It's sad how people try to get attention and feel like cool guys. who fuckin cars. let the guy do there what he wants... Just join another server and don't waste your time for being selfmade policemen.
  2. tido.schmidt@googlemail.com

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    We don't need cars, when we can't repair them...
  3. tido.schmidt@googlemail.com

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    Vehicle hoarding? Nice. I don't like the rules the dev team want's us to stick to but vehicle hoarding isn't okay. Also you won't get many people playing on your server, when they have no vehicles.
  4. tido.schmidt@googlemail.com

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    Exactly. It's a mess.
  5. tido.schmidt@googlemail.com

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    too bad you can't use them...
  6. tido.schmidt@googlemail.com

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    We repaired the chopper and after a rerstart it's back on Skalisty. That was on our server which has vehicles since the first start. Before we tried to repair any vehicles on the new server we tried to save a tent and a vehicle and after a restart it's all set back. That's really annoying and I can't really be happy, we finaly have vehicles. We can't use them. Would be no wonder, if many people would cancel their subscriptions for their servers. I have canceled one at vilayer and I guess I will cancel the server at gamed!de too because I can't even promote it, because there are no vehicles, that can be used. We are more and more thinking about a private hive.
  7. tido.schmidt@googlemail.com

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    Yeah nice. We have vehicles now but we can't use them, because nothing is saved. Tried it 3 times and the vehicles just reset all the time. If this goes on, many people will cancel their subscriptions for their servers.
  8. tido.schmidt@googlemail.com

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    do the vheicles save correctly now or not? We had to rollback to 1724 to have them saved but on the server from gamed!de we can't downgrade. So when we repair them, I think they won't save.
  9. tido.schmidt@googlemail.com

    3 Servers useless now - Thx Dev Team

    Yeah, true story. It's sad we try to bring up a big community by setting up servers and then get a foot in our asses, because we are complaining about bugs, which can't be so hard to fix. As I said, we pay about 100 Euro for our servers and we don't even have vehicles on one server since it was started for the first time. The other two servers don't save anything, that's why we downgraded to now and everything is just fine except of the graphical glitches. I just got the answer the vehicles would spawn within 7 days but as you see in this thread http://dayzmod.com/f...er/page__st__20 many people having the same issue and this is absolutely a no go. alpha back and forth. Having no vehicles on a newly rented server is inacceptable and I don't think it should be that hard to manually spawn them, if a dev would take some time for it. Also the fact, that I got an email from gamed!de they had stopped our server, because we lock them after a restart for 5 minutes, to prevent the database won't load correctly is a sassiness. We tried it several times and when players join the server after a restart and we don't lock it to prevent people clicking on "okay" the tents and vehicles won't appear. So that's the reason why we lock them for 5 minutes. After that we got a threat the dayz team might blacklist our server when we do that again. So I ask you, what is that bullshit about? The server owners already have no rights. We can't even see the log files anymore so since that we can't see dupers, we can't see hackers with locator scripts, who ran straight out of nowhere to our camp and destroy everything just for fun. We aren't allowed to ban exploiters or even ghosters which I experienced again today after a guy logged out and spawned behind us. We are allowed to set up the server name and the difficulty. That's all and that's not okay. In every game you are able to abuse the game when you are an admin. But that's life. There are always people who will abuse their rights and there is no way to avoid that. Like I said, I was banned in several games from admins who were frustrated I was better then them. But I don't care. The rules are way to harsh and when the dev team wants the people stick to their rules, they might have to set up their own servers and don't use people like us, who are students or have families to host their servers and ruin the mod with useless patches or don't even give them what they deserve (like vehicles) when they try help the community to grow. You can't expect people stick to rules, when you don't give anything back to them. So, that's why I'm concerned. The dev team deals with server hosters like they were some idiots and assholes and that makes me angry. I can't program a mod and I don't have to, to have an opinion and complain about dayz. Also I don't expect an aplha to run perfect without any bugs, I wouldn't love this mod so much, if I would, but I expect a give and take basis and that's not the case. And yeah, I did not pay for this mod and I would never complain about anything, but the fact is, I pay for a server, of which I expect, it saves tents and has vehicles though. So, that's why I think I'm in the position to complain about those things. The bugs like a quad flipping over a hill, broken legs from a door or tents, dying from a bug and so on are okay. It's an alpha, but some things are a no go, like those graphical glitches, no vehicles on servers and tents and vehicles don't save. Duping is a problem too, but since our clan don't need to dupe and we don't want to ruin our fun with dayz, we don't do things like that.
  10. tido.schmidt@googlemail.com

    3 Servers useless now - Thx Dev Team

    Stupid argument. Same shit as "it's an alpha". I don't need to program a mod by myself to complain about another and saying rocket is incompetent in programming a mod for a community which is that big. We patched back to There at leat the tents and vehicles are saving again. But paying 100 Euro for servers and getting crap patches all the time, which fuck up the game more and more is a pain the ass. is the most stable build I think. Only the graphical glitches are a mess. But let me see, 1725 has them too. So, why don't roll back to fix bugs which are important and then adding features? Who needed the bandit skin? tbh it's useless. It brings more bugs like losing your backpack and such things. That's the reason why I don't understand, the devs adding more and more features instead of fixing important things.
  11. tido.schmidt@googlemail.com

    3 Servers useless now - Thx Dev Team

    And another thing is, if the devs want their rules and the admins have no rights, they have to set up their own servers. But they let us pay for a mod, which could be bugfixed already, at least the worst bugs and then we don't even get answers or a bit of service.
  12. tido.schmidt@googlemail.com

    3 Servers useless now - Thx Dev Team

    Fuck your arguments it's an alpha it's alpha. That's fuckin bullshit. Rocket had a great idea but he's not able to manage a big community like this and he's incompetent in programming such a big thing. The fact is, they say we are only allowed to pay for the server, we can't even access logs anymore and can't see whos hacking or not. In every game there is admin abuse, if you want or not, you can't take admin rights away to prevent this. I was banned on many BF servers, because they said I was hacking. We pay for the servers and the community is growing, so we are in that position to get a service or even answers. With every fix there are new bugs, and instead of fixing bugs, they prefer to add more features. that's so sad. We pay for servers, we can't use anymore and that's a no go. First the tents did not work, then they worked, now they don't work anymore. Vehicles also. It's a mess. They said, they would have to manually spawn vehicles on servers with an id over 8000 and instead of giving us vehicles, they add features nobody needs, like disabling the respawn button, which brings the new gameplay feature of running to zombies and let them kill you. great. and saying it's an excuse for us duping items. LoL... We are 20 members and we have about 6 weapons of every weapon in the game. we don't need to dupe and we don't allow duping in our clan. so stfu with sentences like this bullshit.
  13. tido.schmidt@googlemail.com

    3 Servers useless now - Thx Dev Team

    We have three servers. One hasn't even vehicles and two aren't saving anything anymore. No tents, no vehicles, we repaired the chopper, it was spawned back on Skalisty. That's a shame for the devs and I'm pissed off. We pay about 100 Euro a month for nothing now. Are you fucking serious?? We have no rights on our servers, we only can pay and then we don't even get a bit service or even answers? Usually the dev team should pay for our servers, because we can't use them anymore. The whole mod is fucked up. Instead of fixing problems and bugs, they talk about adding more and more features nobody needs. We need bugfixes and nothing else. FIX THIS ALREADY! But it's okay, I think I'm gonna go take a shit and shit some money I can give some server hosters for crappy software mods. We are forced to dupe weapons and items all the time. We take out a weapon and after a restart everything is back where it was. That ruins the game.
  14. tido.schmidt@googlemail.com Tents and Vehicle Inventories not saving.

    same here. newest patches, server isn't new and nothing is saving. repaired the chopper and after a restart it's gone. FIX THIS ASAP! WE ARE PAYING FOR YOUR FUCKING SHIT AND ARE NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO DO ANYTHING WITH THE SERVERS!
  15. tido.schmidt@googlemail.com

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    8odycount - DE 1645 Still noting