PedroSeber 1 Posted August 12, 2012 I downloaded ArmA:CO and DayZ on a new computer and joined a random server with Six Launcher. I use version and I don't have ghillie or camo suit. Got teleported from Solnichniy to Cherno.That server also used and I never downloaded Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thing 4 Posted August 12, 2012 (edited) Child please. Can you please point out where I blamed the problem on you? Saying "i never see the problem" is me identifying myself as a player that does not have the issue. If you had asked questions rather than.. whatever it is you think you did.. we might have been able to figure out what I was doing differently and that might have helped you avoid being spawned at the beach.Oh first you imply that we are abusing alt-f4 then you suggest that I should use a network cable rather than my wlan! yeah... cos THAT is likely to be the cause of everybody's problems. At this point it appears pretty likely that it is a bug. Reading around there has been some suggestion that flipping between servers running 95833 and the previous version might cause the problem. The server I normally play on does not report this info so I can't confirm this. Will play on another server (which does display the version) and see whether it happens again.IF you see the issue and want to get it fixed ASAP then the best thing you can do is go to the bug tracker and vote so that the dev team knows how many people are affected by this... If it is just the server version that is the problem then it is just a matter of updating the patch instructions for the servers and waiting for the admins to to the fix (in which case Woo Hoo!) Edited August 12, 2012 by Thing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lord Fartus 61 Posted August 12, 2012 Alpha testing isn't for everyone.People like you are exactly what's wrong with this community. You drooling fucking idiots hover around just so you can regurgitate the word "alpha" at someone and claim that we're all testing. None of us are testing anything, we're playing an ever changing mod. None of us are filling out error reports, the only thing remotely comparable is making a thread on this message board, which will get you jumped on. Shut the fuck up already, you're so incredibly fucking stupid. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fraktal 6 Posted August 12, 2012 Ok to all smartasses sitting here in their shiny white armors, I tell this, as is, since you seem to enjoy your clean lists and facts:-I used to play on a nice high population server, some glitches but okay it's an alpha I'm not mad .-I got killed by hackers again and again and again, until I couldn't take it anymore.-Now I can only join a server that has less than a dozen people in it or face the wrath of an almighty script kiddie and end up losing all progress made all over again, which I'm not terribly excited about.-Implying I can't play on the server I like since high population = more than likely you're getting sweetly raped by hackers in a couple hours if not a few minutes...Also, assuming I wished to stick to the high pop server I like despite all the BS :-What if server plainly doesn't load? I spawn on teh beach again, I get to be punished like a filthy whore while doing nothing wrong ?-What if glitches arise -oh surprise- flush won't work and I can't see shit anywhere, I'll gently lie around waiting to be popped without no chance ?-What if admins decide they hate me and ban me?-What if server goes down, I'm supposed to stop playing altogether, since -heh- being locked to a single server is a "much welcome feature" ?-What if I wanna meet up with a friend and he can't connect to it for whatever reason ?-What if I want the freedom to choose to play on any server at any time, it's wrong ??Oh yea I know you'll have plenty of nice sounding arguments against me and the way I feel about it, and it's okay to each their own.However you can't deny the vast majority (yea even the so-called "silenced one that don't go to forums and is happy" (I know cause it's magic :P) doesn't wish to play with such a huge restriction, feelign insulted as if they were all damm exploiters...English is not my primary language I do what I can and I know it's, for the most part, comprehensible... if not then too bad I do'nt care :P Peace out 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Professional N00b 347 Posted August 12, 2012 Well hope it gets announced when this "bug" gets fixed. Because I'm not playing until it is. 5km hike back to my spot every time I login along with spawning on the coast with ghillie and full gear? No thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fraktal 6 Posted August 12, 2012 People like you are exactly what's wrong with this community. You drooling fucking idiots hover around just so you can regurgitate the word "alpha" at someone and claim that we're all testing. None of us are testing anything, we're playing an ever changing mod. None of us are filling out error reports, the only thing remotely comparable is making a thread on this message board, which will get you jumped on. Shut the fuck up already, you're so incredibly fucking stupid. I soo agree dude, you say "hey monkey, tell joe it's alpha, his thread is worthless as is his opinion, and remember monkey, you are soooo above the likes of joe, being -you know- elitist amongst the alpha and all, go Monkey !!" Monkey does, smart monkey that is :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheDesigner 1197 Posted August 12, 2012 "fix server hopping" says the community.*Fixes server hopping*"Y U FIX SURVER HOPPIN" says community.Make up your god damn mind people. If this is what it takes to fix server hopping, so be it. Find a reliable server and stick with it. Reliable servers are usually community owned servers, NOT clan owned. Community owned servers usually have admins on and easily contactable. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 7 Posted August 12, 2012 If this is a feature, it's god-damn awful. Have you tried joining a server with a friend, Rocket/Day-Z team? It can take multiple tries. You can get stuck on the loading screen. You can have a crash. You can get into a server, and it's laggy and night-time. So many things can go wrong with joining a server and this is a ridiculously heavy-handed approach. On the other hand, if it's a bug...please fix it soon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Professional N00b 347 Posted August 12, 2012 "fix server hopping" says the community.*Fixes server hopping*"Y U FIX SURVER HOPPIN" says community.Make up your god damn mind people. If this is what it takes to fix server hopping, so be it. Find a reliable server and stick with it.Reliable servers are usually community owned servers, NOT clan owned. Community owned servers usually have admins on and easily contactable.Because server hopping in general is not bad, most of us have several servers we like to play on. Punishing people for trying to reconnect to fix graphical glitches, avoid hackers, or one of a hundred other reasons is game breaking. The only forms of server hopping that were problematic is people who alt+F4 when being shot at or who do it to ghost around people, which a simple cooldown timer would have sufficed. But making everyone who changes a server for any reason spawn on the coast is not "fixing server hopping". 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gambla 118 Posted August 12, 2012 (edited) I'm back on the coast too. I was killed and thought it's a good idea to update with DayZ Commander, bad luck. My home server(s) and others show correct versions but i get an error msg to download any files.Other serves show loading-screen for hours so i had to kill the armaoa process. So now i have to test some servers and right back to the coast again, brilliant. And on top of this, the new version took 10-20 fps from my avg. 60 on "very high". It was fun to play until today, now it's fubar.EDIT: This time i closed ArmA "normally" and i was back where i left, not on the coast. Maybe some of you are right, that looks like an anti AltF4 feature now ? Edited August 12, 2012 by gambla Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BillNyeTheScienceGuy 1 Posted August 12, 2012 Terrible feature. Please remove. Too many other features concerning server stability and player experience need work for this to be implemented at this stage of the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fraktal 6 Posted August 12, 2012 Because server hopping in general is not bad, most of us have several servers we like to play on. Punishing people for trying to reconnect to fix graphical glitches, avoid hackers, or one of a hundred other reasons is game breaking.The only forms of server hopping that were problematic is people who alt+F4 when being shot at or who do it to ghost around people, which a simple cooldown timer would have sufficed. But making everyone who changes a server for any reason spawn on the coast is not "fixing server hopping". couldn't explain better Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
louist 163 Posted August 12, 2012 Not confirmed but i think i Figured it out chaps. If you jump onto a server then go onto a server it will spawn you on the coast and vice versa but if you pick one version and just stick with it, it shouldnt happen. give it a tryNot so. I Have yet to play with, and I still get this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dms (DayZ) 24 Posted August 12, 2012 I agree with Louist, Im still running and spawning it at coast. Also running ARMA2 beta 95417 and also tried the new one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-CARNIFEX- 8 Posted August 12, 2012 Out of the 3 people (myself included) I know playing DayZ, 2 of us have had this happen so far in the past ~ 4 hours combined playtime (over a 24hr period). So instead of being able to play the game with your friends, starting at a point where you all had been the last time you were playing, it then becomes a matter of running for 30+ minutes to get anywhere close to meeting up with them, hoping you don't get killed along the way. Only then can you resume where you had (thought you) left off.It feels rather sisyphean.Hope this gets resolved, because these are not the undocumented changes lulz I was hoping for... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
osirish 165 Posted August 12, 2012 No.It is a bug, we are right to bring it to the developers attention and you are an ass-hatWell done! Must be the first time a 12 year old has won the internet. Feel good about yourself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DerpyHooves (DayZ) 1 Posted August 12, 2012 (edited) Is server hopping really such a bad issue that they need to do this? It's honestly one of the issues I care the least about. Hacking, duping, bugs and combat logging are all more important issues then this, especially when the solution involves screwing over legit players. Edited August 12, 2012 by DerpyHooves 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phantasm (DayZ) 57 Posted August 12, 2012 If server hopping was such an issue, the simplest solution would be to disable character saves beyond their originating server. Go to a different server, start fresh. Same thing that every other MMO does. This would completely disable ghosting, server hopping for loot, etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evilsandwich2 (DayZ) 46 Posted August 12, 2012 you spawn at the coast even if you ctrl+alt+del the game while it's stuck on "loading" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evilsandwich2 (DayZ) 46 Posted August 12, 2012 If server hopping was such an issue, the simplest solution would be to disable character saves beyond their originating server. Go to a different server, start fresh. Same thing that every other MMO does. This would completely disable ghosting, server hopping for loot, etc.i dont think "server hopping" should be a priority concern to begin with... personally, i dont care if people do it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LupineWolf 1 Posted August 12, 2012 It only happened to me when closing the game because I was stuck on Loading... somewhere. Only at those cases. I was able to switch between servers without spawning at the beach, as long as the servers don't make me close the game for Loading issues. Is there any official word? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daring 12 Posted August 12, 2012 @All of those whining about campers, don't log out in the middle of the fucking open. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaptainIcy 24 Posted August 12, 2012 I've server-hopped many times with and no coast-spawning.However it did happen the night was released. I tried all kinds of different servers just trying to get in. Always getting stuck on Loading and all. So I guess it just tried to make it all work and spawned me at Elektro. I died trying to get back north by a random bandit. Really sucked since that life said 73 days when I logged in. I had been on it since May. :(Still, I am enjoying the thrills of gearing up once again. All I need is a compass and this shall be fun. :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sarkasm0 109 Posted August 12, 2012 Hackers? NO PROBLEM!Server hoppers? OMFGWTF WE NEED TO RUIN THE GAME FOR EVERYBODY TO FIX THIS GAME-BREAKING ISSUE.I'm not playing until this shit is fixed.....well maybe some pvp in cherno for a change. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chernojourno 226 Posted August 12, 2012 Yeah this "feature" is bugging the hell out of me.I have a bicycle that i use to get around the map and interview people in game. Most people want me to hop onto their server as their paranoid I'll kill them. Usually I rock up with just a silenced pistol but now everytime I try to organise an interview I end up back on the coast.Really Rocket just give us an idea on the rules or is it just a bug. How long beofre we can swap servers? What does Alt - F4 doe if anything to this?Perhaps a warning screen when logging in, like the male female choice screen on a new spawn. Something that lets you know you will repaswn on the cost unless you wait X amount of minutes. Hell even a countdown would be great?Or if it's a bug let us know it's a bug. We can deal with bugs. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites