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Bandit skin is awesome

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No longer do the carebears have any reason to whine about not knowing who's a good/bad guy.

Run or fight, that's your choice.

I love looking like a middle eastern terrorist with my AKM.

As the chairman of the official Post-chernarus carebear federation, I can assure all of you we'll find something new to whine about. Untill we do please use the people whining about losing humanity for killing unarmed players in justified selfdefense.

Rocket did say he was nervous about removing the skin and that it could be rolled back, if it needed to.

It needed to.

With the removal, not only trust, but also mistrust was removed from the game.There was no reason for trust or mistrust, because 90% of all encounters resulted in kill on sight. There's a big difference between trust and mistrust. Like there's a difference between feeling mistrust and feeling homicidal.

Back in the bandit days, even the naive would soon learn to not trust other survivors blindly.

Edited by Dallas
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Im not complaining that its stopping me from doing anything. Though I just cant wait to be shot by noobs spouting 'bandit!! die bandit!!' even after I had the drop on them and called out friendly. Oh how Ive missed that. Its a retarded mechanic that reduces the atmosphere to simple good vs bad with the possibility of depth, as opposed to mystery all the time. Its a feature to appease the carebears, and it fucking sucks. I was glad to see it go, and it has been fun playing not knowing who to trust...

Bitch please, I just saw the videos in your sig of you being a complete cunt, cry me a river. You well and truly worked hard to earn that skin, are you not proud of those two videos any more now that there are *gasp* consequences?


Edited by Ulfhedjinn
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having a giant ''shoot me" sign on me is fucking retarded

Errr... at the actual state of the game with or without bandit skin everyone is already a moving target.

Edited by Andrej Dudev
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You're suprised? Like I said, some days I like murdering. Deal with it. What is shit now is that the consequences are artificial - again, it reduces the gameplay to cops and robbers, good vs bad... there has always been consequences - you attack someone, they know you're hostile and either attack back or run and hide.... those are consequences that help gameplay, not forced skins that indicate an invisible tally

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Bitch please, I just saw the videos in your sig of you being a complete cunt, cry me a river. You well and truly worked hard to earn that skin, are you not proud of those two videos any more now that there are *gasp* consequences?


Just out of curiosity I checked he's videos, no wonder he dosnt like the changes. He's a prick in game.

I'll enjoy hunting him :-D

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You're suprised? Like I said, some days I like murdering. Deal with it. What is shit now is that the consequences are artificial - again, it reduces the gameplay to cops and robbers, good vs bad... there has always been consequences - you attack someone, they know you're hostile and either attack back or run and hide.... those are consequences that help gameplay, not forced skins that indicate an invisible tally

No, some days you like murdering, you deal with it. :lol:

I thought you guys were proud of your tally, anyway. I always see people like you posting how many murders are on their debug monitor personal score card, you even went out of your way to make montages of murders. Like I said, cry me a river. :P

Oh man, someone with videos like those in his sig whining about the bandit skin. You can't make this stuff up!

Edited by Ulfhedjinn
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Just out of curiosity I checked he's videos, no wonder he dosnt like the changes. He's a prick in game.

I'll enjoy hunting him :-D

I play both styles. After the changes, I will be forced mostly into a bandit role due to the history of my gameplay. Yeah, I dont like that a restrictive feature is coming back to appease people that want to force one particular gamestyle on everyone.

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No, some days you like murdering, you deal with it. :lol:

I thought you guys were proud of your tally, anyway. I always see people like you posting how many murders are on their debug monitor personal score card, you even went out of your way to make montages of murders. Like I said, cry me a river. :P

Oh man, someone with videos like those in his sig whining about the bandit skin. You can't make this stuff up!

You're an idiot. Stop being so black and white, its not as if this is real life. I dont play bandit 24/7.

Edited by _Profile_Shame

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I'm up for scalping some bandits, in the name of humanity ofcause.

Bandit indicators are actually great for PvP, when a peaceful guys like me, are ready to rock and roll!

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You're suprised? Like I said, some days I like murdering. Deal with it. What is shit now is that the consequences are artificial - again, it reduces the gameplay to cops and robbers, good vs bad... there has always been consequences - you attack someone, they know you're hostile and either attack back or run and hide.... those are consequences that help gameplay, not forced skins that indicate an invisible tally

Lol you sound like a spoiled child. Man the fuck up and own the mark. You wanna be a badass, walk around with your bandit shemagh like its swag. And i agree with everyone. Posting vids of you being a raging douche then QQing about the consequences for me is very very ironic... and a little funny. You're making bandits seem like whiney bitches with a skinned knee.

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You're suprised? Like I said, some days I like murdering. Deal with it. What is shit now is that the consequences are artificial - again, it reduces the gameplay to cops and robbers, good vs bad... there has always been consequences - you attack someone, they know you're hostile and either attack back or run and hide.... those are consequences that help gameplay, not forced skins that indicate an invisible tally

Then, you have to be twice the diplomat to be able to trick someone or to convince another survivor that you're not in the killing-spree day.

I love the idea of having different (but not completely broken like ghillie) skins.

Generally I tend to be friendly and mostly avoid contact but, if I have to kill someone because of the situation then I will deal with my bandit skin until I'll return to a positive humanity.

I like the idea of instilling some fear/doubt on survivors spotting me, they better be really really good at shooting because if I will decide to be a bandit I'll do whatever it is needed to maintain this skin.

I like diversity.

Edited by Andrej Dudev

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I play both styles. After the changes, I will be forced mostly into a bandit role due to the history of my gameplay. Yeah, I dont like that a restrictive feature is coming back to appease people that want to force one particular gamestyle on everyone.

You're an idiot. Stop being so black and white, its not as if this is real life. I dont play bandit 24/7.

You're not forced in to anything. You can still help people with a bandit skin on, you will just have to worker a little harder to earn their trust. If anything, it is you who is being "so black and white" by not thinking a little bit outside the box about how to go about doing things with a bandit skin on.

Run with some friends, if you don't play with friends then build a rep in game and run with some people, administer first aid to them in the process. Once your humanity is around 0 you'll essentially be able to switch your skin at will.

I like the idea of instilling some fear/doubt on survivors spotting me, they better be really really good at shooting because if I will decide to be a bandit I'll do whatever it is needed to maintain this skin.

I'd give you my beans but apparently my quota for the day is up.

I engage in banditry myself on occasion, so it's not like I'm just here to wallow in the misery of butthurt bandits, but when I do engage in banditry I consider it real banditry and not cheap griefing. I welcome this challenge if I get a bandit skin on, my humanity is currently only around +2,500 so it's at risk of changing any day depending on how I behave.

Edited by Ulfhedjinn

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Just get your humanity higher so you can afford a few cold blooded murders, is it that fucking hard?

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Hero skin picture please

From another thread, THIS IS NOT a screenshot made by me so don't take it as 100% legit.


EDIT: I call BS on the posting system, it appears that I can't post images even if I see them in the quick reply window.

Edited by Andrej Dudev
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Lol you sound like a spoiled child. Man the fuck up and own the mark. You wanna be a badass, walk around with your bandit shemagh like its swag. And i agree with everyone. Posting vids of you being a raging douche then QQing about the consequences for me is very very ironic... and a little funny. You're making bandits seem like whiney bitches with a skinned knee.

Its only ironic if your'e an idiot that wont think about it past that point.

"I consider it real banditry and not cheap griefing"

DayZ hipster much? I kidnap people and rob them too. The videos I put up are one particular playstyle. As much as I'd love to stay here trying to reason with you idiots, I have someone waiting for me to play. Lately I've been helping people out and the like, but considering the new skin and feeling inspired by this thread, Im going to go fuck up cherno and elektro. Enjoy.

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your thinking is flawed. you need several Murders to get the bandit "towel". so you DID CHOOSE this role all alone.

In my team i got the scout and sniper role. When my team fixes up a vehicle i cover them from a safe distance. When my team gets attacked i have to shoot other players to save my friends.

So there is not really a choice to NOT become a bandit when fixing and fuling up a heli.

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"I consider it real banditry and not cheap griefing"

DayZ hipster much? I kidnap people and rob them too. The videos I put up are one particular playstyle. As much as I'd love to stay here trying to reason with you idiots, I have someone waiting for me to play. Lately I've been helping people out and the like, but considering the new skin and feeling inspired by this thread, Im going to go fuck up cherno and elektro. Enjoy.

There's a difference between banditry and murder. I don't murder.

However, you've been told multiple times, you can just raise your humanity. Stop being a little girl.

In my team i got the scout and sniper role. When my team fixes up a vehicle i cover them from a safe distance. When my team gets attacked i have to shoot other players to save my friends.

So there is not really a choice to NOT become a bandit when fixing and fuling up a heli.

Co-ordinate with your team, then, since you have the benefit of having team planning.

Have them keep some blood bags, bandages, and morphine on them and when you're not in PvP situations you can increase your humanity by being the designated medic. You take stuff out of their packs to heal them up when glitches and zombies bleed them or break their legs.

It only takes a little thought to figure out how to manage this system.

Edited by Ulfhedjinn

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In my team i got the scout and sniper role. When my team fixes up a vehicle i cover them from a safe distance. When my team gets attacked i have to shoot other players to save my friends.

So there is not really a choice to NOT become a bandit when fixing and fuling up a heli.

That's self-defense. Banditry is when you kill and rob people on purpose, not because you want to protect your friends/items. But there are 2 types of bandits: Good Bandits rob players and don't kill unarmed people, but Bad bandits are jerks that camp in a suit with a sniper or pretend they are friendlies!

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^^Andrej I use tinypic, I upload and the I copy the url where the imgage tags are already included.

If you like to play both styles you have to balance your humanity.

Kill someone, take a break form killing. Kill someone new, take another break.

In my team i got the scout and sniper role. When my team fixes up a vehicle i cover them from a safe distance. When my team gets attacked i have to shoot other players to save my friends.

So there is not really a choice to NOT become a bandit when fixing and fuling up a heli.

Since you're sniping from cover, noone will see your bandit shemagh anyways.

Edited by Dallas
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Its only ironic if your'e an idiot that wont think about it past that point.

"I consider it real banditry and not cheap griefing"

DayZ hipster much? I kidnap people and rob them too. The videos I put up are one particular playstyle. As much as I'd love to stay here trying to reason with you idiots, I have someone waiting for me to play. Lately I've been helping people out and the like, but considering the new skin and feeling inspired by this thread, Im going to go fuck up cherno and elektro. Enjoy.

So you're simply trying to justify your behavior, nothing less and nothing more.

Deal with the fact that you will have a visual label because of your murders, if you like to kill everyone just continute to do it, no one can do a shit about that. You should support your own actions without the need to justify anything.

But, on the other side you can see this situation in this way: you can now identify who's not a serial killer and might be trusted/interacted with. From your point of view he's a less dangerous prey to snipe.

TL;DR: deal with it or stop playing.

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Do the skins work with Ghille suits?

Seems strange to suddenly add scarfs to the Ghille but if not then these become the ultimate in identity hiding.

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^^Andrej I use tinypic, I upload and the I copy the url where the imgage tags are already included.

I am a retard. I hoped that the automatic tags from the buttons worked but with the good old manual tags everything is fine now.


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