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What does the female gender model look like? (mhm)

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You should be playing this game long enough to realize nothing is made or tweaked with the benefit of "player balance" in mind. Why should this be any different?

Please put together a concise list of any factually unbalanced aspects in this game that you see and I will be eagerly awaiting it.

From what I can tell up until this point from a player to player standpoint this game was perfectly balanced out.

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It's a MINOR pvp balance issue at best IMO.

I would consider that a generous understatement in light of what game this is and how it functions' date=' especially when permanent death is a reality and losing everything you have is concerned.

There is a reason when you would play 007 Goldeneye as a kid on the Nintendo 64 your friends would bitch at you if you chose Odd job, this follows that same logic.

Because this issue solely affects the Player vs Player balance

Through the click of a single button I can cut my characters body size in half, making me less detectable and harder to hit

That's bullshit

Female characters NEVER work in a First Person Shooter style game

Only random japano-F2P-FPS have female characters, and they look like dudes with makeup

Why? Because you CAN'T put in proper female character models without giving them an inherent hitbox advantage over male characters

Sure, you can leave the hitbox just as big, but this creates further issues

1) Players choosing to be a G.I.R.L. think they are in cover, yet they aren't

2) Other players will still only shoot parts of the body they can actually see

Nobody likes to shoot thin air because he thinks he could hit an invisible hitbox

Nailed it.

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It's a MINOR pvp balance issue at best IMO.

Why? I can shoot you, you can shoot me. You should be aiming for the chest or head regardless.

Either way, the difference in hit box is so small, does it really even matter?

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This is why a lot of serious online shooting games refrain from using female models because of these exact issues.

This is a "Serious online shooting game"? Hmm... Good to know!

Politically correctness and aesthetics while playing an online shooter are the absolute least of my concerns.

Sweet! Good to know that you don't care about something so trivial as this!

Now me choosing to remain as a male model puts me at a natural disadvantage across all fronts against those who choose to switch. I don't see this change as well thought out but more as just "hey let's just do this".

Sounds like someone will be "forced" to have a gender reassignment to me! Enjoy your new virtual genitals and your "patently unfair small hitbox"!

Hard times indeed!

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I would consider that a generous understatement in light of what game this is and how it functions' date=' especially when permanent death is a reality and losing everything you have is concerned.[/quote']

It will be balanced by all the guys shouting "I SAW A GIRL! I SAW A GIRL OVER THERE!"

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Either way' date=' the difference in hit box is so small, does it really even matter?[/quote']

It will matter once your targets silhoutte is cut in half when shooting at 500m

Suddenly it's not 20 pixels you are aiming at, but 10

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Claiming the female model is half the size of the male model is a bit much. Aside from being a bit slimmer, there's not a huge difference. I honestly cannot think of an in game situation in which the minor change in model size would effect anything.

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Why? I can shoot you' date=' you can shoot me. You should be aiming for the chest or head regardless.

Either way, the difference in hit box is so small, does it really even matter?

[/quote']I've been playing competitive Counter-Strike for a good part of 11 years, this topic has come up so many times in the Counter-Strike community it could fill a library.

It makes a big difference, it's smaller so it's harder to spot, see and hit. The body is shorter, the limbs are shorter, the body and limbs are considerable slimmer and this ties into the hitbox fitting these parameters as well. With the extra body trimmed away in comparison with the male models you are literally losing feet of surface contact area for shots, feet.

I don't know how anyone could not see that as an issue, the shoulder width alone looks to be losing 5-6" from each side of the body.

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I do believe realism is to be the name of the game here. In reality, there are women. The majority of women are, in fact, smaller than men when it comes to the human species. So, you've got a smaller target now. I know I won't be using a female, because I'll get shot in the first place. Half the posts have been about people shooting girl characters with guy voices.

I guess what I'm saying, though, is that you have to adapt to this situation. The solution is not going to be spoonfed to you, and I'm sorry that it's that way. It's survival though, and the addition of the most cunning of all creatures happens to make me happy for yet another challenge.

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Claiming the female model is half the size of the male model is a bit much. Aside from being a bit slimmer' date=' there's not a huge difference. I honestly cannot think of an in game situation in which the minor change in model size would effect anything.



I play a lot of Unreal Tournament 2004. That game is a bit different from other shooters (mainly more unreal), but I bring it up because there are female, male and robot models. The female and male models also come in some weight variations (some slimmer, some...rounder). I can assure you the effects in a deathmatch are minimal.

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I do believe realism is to be the name of the game here. In reality' date=' there are women. The majority of women are, in fact, smaller than men when it comes to the human species. So, you've got a smaller target now. [/quote']

If we apply the reality argument we should lower the overall inventory capacity of female characters, since the smaller body comes with a lower overall strength

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I've been playing competitive Counter-Strike for a good part of 11 years' date=' this topic has come up so many times in the Counter-Strike community it could fill a library.


But thats the difference - this is not CS or a competitive game where everything "has" to be balanced. Its a realistic world where chances are not always the same and sometimes (or often) you are at a disadvantage and have to make the best of it. Its part of the challange and the appeal of this mod.

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I play a lot of Unreal Tournament 2004. That game is a bit different from other shooters (mainly more unreal)' date=' but I bring it up because there are female, male and robot models. The female and male models also come in some weight variations (some slimmer, some...rounder). I can assure you the effects in a deathmatch are minimal.

[/quote']Did you really just use Unreal Tournament 2004 as a comparison game to the way Arma functions from a shooting mechanics standpoint?

Be right back, putting 200 minigun rounds into someone and 5 rockets before they die.....

Stick to what you know, it's not this conversation.

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This is a self-titled 'anti-game' with a focus on realism. It's not a competitive FPS. Would there be females post apocalypse? Yes. Would you have to interact with them? Yes.

Sure, the female model might come with some minor advantages, but in the vast majority of situations they are going to be negligible.

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But thats the difference - this is not CS or a competitive game where everything "has" to be balanced. Its a realistic world where chances are not always the same and sometimes (or often) you are at a disadvantage and have to make the best of it. Its part of the challange and the appeal of this mod.

As expected the point was missed entirely' date=' Counter-Strike functions extremely similarly to Arma in the way that every shot counts and every shot can be a possible kill. This mod had perfect balance to the player vs. player shooting mechanics. Everyone started the same and everyone was on an identical playing field, this is no longer the case because of this one intended aspect.

This is a self-titled 'anti-game' with a focus on realism. It's not a competitive FPS. Would there be females post apocalypse? Yes. Would you have to interact with them? Yes.

Sure, the female model might come with some minor advantages, but in the vast majority of situations they are going to be negligible.


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This mod had perfect balance to the player vs. player shooting mechanics. Everyone started the same and everyone was on an identical playing field' date=' this is no longer the case because of this one intended aspect.


You make the assumption that the balance we had before was intentional and not just based on the current development status which made it easier to have the same for everyone at the start. As already mentioned "balance" is not one of the targets of this mod as stated by rocket. I would even go further and give player different starting kits - not in a way that someone starts with a silenced machine gun.. but maybe one has a revolver, one has a pistol or one has 1x water and 2x food while the next one has 2x water and 1x food and so on..

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Solution 1: Aim for the T & A.

Solution 2: Require all players who choose the female model to submit a pdf containing a photocopy of their license, link to their facebook page, cell phone number, measurements, most recent intimate experience and a sports bra of at least 6 months old.


Seriously though this could work itself out if Rocket added something in the future like "female characters take 10% more melee damage." Then all the guys who picked it just to get a minor leg up will go "WAAAHH".

And girls have notoriously bad aim.

/end sexism


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You make the assumption that the balance we had before was intentional and not just based on the current development status which made it easier to have the same for everyone at the start. As already mentioned "balance" is not one of the targets of this mod as stated by rocket. I would even go further and give player different starting kits - not in a way that someone starts with a silenced machine gun.. but maybe one has a revolver' date=' one has a pistol or one has 1x water and 2x food while the next one has 2x water and 1x food and so on..

[/quote']Regardless, a mod like this needs balance to survive or people will simply exploit poor design choices. That is the hypocrisy and contradiction of gaming communities which makes me laugh every time.

If there is an unintended exploit in the game and people are "abusing" it, the community screams and cries uncontrollably until it is patched out. But if there is something like a female model added which is unbalanced and is intended; people will exploit it to the ends of the Earth and not say a god damn thing.


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Spawn - run around with a pistol for 5 minutes - get killed by a sniper rifle = BALANCE!!

People need to grow some balls literally and stop complaining about gender hitboxes. You play as a Survivor not as a tdm player this isn't a pitched battle.

Be thankful that rocket doesn't make a character model with hitboxes more suiting your figure.

As others have said I won't be trusting female players at all, but then I don't trust male either.

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I guess the smaller hit-box is compensation for all the retardation players with female models will have to put up with.

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Ex. I start out with a small pistol and you shoot me from atop a factory from 800m away in the dark with a sniping rifle. Not exactly balanced either but realistic. Should all weapons have the same capabilities and damage? Hell no! I deal with it.

Women have smaller frames than men therefore women may be a bit harder to hit. It is realistic, please deal with it.

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This is a self-titled 'anti-game' with a focus on realism. It's not a competitive FPS. Would there be females post apocalypse? Yes. Would you have to interact with them? Yes.

Sure' date=' the female model might come with some minor advantages, but in the vast majority of situations they are going to be negligible.


Over my head? I'm aware of the imbalance you're upset over, I think it's pretty obvious to anyone with a brain. In an adversarial, competitive fps environment it becomes a serious potential issue. In a game like DayZ (note: not ArmA 2), the issue is much less severe.

If it's really that big of an issue for you, do something constructive and request the option to disable gender or make hitboxes of equal size.

Me, I prefer the diversity for the sake of immersion in a game of this nature.

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Well from all that I read, it seems that people who are upset over this are people who seem to be talking as if this game was MEANT to be a shooter between people.

So what the female skin is smaller. It's pixels, if it is that big of an issue for you then use the female skin. I've been surviving just fine with a male skin. And as I'm sure many people will attest who gives a shit if you're some pixels smaller most of the time if a bandit wants you. They'll have seen you before you see them.

If it's a one on one firefight, and if you miss. Then you miss. Gear isn't that hard to come by in this game. Especially people with friends and groups. Nothing was broken by this addition. =. =

I mean if this 'was' a Team Deathmatch game. Then I would say yeah this is a broken feature. I think the majority of people who are upset over this are the people who are out to kill others. Because it means that they 'might' have a harder time sniping someone at range who obviously didn't have a chance to hit back. Otherwise if you're face to face I'm sure you can aim.

If you can hit the sharp turning, juking zombies. I'm sure you can manage to hit a slightly smaller frame.

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Women have smaller frames than men therefore women may be a bit harder to hit. It is realistic' date=' please deal with it.


Women also have less average strength than men, so they should not be able to carry as much items as their male counterparts

It is realistic, so you should be able to deal with it

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