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About Hatikvah

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. This was an in game map I take it that had a marker labeled heli crash? Sounds like you got trolled friend. Not read the beta patch but plenty of updates by rocket saying performance and smoother server connections haven't always meant I'd get those in game. Sometimes updates work sometimes they don't I wouldn't have gone in the water till I'd heard multiple cases of it being fixed by other people trying it.
  2. Hatikvah

    Unlimited zombies, limited ammo.

    How many times in zombie films/TV programs will an empty street/building suddenly become full of zombies once the character does something? The answer is a lot because that is where the tension comes from, the unexpected (albeit expected by the viewer) appearance of a deadly zombie at close quarters. Also game limitations mean you can't have thousands of zombies at a time thus more spawn when needed, plus since there are almost always players in cherno/elecktro they could kill of all the zombies in minutes and with your suggestion they wouldn't be replaced by new spawns. Thus there would be no zombies and only deathmatch how is that for immersion breaking. I can understand people annoyed by mass zombie spawns at barns but at the hospital in the major cities, give me a break, that should be zombie central.
  3. I'm for the zombie leg break, a bit silly but they should have something like it which is a crit strike that makes them a real threat. Props to flevius for coming up with the bandage wood combo rather than simply asking for it to be removed like that thread on bleeding. Its a really good idea but it needs something more; if you think about the cooked meat there is quite a bit you need to make it thus beans aren't just a waste of inventory space. Also agree that it should spawn in barns.
  4. Hatikvah

    The Dayz Dichotomy.

    While the tents and vehicles might be at odds at with single life / perma death they really need to be there as they offer the progression the game needs to keep the game from turning into spawn-loot a gun-kill someone-die-repeat imo. The fact people go looking for tents and vehicles to loot/steal gives the game another dimension in terms of PvP and general level of tension. Hell someone might be looting my tent right now and I not even playing, personally I think that real world crossover tension is hilarious. You can play Dayz as a deathmatch. You can play Dayz as a lone survivor. You can play Dayz as a clan. All valid ways people play. Their also nearly always in conflict with one another but then I thought that was kind of the point. I'd be amazed if the community wasn't at each others throats or looking to have the game improved for their groups benefit. After all that's what the game is sort of designed to do.
  5. Those white pants are very slimming
  6. Spawn - run around with a pistol for 5 minutes - get killed by a sniper rifle = BALANCE!! People need to grow some balls literally and stop complaining about gender hitboxes. You play as a Survivor not as a tdm player this isn't a pitched battle. Be thankful that rocket doesn't make a character model with hitboxes more suiting your figure. As others have said I won't be trusting female players at all, but then I don't trust male either.