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Hotfix Build Rolling Update

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The game becomes more and more broken pachted.

I really loved patch Everything worked nice and only little Bugs.

After everything went into a big fail. Ok now Helicopter spawning again but you cant save them or any other Vehicle. Nothing is save able. After restart everything is gone. I know it Alpha but why you cant reapply the old codes from older versions to make vehicle saveable??

If this mod will be standalone truely than it need more years.

Edited by RiDDiX
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That's the fix for now, but im not playing till they release a new patch just because im feared loosing my gear which i spent days looking for, i just hope they release some fix quickly.

lol are you serious?

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I logged in at Berizino with Mod, beta patch 95883, and ran to mil tents. No glitching. Ran to NE Airfield, no glitching. Then I ran back to Berizino tents to see if time in game would make it come back. No glitches.. Ran from there to Stary, again no glitches. Screw it im almost there, NE airfield. No glitches.

My comp is older, E8400, with a 4870 512mb video card. Using driver version 12.3. AA is off, Vsync off. Memory default.

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Bsides the ridiculus fast broken bones ... and me dying from exploding tracktor everything works fine for me ...

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kudos to people who can report a bug without crying like a little girl id give you all my beans if i could but im lazy. its an alpha that means there are going to be plenty more bugs, your probably going to die randomly get hacked and lose all your shit numerous more times than this. hackers wont vanish until the standalone appears so stop crying and start reporting. once again its a fucking alpha (grow up there will be bugs).

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kudos to people who can report a bug without crying like a little girl id give you all my beans if i could but im lazy. its an alpha that means there are going to be plenty more bugs, your probably going to die randomly get hacked and lose all your shit numerous more times than this. hackers wont vanish until the standalone appears so stop crying and start reporting. once again its a fucking alpha (grow up there will be bugs).

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as far as video glitch clanmates had the problem once i had them change video mem to default glitches went away

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Any way to get off this loading screen when I load up a server? I may just have to revert to .4 again :/

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This patch unfortunately does suck. The artifacts on corpses are still there, completely unchanged from before. Furthermore, my friends and I have had repeated instances of respawning on the coast rather than our last location (happened to me 3 times so far) and one guy had his inventory wiped completely.

So from my experience so far:

Bugs fixed: 0

Bugs introduced: 2

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none of the graphic bugs are fixed (I'm still having trobles in all the military areas), thx for not fixing anything about it in (next time you do not fixe anything at least do not say it has been fixed)

edit: + "flush" does not help... or you need to spam it for hours

Edited by Nouchine

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none of the graphic bugs are fixed (I'm still having trobles in all the military areas), thx for not fixing anything about it in (next time you do not fixe anything at least do not say it has been fixed)

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Graphics glitches for me first started in, I've downloaded the latest Arma Patches as well as DayZ and none of the patches have fixed it yet, glitches are viewable as far as 200-400 meters...

Also last night I tried to get back into a server AFTER installing switching DayZ folders) because the main server I was watching hadn't updated... and I was killed on spawn(by nothing), re-logged and was on otmel island with all my gear and someone shooting at me and I dc'ed joined another server and was randomly spawned again(w/ all my equipment), finally I re-installed folders) and the updated server's remembered where I was logging out at and made my way back to safety, needless to say I won't be doing that again.

Why have the glitching models not been removed yet?

What was changed from to to cause the artifacts?

Environment: C2D-E7500, 4GB(667mhz), 9600GT(512mb), Win7(x64)

Client: 95883 and - Not Fixed

Most servers have not updated, so I've mainly tested 95417 servers.

P.S. I've noticed that the Wire Fence artifacts HAVE been fixed for me(even with 95417 servers), still having problems with soldier corpse's.

Edited by Arellious

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So is the 6launcher autopatch the same as the one in rockets initial post, and is either of them more/less glitchy than the other?

I'd like to avoid the "spawning at the coast, loosing all gear" crap some people have been reporting here

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I raided the tents north of Stary sobor and the entire NW airfield without any artifacts yesterday but I was usually fine on a fresh load of the game anyway. More testing will be needed to be done today

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Any feedback on graphical glitches being gone or not would be very greatly appreciated. If we can confirm they are gone I will announce the update on twitter and we will release on SU.

Still exist for me, NW airfield, near the fire station. Also I spawned on the coast instead of my last location.

Edited by CAI

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Well if anyone can help me i have a problem. When ever load into the game last page "Setup complete please wait" it takes about 10-15 minutes to load. and after that i ALWAYS spawn in the wilderness (i see a bunch of players not moveing) I even try killing my self and i keep spawning there, I updated everything can someone please help?

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Well if anyone can help me i have a problem. When ever load into the game last page "Setup complete please wait" it takes about 10-15 minutes to load. and after that i ALWAYS spawn in the wilderness (i see a bunch of players not moveing) I even try killing my self and i keep spawning there, I updated everything can someone please help?

got the same thing after the server I was on got hacked and all the players killed, it went away after logging on a few servers

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It is with a heavy heart i must let you know the artifacting is still there (sadface)

with a reboot of the game it goes away. really hope its fixed in the in 1.7.3

Edited by NICKYSIX

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What solved the artifact issue for me was deleting all my config files and starting a fresh profile.

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After our server was updated, I rebooted it and logged on with our client PCs patched with the latest Beta and installed from the Torrent in a new folder and got stuck at the loading screen. Figuring I was kicked by BE, I reverted to and logged in, only to be killed instantly on spawn by nothing.

Respawned in Debug plains with nothing, except another guy looking at me (probably tried to log in at the same time). He vanished. I logged and shut down the server. Restarted a few seconds later and respawned in Otmel with nothing. Logged, restarted the server and logged in again with and appeared in Otmel with all my gear minus all my ammo but still with both weapons. We then got kicked for BE not responding.

It took till about midnight CST before we could log in and stay logged in without BE kicking us or anyone trying to join. A customer logged in and discovered that tents are not saving and items can be duped incredibly easily from tents and vehicles by anyone, so we shut the server down overnight to prevent abuse. Hopefully a fix will roll out today?

However for now, the artificating on all our machines is gone.

Edited by NomadGameCenter

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Why i should delet my profiles. Patch works sooooooooooo fine. After patch everything goes bad. Vehicle are unsaveable, despawn always. Helicopter is useless because it despawn too. Graphic Bugs still there.

Bugs fixed : -3

Bugs added : 10+

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I've come to the conclusion that this patch is terrible. Artefacts haven't gone, they're worse than ever; loading screen times seem to have increased by minutes; FPS has decreased [i used to get 30/40 FPS in towns, now I get 15]

I'm not complaining because 'it's in alpha' I'm saying that this patch is terrible, you can count me out until 1.7.3.

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