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Disconnecting to avoid death

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The problem has gone from disconnects, to bodies disappearing. Now I usually blast people with an AS50 so they don't have time to disconnect, but their goddamned body disappears, sometimes instantly, sometimes 30 seconds after, not giving enough time to loot it. I've missed out on so many goodies because of bodies disappearing.

These two issues - disconnects and bodies disappearing too soon, are the only two major issues that for me are hampering DayZ from being the brilliant game that it could be.

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I understand that spawning in the debug wasteland is the current solution to people disconnecting to avoid combat. I however have a different perspective on this. On the server i run, i have been sent to the wasteland several times now. I log out to the lobby, log-in to admin panel, and log back into the server to announce server restarts, and my reward for being polite is spawning in the debug wasteland. I have also been stuck at loading for 5min+, so when i shut down my client, and log in again, POOF wasteland. I understand this is an alpha mod, and enjoy playing it a lot. However my frustration at having to run out of debug(not always possible) and or respawning is taking any "FUN" out of the game.

Do i have a solution, sorry no. I wish i had some brilliant solution, but i do not. I simply want to play this game without getting waste landed for doing the right thing.

anger vented, now to run out of the wasteland.......uggggggg.

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I don't know why' date=' but people are assuming that I think this is part of the game.

It's not. I posted in a thread that was talking about that, that META-GAMING is explicitly allowed. I.e. infiltrating teamspeak servers and groups etc...

Disconnecting to avoid death IS an exploit.

It will be patched out, very easily, in a future update. The update is ready to go and will be released when the Beta patch for ArmA2 is out.


So, out of curiousity. If this is an exploit, can I ban anyone caught doing so from the server without running the risk of it being blacklisted? This is just getting way to much.

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These two issues - disconnects and bodies disappearing too soon' date=' are the only two major issues that for me are hampering DayZ from being the brilliant game that it could be.


yep. these two things ruin the game. the more fair one plays, the more they get punished. while the exploiter fuckers thrive and grow in numbers.

there's whole clans of poeple who alt+f4. sportsmanship and internet anonimity just don't go together, hence we need the devs help.

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We see 3 people in camo at a deer stand i take a shot and hit him in the chest with a dmr, before i can take the 2nd shot hes already d/ced. His friends already d/c when they hear the shot.

We sit in our spot waiting to see if they come back. they reconnect but they moved on our location they shoot one of my friends I turn to shoot and BAM D/cs again.

Like seriously this is a major problem and is ruining the game if you dont kill someone in 1 shot then they ALWAYS d/c EVERY SINGLE PERSON, you havent patched in over 2 weeks whats going on

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yeah this is becoming very very annoying ,fix it already grrrrrrrr so mad

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That sounds great, but I am curious how this could be controlled?... I mean, how would you control people from disconnecting to avoid death?... Would it be sort of like in Minecraft or Bethesda games where u can't sleep while things are agro'd on you?...

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I seriously wonder what rocket is waiting for.

Seems like the most easy fix of the biggest gamebreaker right now. Dead bodies fix might be a bit harder, but hey.

Until the fix: Kill people on sight in < 1 second. Otherwise > 95% will disconnect.

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I think it would be fair to have a 30 sec or more of players standing helpless if they force quit, fire their weapons or get shot. The only issue I see is if your game crashes during a fire fight. May be kind of difficult to code and if its buggy, that would cause some major problems.

I was in a group of 5 and we were at staroy when one of us was sniped out in the open, and another one was sniped when we hid in the barn behind the military tents. We knew the sniper was in the trees on the hill above the tents and the remaining 3 of us bumrushed the hill. We searched for 10-15 min, every bush, and found nothing. Pretty sure our killer has logged. Very frustrating.

Another time, I was newbin' it up in Elektro. Ran into a guy in the grocery store, shot him a few times and he ran into the yellow building across the street. I could see where he logged because the blood animation was floating in the air in one of the rooms. I really wanted that alice bag :(

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I think a pretty good method to make people stop disconnecting or at least make them useful for others - fall unconscious on disconnect for 30sec, lootable, and reduce health to 20% of what he had, so the scared noob doesn't die but still gets what he deserves. Like pretending being dead and manage to survive with a bit luck. Shit on stolen equipment - survive!

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I'm not sure if the latest feature actually made it into the game (everyone stays for five seconds after dc) however if it has, then the next step would be to raise that time, to as high as one minute, which is of course ridiculous.

My solution would be to implement a combat cooldown timer, that would determine the disconnect delay time for each player independently.

Each kind of combat event would reset the player's timer to 60secs.

Combat events should be the following:

-You fire a weapon

-A weapon is fired within a certain radius around you, not targeted at you

-Someone fires a weapon at you and hits

-Someone fires a weapon at you and misses (but the bullet impact is within a certain radius around you)

-There are aggroed zombies around you who were aggroed by you

and probably a bunch more...

I think that -if done correctly- this would get rid of abusive disconnecters, and also be fair to the rest of the players.

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Guys, this is alpha, it is meant to test how the game system works and what exploits need to be wiped out

its the most early stage of a game, and people shouldn't be expecting to have fair gameplay or even balanced one, since this is beyond pure functionality and goes into balancing, which is most of the time made in beta or even after game release

however, i totally agree that this needs primary attention right now:

1) Server hopping (also known as ghosting)

People disconnect, when confronted with a camp thats surrounded with fences for example, and jus log in where they want to

I know rocket has done much to make the game a persistent world, but with so many servers and the game type, it just doesnt fit well together

2)DC'ing in mids combat

Annoying, yet not gamebreaking, maybe give people a 10 minute ban from the master game server when they log out in cities or near any building whatsoever, maybe even let people spawn nowhere except in forrests... i dont know, i have no solution to this

All in all, at the moment, i really feel like server-side saved characters would be way better, you start new on every server on the beach... however this could be annoying with servers thatare always full, or clan servers with too many members etc.

sry for doubleposting, but

My solution would be to implement a combat cooldown timer' date=' that would determine the disconnect delay time for each player independently.

Each kind of combat event would reset the player's timer to 60secs.

Combat events should be the following:

-You fire a weapon

-A weapon is fired within a certain radius around you, not targeted at you

-Someone fires a weapon at you and hits

-Someone fires a weapon at you and misses (but the bullet impact is within a certain radius around you)

-There are aggroed zombies around you who were aggroed by you

and probably a bunch more...

I think that -if done correctly- this would get rid of abusive disconnecters, and also be fair to the rest of the players.


Sounds good against DC'ing actually,

-You fire a weapon

-Someone in a X meter radius fires a weapon

-Theres a bullet impact X meters away from you

-someone hits you with a weapon

-zombies are aggro towards you

i really like that idea


-someone X meters away from you is hit by a weapon (i dont think bulet impact would count on players/zombies the sam as for walls/gound etc.)

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I think this makes sense, but it shouldn't be implemented until many more bugs are fixed. For example, the bug where many zeds will aggro from long distances while I'm prone.

When the game does freaky stuff that shouldn't happen and I get trapped with no escape, I d/c.

I don't d/c if I aggro zeds properly, even if they're killing me, and I don't d/c when players are killing me. Once the game is almost out of alpha, your proposition will make sense, but not until then.

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This disconnecting pisses me off.

EU2 - Chiefpapa PVP Dced at stary sobor.He killed my brother, but i destroyed his car and wounded him :) Saved the Camo SVG,NVG from my bros corpse,though he didn't die - but he lost a car.

Rocket should do something about this ALT+F4 Dc . Fucking pisses most ppl off.

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I am just going to make sure to report now any of those incidents, so that maybe some day something is done about it.


1. Server Hopper (login message 500 meters radius required) jumped in behind my friend and disconnected before we could kill him.

2. Some guy went looting, we shot at him and he stood up, jumped two meters to the side and before he even touched the ground he disconnected.

3. Two guys were sprayed at, and when we finally managed to zero in on them, they disconnected.

*sarkasm* Hey, give us more meele weapons and let us wait for some more months before you do something about this (enough awesome simple solutions were presented already).

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i'm not sure if this has already been proposed,

but how about force killing everyone which disconnects while in hourglass mode?

sure this doesn't solve the whole dc problem, but at least if you wound seriously your opponent he can't dc and then reconnect later on while he can have a friendly rescue

sorry for my poor english, i hope you understand what i mean

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i'm not sure if this has already been proposed' date='

but how about force killing everyone which disconnects while in hourglass mode?

sure this doesn't solve the whole dc problem, but at least if you wound seriously your opponent he can't dc and then reconnect later on while he can have a friendly rescue

sorry for my poor english, i hope you understand what i mean


I agree, many times I have shot someone for them to drop to the floor bleeding/fainted, then instantly disconnect, preventing me from looting.

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We've all seen it, and we've all probably at one time or another done it. I can't tell you how many time i've seen someone take a single hit from a zombie and instantly disconnect. With the same frequency have I been bandit hunting and seen people disconnect after a single low-power rifle shot. Everyone can probably imagine just how annoying this is, if you already don't know.

Currently, the solution is to make the person suffer upon re-entry by sending them unconcious with a very, notouriously long timer. This isn't terrible, and might make the person think for a second or two about disconnecting -- but then again, most of these people have friends they play with. Friends with morphine and bandages.

We need to make disconnectors know they their attempts to disconnect will be futile, and that it would be better for them to run, or get immediate help, instead of just disapearing. They should either deal with it now, or run away.

** If a player takes any physical damage (bullets or zombies) then, within a small time frame, their character should persist for a short time after disconnecting. **

It can be as short as 15 seconds to a full minute, either way the effect we want is there: The player knows they will gain nothing from disconnecting. They must either deal with the threat, or run and bandage. If they can't do either, then they they will have to deal with their mistake that got them into the mess.

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Rocket has already said there's a patch made for DCers which will "be very easy to implement" and is coming in a later patch.

The idea's not bad, though.

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There is no reason to have a specific disconnect timer for everyone etc.

The only thing that has to stop right now is people instantly hitting alt+f4 to be safe when someone is shooting them. Also people running through hordes of zombies only to log out and back in to get rid of them

Simple. Just have your character remain in the world for 15 seconds. That's more than enough for anyone to try and abuse this to end up (rightfully) dead. At the same time 15 seconds isn't _that_ long. If you have to go, just go to a sort of safe spot and there you go.

Of course you can still alt+f4, but your char will remain in the world for those 15 seconds.

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There is no reason to have a specific disconnect timer for everyone etc.

The only thing that has to stop right now is people instantly hitting alt+f4 to be safe when someone is shooting them. Also people running through hordes of zombies only to log out and back in to get rid of them

Simple. Just have your character remain in the world for 15 seconds. That's more than enough for anyone to try and abuse this to end up (rightfully) dead. At the same time 15 seconds isn't _that_ long. If you have to go' date=' just go to a sort of safe spot and there you go.

Of course you can still alt+f4, but your char will remain in the world for those 15 seconds.


That's fine, except it won't prevent server hopping or the lousy teleport-up-behind-you trick. But if you add a 15 sec login freeze, it will be necessary to logout somewhere safer and all those problems will be avoided.

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Don't know if anyone else came by this recently but i've been in 2 shootouts since the hive went down and both times someone D/c'ed however they were only bleeding and they were both crouching.

So i've shot them and they are bleeding they hit alt+f4 and they fall to the ground and im able to loot the body.

didn't say they died but said they d/c'ed

Im stuck on this

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you know those 5 secs which was "to have" when "Logoff", I think is insufficient, and also think it should have a "punishment" for PK, eg forced to stay 15 minutes logged in after kill someone, because it is very annoying not to have the chance to avenge a friend when he is killed by a sniper jerk ....

Although lately I've been jerk sniper = D I kill a guy, and I can logout to his friends do not kill me and I think is unfair!

maybe something like,

10 min after kill someone will be forced logged

+3 Minutes per kill

would create a fun dynamic, and dangerous, especially for snipers, and the escape route would become an essential thing

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